Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Bill of Wrongs

Tuesday, I explained how there is nothing unconstitutional about bringing your religion into the public square and into debates about government, even if you're a president or senator.

"But, but but..."  sputter the leftwing Christophobes and anti-papist jihadis, "What's to keep Rick Santorum from implementing a theocracy, complete with a 16th Century inquisition with the hot pincers pulling out fingernails and women being burned for witchcraft?"

The US Constitution!  Defend it and it will defend you. The same 1st Amendment that safeguards our freedom of worship also prohibits religious zealots from hijacking government and using the federal seat of power to issue religious edicts.

Article 1, Section 8, lists the things the federal government may do: 

* Collect taxes to pay debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare
* Borrow money and regulate commerce with foreign nations and the several states
* Establish laws for immigration and bankruptcies
* Coin money and punish counterfeiters
* Establish post offices and patents
* Set up courts, punish pirates, declare war, raise armies and maintain a navy
* Exercise authority over the federal district and other federal properties

That's it, my liberal friends. Those are the powers delegated to the federal government by the people of these United States. And just in case the snakes tried to crawl out, the founders put this lid on it:
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
-- 10th Amendment to the US Constution
The Constitution limits government's power, not the people's

Does anyone else find it troubling how progressives love pushing people around and telling us all how to live but will brook no criticism of government? It's especially entertaining how they do it while simultaneously crying about the imminent rightwingchristian takeover (which has been imminent since 1980, btw).

The constitution limits government and says nothing about how We The People should live.  The founders knew it wasn't government's place to tell people how much salt to put on their food; what kind of cars to drive; how to remunerate employees; what, when and where they may smoke; how many firearms we may own; let alone press taxpayers into the service of venture socialism and government funded crony crapitalism.


  1. SF, you're far more optimistic than about the ability for the Constitution to not be ignored or circumvented. As it has has been.

    Politicians at the federal level have used the Constitution only when convenient.

  2. We have well over a century of going far afield from what you've cited here, Silverfiddle.

    A huge portion of the electorate votes their own entitlements. **sigh**

  3. Constitutional and AOW: I couldn't agree more. The document is simple, but we've let them get away with it.

    Yet, I still see rays of hope. Unconstitutional gun laws have been struck down and the Supremes still raise their weary heads every now and again to check threats to our rights, although sadly, the 4th Amendment is practically obliterated.

  4. Anti-Papist preachings can be found here:

  5. We have allowed this to happen over decades. While we were out toiling in the fields, they were carrying out their plan of usurping our government.

  6. Yes we have, Bunker. There is a way out of this mess, and it is to elect leaders like Senators Jim Demint and Rand Paul who still harbor a quaint respect for the constitution.

  7. Never have we witnessed such blazen power grabs in such a short period of time.

    Before Obama, these grabs were slowly and insideously implemented over generations. Look at how long it took to make tobacco taboo: 60 years or so (although still a legal and highly taxed taboo).

    Now these power grabs are jammed down our throats almost weekly.

  8. Correction: Brazen, not blazen.

  9. So, what's the Constituional protection against an extrajudicial Predator drone strike ordered by the President on you? How about indefinite detention? Having your church raided by the BATF?

  10. Fredd: I like "blazen!" I though maybe you had invented a neologism.

  11. Beamish: Like everyone else here, I am agreeing that we lost it.

    Each thing you mentioned is a federal government act that violates the constitution.

    As I said, the 4th Amendment is totally trashed.

    This post is a declaration of what the constitution says.

    Where we are now is living proof of what happens when we trust government.

  12. Progressives brook no criticism of government?


  13. The founders knew it wasn't government's place to tell people how much salt to put on their food; what kind of cars to drive; how to remunerate employees; what, when and where they may smoke; how many firearms we may own
    1. You can put as much salt on your food as you like, although from what you tell me your estimable wife keeps you in line.

    2. Just how are you being told what car to drive? Even Mr. Gas Market wasn't too successful in getting people out of their Urban Assault Vehicles.

    3. Ah that nasty minimum wage, sure does gall the Randoids. Although most states regulate minimum wage. Take that 10ers.

    4. Smoking is also primarily a state matter.

    5. What don't gun loons understand about "well regulated".

  14. The right is nothing but a bunch of shameless liars.

  15. "That the federal government is not a party to the Constitution, but is merely the creature of the Constitution; and as the mere creature, was not made the exclusive or final judge of the extent of the powers delegated to it; since that would have made the creature’s will, and not the Constitution, the measure of its powers. That as in all other cases of compact among powers having no common judge, each State has an equal right to judge for itself as to whether the creature has committed infractions, and as to the mode and measure of redress."

    An excerpt from the most recent post by Publius-Huldah

  16. I love Publius Hulda's writing. I wish she would post more often.

    Ducky: One minor clarification: I am speaking of the progressives of all parties. Bottom line is government is too far into our lives, and when an disagreement emerges between our liberties and the state, the state should lose every time.

    And I agree with you that state governments pose a unique problem of their own. Unfortunately, the Federales have set the tone.

  17. That piece of paper means nothing without a gun in your hand.

  18. "How much to remunerate employees."

    Minimum wage laws were intitially conceived by labor unions who wanted to prevent African Americans from taking jobs at below union scale. Minimum wages laws were intended to raise black unemployment rates, and they've done a masterful job at that. Call it a rare case of the government accomplishing its intended objective.

  19. Well, again, this is a nice simplistic take on things, but there are lots of thing a President Santorum could do to regress our culture for the sake of religious fanaticism.

    For starters, he would further pack the already right-leaning courts with even more religious zealots. This could have a huge impact on the interpretation of the constitution which is a primary federal judicial function.

    Already we've seen these right-wing courts over the years equate financial transactions to speech and groupings of people to individuals. As well, we've seen buffet interpretations that have at times overruled state's right (Bush v Gore, Citizens United), ignored obvious textual intent (Heller, Ledbetter), trammeled our liberty (Hudson, PBAA), and so forth.

    What would an even more radical right-wing court be like?

    These are serious matters. But to the right-wing, they are of no consequence, and we on the left are simply overreacting.

    No one on the left expects a theocracy to suddenly emerge from a right-wing victory in November, but certainly only a moron wouldn't see the further drift to the right we would take. For many, that matters, even if it doesn't matter to you guys. You are arguing with people about something you don't care about and we do. What's your point? Why should we be persuaded by an argument that simply ignores our concerns?


  20. Of course, the federal government gobbling 25% of the economy is AOK, right Jersey?

  21. Silverfiddle, he was talking about the court which, thanks to the "genius" of the founding oligarchs can be packed for life.

  22. The Constitution is a piece of paper. It is essentially powerless in today's government. We have become to lax, complacent, and apathetic in general to care anymore. It is up to us, those who see what is going on, to educate and rouse anger against our stolen liberties and demand their proper return.

  23. Dude! The most awesome part of that image is how Barack Obama has expanded gun rights in this Nation so that proves he wants to eliminate them.

    It's so awesome to have an Alternate Conservative Reality to flee to when evil facts get in the way!

  24. Why shucks, Tony, I think we've got a gun loon here.

  25. Liberalmann said:

    The right is nothing but a bunch of shameless liars.

    Let's see....Today, over at Z's site, Liberalmann called me a liar.

    At my own site today, he called me a liar.

    And he's here calling the Right liars? Ah, the irony!

  26. The Dow Jones topped 13,000, the Nasdaq topped 3000, the S&P 500 topped 1400.

    Wow! That President Obama just can't stop kicking A$$!

  27. 1. You can put as much salt on your food as you like, although from what you tell me your estimable wife keeps you in line.
    -Ever been to New York City lately?

    2. Just how are you being told what car to drive? Even Mr. Gas Market wasn't too successful in getting people out of their Urban Assault Vehicles.
    -How much taxpayer money has been wasted on electric car start ups that are being build overseas and cost 50K+ on up…and how much taxpayer money is being use on crony capitalism by investment in to solar panel business that goes belly up…And who just halted production of an electric vehicle that a 25% taxpayer stake is on the line and who laid off 1500 employee’s?

    3. Ah that nasty minimum wage, sure does gall the Randoids. Although most states regulate minimum wage. Take that 10ers.
    -Min wage is set at the federal level, states must meet that minimum guideline.

    4. Smoking is also primarily a state matter.
    -Ever fly on an airline? Federal law there.

    5. What don't gun loons understand about "well regulated".
    -No one complains about regulation, however, Chicago, Washington and Maryland laws were shot down for prevention of the right to bear (Over regulation).

    Love how some folks cherry pick the constitution.

  28. Gene: "The most awesome part of that image is how Barack Obama has expanded gun rights in this Nation so that proves he wants to eliminate them."

    You're not seriously trying to credit Obama for Heller? Better check the docket.

    Besides which our rights aren't his to expand OR contract. They are however ours to defend!

  29. Gene: Obama's Wall Street buddies are doing great. Those of us here on main street ain't.

    you must be a one percenter.

  30. Gene:

    Gas is $3.89 a gallon

    Unemployment is 8.3%

    The published inflation rate is 3%

    But according to the CPI:

    Food is up 4.4%

    Energy is up 6.1%

    Gas is up 9.7%

    Clothing is up 4.7%

    Shelter is up 2%

    Medical Care is up 3.7%

    Now... which has more of an impact on your life? The DOW or the CPI?

    Oh, and we're 15.5 Trillion in debt.

    Please remit a check to the US treasury for $136,994


  31. Silver, I'm pretty certain you are not a schizophrenic, so what the fuck does "the federal government gobbling 25% of the economy" have any fucking thing to do with what I wrote? WTF, man!


  32. Jersey: "This could have a huge impact on the interpretation of the constitution which is a primary federal judicial function."

    If that were the case, one would think that the authority to do so would have been expressly included in Article III section 2. In fact it delineates the courts responsibilities "...arising under this Constitution...", the "obvious textual intent" here being 'UNDER'.

    Judicial review in terms of the meaning of the document is entirely the construct of John Marshall, which is why if I could have my pick of SCOTUS decisions to overturn, first on the list would be Marbury.

    Their legitimate role would be finding whether laws were in accordance with the Constitution, not playing with grammar and syntax to change it. Mr. Madison and friends were remarkably eloquent men, and very likely meant just what they said.

  33. Ah Jersey... Your delicate prose always leaves me speechless...

    The federal government is taking one quarter of every dollar generated by the economy, you and me!

    It's too damned big. Put them back in their constitutional box, and we would be fighting 50 little battles on the state level, where it would be more effective because we know where they live.

  34. viburum, I'm sorry you don't like the way things are, but that's the way they are. If anything, I am pointing out how dangerous it is to have radical religious fanatics taking advantage of the way things are.

    Silver, again, what does that have to do with your post, theocracy, the courts, and radical religious governance???


  35. JMJ: "If anything, I am pointing out how dangerous it is to have radical religious fanatics taking advantage of the way things are."

    I certainly agree with you on that. My point being that the best defense against that and other 'worst case scenarios' is to restore the primacy of the Constitution over the opinions of judges and the machinations of politicians.

  36. Jersey: "That's the way things are."

    I doubt you'd be so sanguine if it were Rick Santorum's rightwingreligious red hot poker up our asses for the past 100 years.

    The difference between you and me is that my fictitious alternative would piss me off as well.

  37. For far too long we have allowed the government, present and past to undermine it, stomp on it and completely disregard it.

    It's high time that we start letting them know that they work for us, not the other way around.

    Love this post!

  38. viburnum, I don't see anyone from the right such a thing. I prefer to the Obama administration to anything coming from them.

    Silver, the religious hot poker has been probing around our asses forever. Hopefully, humanity will one day be rid of religion, then this nonsense will be moot, as it should be.


  39. Progressivism is the most dangerous of all religions...

    "Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good
    of its victim may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live
    under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies.
    The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may
    at some point be satiated, but those who torment us for our own good
    will torment us without end for they do so with the approval
    of their own conscience."

    -- C.S. Lewis

  40. JMJ: "I don't see anyone from the right such a thing. I prefer to the Obama administration to anything coming from them."

    If I deciphered that correctly both SF and I are saying that now. Apparently Leticia agrees as well, as do many others here who have written on the subject.

  41. Oh! How I would love to see the 17th amendment repealed! It would go a long way in restoring our Republic!


  42. @mark adams ---
    -Ever been to New York City lately?

    -Ever fly on an airline? Federal law there.

    -No one complains about regulation, however, Chicago, Washington and Maryland laws were shot down for prevention of the right to bear (Over regulation).

    Number four also falls under the commerce clause.

    As I had stated, these issues are either clearly mandated as Federal powers or are state matters. You don't have much of an argument.

    1. What goes on in NYC is NOT a question of Federal restrictions.

    2. Should easily pass muster with the commerce clause.

    3. So the system worked, what's your beef? And you'll e the first to argue for stare decisis if there is ever an attempt to review the decision.

  43. @Silver --It may be better to live
    under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies.

    Rick Santorum - come on down !


  45. Well, I hardly belong to the One Percent, but possibly the top 15-20 %, which is more than good enough for me.

    The value of my portfolio has risen more than 20% since August. I'm no crony capitalist, just a careful investor in solid, long-established companies selling needed products with a good track record, and in high-rated corporate and municipal bonds.

    I do a lot of good for others with my money, such as it is, so please don't lump me in with the Oligarchs who are scheming to ruin us all ASAP.

    We may be run by a bunch of Crony Capitalist Shakedown Artists, but plain old traditional Capitalism is still alive and well too. You just need to know how to avoid the criminal enterprises -- or hire a good money manager who can do that for you.

    The only thing that truly disturbs me about the current economic scene is the alarming downtrend in real estate. I have a beautiful place into which I've poured lots of dough over the past 12 years. It's a bitter pill that the house is worth no more than I paid for it nearly 13 years ago, which means I've lost more than 50% of my investment. Not a joke, but eminently survivable, thank God.

    Meanwhile, I've got a great place to live at less cost per month than I'd have to shell out for an apartment or a condo in a decent neighborhood one third the size of the house.

    I guess I'm lucky, but I certainly EARNED what I have, and as I said, I do a lot to help people I know who are in need.

    "Perfection is not attainable this side of Heaven," but I have to say I've come darned close.

    I don't take much credit for it. God has been at my side every step of the way, or I'd have fallen off the edge of the earth long ago.

    ~ FreeThinke

  46. "What's to keep Rick Santorum from implementing a theocracy, complete with a 16th Century inquisition with the hot pincers pulling out fingernails and women being burned for witchcraft?"

    I thought the theocracy's main aim was to get liberal sluts to keep their legs closed. :)

    Mind you, if he ever did become president, liberal men will have a boon getting laid cos i'm pretty sure liberal women will be aggressively seeking sex, just to show those Christian theocrats. LOL

  47. Oh! How I would love to see the 17th amendment repealed! It would go a long way in restoring our Republic!

    I'm in complete agreement. It should be our first priority as citizens to insist our individual state legislatures make this happen.

  48. It is a tough life, living free, but it is a life that lets life be. It is choice and the cost of choosing: to live where I am able, to dress as I please, to pick my spouse and collect my own companions, to take pride and pleasure in my opinions and pursuits, to wear my rue with a difference, to enjoy my own bad taste and the smoke of my cooking fires, to tell you where to go while inspecting the ticket you have, in turn, sent me.

    --- William Gass

  49. Who all seen the leprechaun say YEAH!

  50. I'm not there yet, not enough green beer!

  51. Hopefully you are corrected the situation. This is a favorite year after year. Good sports down in Alabama!

  52. Dropkick Murphys time

  53. On repeal of the 17th Amendment:

    Unfortunately, not a chance.

    The closer we get to DIRECT DEMOCRACY the farther we move away from the Ideals and Original Intentions of the Founding fathers.

    There's much talk about eliminating the Electoral* College. To do so would make another giant step towards DIRECT DEMOCRACY (DD).

    "DD" also stands for Deadly Danger. DD is tantamount to the institution of a MORONOCRACY.

    * Pronounced uh-LECK-trul The Electoral College is made up of Electors. There is nothing ORAL about it. PLEASE avoid saying ull-eck-TOREul. It's a media-generated mispronunciation born of abysmal ignorance.

    ~ FreeThinke

  54. C. S. Lewis sure got THAT right, didn't he, SilverFiddle?

    Great quote!

    You'll see it here again, because I just put it in my "arsenal."


    ~ FreeThinke

  55. "Pronounced uh-LECK-trul"

    That looks like a real mispronunciation. I have no problem saying electoral, with the stress on the second syllable, and I don't change the long E at the beginning to a short U and add an H sound, nor do I wipe out a syllable.

    Please don't say it the way you describe. You will come across like a boob, or those who pronounce social security as "So Security". Or those who talk about Republican "candidutts".


Fire away, but as a courtesy to others please stay on-topic and refrain from gratuitous flaming. Don't feed the trolls!

Have a Blessed and Happy Christmas!

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