Saturday, May 28, 2011

Palin Bachmann 2012!

Happy Saturday!


  1. BTO!= Beat The Obama. Have a great Saturday, Silver~

  2. I'd probably have to commit hari kiri if that ever came true.

  3. He's a lumberjack and he's OK

  4. Jack: No worries. Michael Palin isn't a natural born citizen!

    @Mark: BTO = Beat The Obama. I love it!

    OD: He sleeps all night and he works all day...

  5. Time to take out the garbage from the White House.

  6. lol,the only reason I said those 2 is because they have
    'the fire in the belly" and I really think they don't care what the left win talking heads say about them.

    I wish Gary Johnson were a little more dynamic, He's a straight talker. Not sure if he's straight though. But I think he could "Take care of Business"

  7. Palin/Bachmann 2012; sounds great to me.

  8. Yes. I would vote that ticket.


  9. Gad, I thought you meant Sarah and I nearly fell off my chair. If I never hear her speak again, it'll be too soon, and I was one of her VERY VERY biggest supporters. gad.
    She's on a motorcycle today with Rolling Thunder or something....I think she's going into show business!

  10. Z: I have a lot of respect for the lady, I'm just not prepared to support her candidacy.

  11. If Palin runs, i wonder if we can accuse leftards of sexism because they won't vote for her.

    They have plenty to prove after they kicked poor hills back into the kitchen.


Fire away, but as a courtesy to others please stay on-topic and refrain from gratuitous flaming. Don't feed the trolls!

Have a Blessed and Happy Christmas!

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