Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Welfare Bums

They say you can’t legislate morality, and I tend to agree. We can put laws in place to punish certain activities, but the state cannot instill morality in individuals. It can tear them down, though.
After her lottery win Clayton continued to claim $200 a month in food stamps despite paying cash for a new home and car and said, 'I'm still struggling.'
The 24-year-old argued that she was entitled to the welfare handout as she has two homes to run.
'I feel that it's okay because I mean, I have no income and I have bills to pay,' she said. 'I have two houses.' (Amanda Clayton)
Massachusetts shows us how to handle cases like this…
Authorities say winning hundreds of thousands of dollars in the state lottery wasn't enough for two Massachusetts men.
They also allegedly collected welfare benefits at the same time.
State Auditor Suzanne Bump says both men face larceny charges. (Boston Globe)
Our government now provides many opportunities for citizens to debase and besot themselves and then cry that it’s not their fault. We provide incentives for it. How many government incentives are there to get off your ass and become self-sufficient?


Scott Walker kicked public sector union ass, again, last night, and I know everybody is flying high over that, so please feel free to go off topic and crow.  This is bad news for democrats and good news for America.


  1. The more handouts the more laziness and less incentive. It can't get any simpler.

    How bout that Walker asskicking last night?

  2. It could spell the beginning of the end for the bureaucratic entitlement mentality

  3. Just remember, as Lawrence O'Donnell said...Walker's landslide win is "a win for Obama". LOL

  4. It's funny but also sad to see these deluded people trying to make a pie out of a pile of excrement.

    The leftwing nutballs will be spinning out of control as the campaign season wears on.

  5. I think you nailed it, Kurt. That's one reason why our country is in the shape it is in. Too many welfare bums who have little or no inclination to get off their duffs and provide for themselves.

  6. "They say you can’t legislate morality..."

    That's true; but our biys abd girls have done a good job of legislating immorality.

    Walker and Wisconsin have shown the way. We'll have to wait and see if Romney and the Republicans will have the same stiff backbones.

  7. If I weren't on this damn diet, I'd have some champagne to celebrate Walker's win in Wisconsin last night. Alas! No drinking allowed on this diet!

    BUT the diet does have a pina colada mix, and I have that on hand. ;^)

  8. As I said on z's ...

    ... Governor Olympics or The Black Messiah isn't going to make much difference.
    So public employee unions take a hit, the upper decile gets a tax cut and the rest get some scraps so they can buy some cheap shit imported from China.

    Employment doesn't increase, health insurance becomes more expensive if you can get it and the upward transfer of wealth continues unabated.

    Mittens or Obummer doesn't matter. Any progressive movement that might have been growing was killed by Clinton and we are going to have to wait a little longer for the decline to get a little worse to see what comes from the ashes but I fear it's going to be a militarist fascism.

  9. Handouts to the wealthy are doing this country far more damage.

  10. Handouts to the wealthy are doing this country far more damage. But by all means do keep helping your corporate overlords by hating other Americans. Especially those who make less than you and are all scamming the system and even those who belong to unions and make a little bit more than you.

    Yes, envy your neighbor who drives a Camry while you drive a Corolla and the fat cat in the BMW drives by giving you both the finger.

  11. Poor Libmann, good regime tool that he is, still dutifully parroting the propaganda...

    He hasn't gotten the word that people ain't buying that crap anymore.

  12. Dems retook the Wisconsin senate.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Yeah Ducky and the Republicans took the congress in 2010 oh and won a first time recall.

    If and when Romney wins in Nov, I just want to sit in front of the TV the next day and just watch left wing talk shows all day.
    It would be the best comedy ever.

  15. Lisa - If and when Romney wins... My take is it is bigger if that it is a when.

    But hey it is a possibility. Obama won in 2008, and besides there is little integrity and principle left in either party today.

    Irrespective of which statist wins the downhill roller coaster ride will continue. Of course with Obama it will be a bit faster, but it will occur under a Romney administration nonetheless...

    Walker's win, is a good thing in many respects. We will just have to wait and see how much political capital it really generates for the Big "R' statist republicans trying to take back the White House from the Big "D" statist democrats.

  16. The Republican Atty General won again in Wisconsin, too. Another nail in the union coffin.

    All good.

  17. Well RN unfortunately our choices are slim being Gary Johnson doesn't seem to be gaining much momentum.
    I guess I will be optimistic here and say "when' as well

  18. 'Another nail in the union coffin.'

    tru that Z. And all the cough medicine in the country won't stop this "coffin"

  19. Dems retook the Wisconsin senate.

    By a razor thin margin. There will be a recount, and the 1 vote majority only lasts till this November. So, essentially it is meaningless, other than a little salve on left's self-inflicted wounds.

    Heh heh heh...

  20. This Hymn is dedicated to Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin and those wise enough and aware enough to sing his praises and keep him in office. The stock market so far has responded with the biggest uptick we've seen in nearly a month.

    I don't believe in smashing the unions, but they need to have their fangs removed, their claws blunted, their wings clipped, and their leaders should be given liberal doses of saltpeter with each meal for the foreseeable future.


    Rejoice, ye pure in heart;
    Rejoice, give thanks, and sing;
    Your glorious banner wave on high,
    The cross of Christ your King


    Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice,
    Give thanks and sing.

    Bright youth and snow crowned age,
    Strong men and maidens meek,
    Raise high your free, exultant song,
    God’s wondrous praises speak


    Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice,
    Give thanks and sing.

    Yes onward, onward still
    With hymn, and chant and song,
    Through gate, and porch and columned aisle,
    The hallowed pathways throng


    Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice,
    Give thanks and sing.

    With all the angel choirs,
    With all the saints of earth,
    Pour out the strains of joy and bliss,
    True rapture, noblest mirth


    Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice,
    Give thanks and sing.

    Your clear hosannas raise;
    And alleluias loud;
    Whilst answering echoes upward float,
    Like wreaths of incense cloud


    Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice,
    Give thanks and sing.

    With voice as full and strong
    As ocean’s surging praise,
    Send forth the hymns our fathers loved,
    The psalms of ancient days


    Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice,
    Give thanks and sing.

    Yes, on through life’s long path,
    Still chanting as ye go;
    From youth to age, by night and day,
    In gladness and in woe


    Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice,
    Give thanks and sing.

    Still lift your standard high,
    Still march in firm array,
    As warriors through the darkness toil,
    Till dawns the golden day


    Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice,
    Give thanks and sing.

    At last the march shall end;
    The wearied ones shall rest;
    The pilgrims find their heavenly home,
    Jerusalem the blessed


    Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice,
    Give thanks and sing.

    Then on, ye pure in heart!
    Rejoice, give thanks and sing!
    Your glorious banner wave on high,
    The cross of Christ your King


    Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice,
    Give thanks and sing.

    Praise Him Who reigns on high,
    The Lord Whom we adore,
    The Father, Son and Holy Ghost,
    One God forevermore


    Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice,
    Give thanks and sing.

    Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!


    Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

    ~ FreeThinke

    To the Nattering Nabobs of Negativism

    They who would upon the negative bear down
    Seem quite unaware they play the clown.

    Expressing disapproval is insidious.
    By dwelling always on the false and hideous

    They easily obscure the good within our grasp,
    And to their breasts instead, an asp they clasp.

    ~ FreeThinke

  22. Oh come on ! I doubt very much if there are enough welfare recipients who win lotteries and still manage to collect from the gubmint to have a significant impact in the system one way or the other.

    It's not the welfare recipients who are rotten, it's the SYSTEM.

    Since every single cent The Welfare State pays out is effectively STOLEN from the taxpayers, the entire thing needs to be bulldozed and set ablaze.

    SMASH the SYSTEM, let water seek its own level and allow the cream rise to the top -- as Nature intends it to do -- and all will soon be well.

    EVERYBODY -- including "The Rich" -- needs to take a substantial PAY CUT.

    ALL of us -- on EVERY level -- have been conditioned to EXPECT TOO DAMNED MUCH from LIFE.

    Greed Sows the Seed of its Own Destruction.

    ~ FreeThinke

  23. Just FYI, Amanda Clayton: on your 1040, lottery winnings are considered income. She could be charged with fraud...

  24. I'm still trying to figure out what the marks, er Republicans think they have won.

    Austerity? It's failed in Europe and it has been a failure in down economies every time it's been tried.

    Controlling the public unions? Maybe. The stinking cops will still rob you blind as well as prison guards and the like. No, this is about teachers. The brilliant Rethug idea that if you privatize and pay teachers less education issues will be resolved.
    Whatever, seems bogus to me.

    The idea that people who know how to make money for themselves somehow will work for your benefit?

    That's so fucking stupid only a Libertarian could come up with it. It is true to a limited extent. As austerity cripples growth the oligarchs will see a drop in vigorish, er income and loosen up.

    Is it the belief that the imbalance in private/public investment will be resolved? I doubt the right acknowledges public expenditures, other than drones, should even exist.

    I know, it has something to do with freedom. You are more free now.
    Hard to stop laughing.

  25. Ramble on, Canardo...

    Walker turned a deficit into a surplus, lowered property taxes, saved teachers and school money on health insurance by breaking the union monopoly and unemployment is lower.

  26. Okay, Silver, let's take your sleazy, specious, nasty, nasty, classist argument and see where it goes...

    Well, Bernie Madoff ripped people off billions of dollars, so that means Wall Street creates thieving Investment Bums, so let's get rid of all private investing!!!

    Or, young people routinely join the military to get the education benefits even though their families could afford university for them, creating Military Bums, so let's get rid of the entire military!!!

    What a sleazy, specious, nasty, nasty, classist argument.

    You cons regularly point out that greed is human nature and then you idiots have the unmitigated gall to bitch and moan that there are too many regulations and laws keeping people from behaving greedy.


    Meanwhile, you idiots are just loving Walker's re-win in Wisconsin, lauding his attacks on collective bargaining, a pillar of the American Middle Class. You really just won't be happy until we are a third-rate, Third World hell hole, with a few rich people on top (whom you will continue to worship), and everyone else scrounging at the bottom.



  27. I have a message for Dumbocraps of whom I am heartily sick:


    ~ FT

  28. "I'm still trying to figure out what the marks, er Republicans think they have won."
    They won (and reconfirmed) the confidence of Wisconsin citizens, who were smart enough to know that for big labor to petition for recall of Walker for no other reason but that they didn't like what he said he was going to do, was nonsense and a waste of time and money.

  29. We need to find some way to help Jersey expand his vocabulary.

    Check fire; he does provide great comedy.

  30. Structural deficit : Reoccurring spending funded in a prior budget by one-time money.

    Sometimes called kicking the can down the road. Not unique to Walker, of course, but he worked it well.

    Of course you seem to want to eat anything that's put on your plate. Why not go over to z's and check out the proven Wisconsin voter fraud.

  31. So Jersey, you're for welfare fraud then? Being a liberal democrat, it's no wonder...

    Your arguments are specious and your equivalencies false.

    Bernie Madoff broke the law, he goes to jail. System works. Where it doesn't work is when government grifters run the ponzi scheme.

    Young people serving their country, often in hardship conditions and far from home are bums?

    You're stupid, but that's what we expect from a liberal democrap.

    I am not bitching about "too many regulations and laws keeping people from behaving greedy."

    I am complaining that government enable sloth and stupidity, but since government is infested with democraps, it makes sense, because the stupid and the lazy vote for the democrats, unless they are so stupid they fall for a robocall that says they don't need to go vote.

    And, genius, collective bargaining is not a pillar of the American Middle Class, that's pure progressive propaganda and you've bought it hook, line and sinker like the goose-stepping statist toady you are. Hard work and thrift are the pillars of the middle class.

    Third world hell hole? Look at Obama's Chicago, completely dominated by the corrupt Democrap Machine.

    You don't think through your comments very well do you?

  32. Your ten-gallon hat awaits your copious deposit, Canardo.

    We all have clothespins on our noses in preparation.

    Please continue ... we're immune to your man made miasma by now.

    Bombs away!

    Tally ho!

    ~ FT

  33. SF, did you hear that Obama's now saying Romney wants to take us back to practices of "OLD EUROPE"...? Yup, the OLD EUROPE of redistribution, socialism in many cases, Obamcare-like medicine, etc.

    Does the man even THINK?

  34. Well said Jersey! No worries, Walker will be in jail this time next year.

  35. There's a ten gallon ht available for you too, Libidiot!


    ~ FT

  36. "So Jersey, you're for welfare fraud then?"

    Wow man. Really?

    I'm talking about babies and bathwater, you do get that, right?

    "Where it doesn't work is when government grifters run the ponzi scheme."

    Oh? What's that? SS? Medicare? Any welfare state at all???

    Look man. Every historically memorable civilization had some sort of welfare state. The question is not whether or not to have it, but rather how to implement it.

    You can point out aberrations in probably every single social program in the history of man, but you can not site a successful nation or state in that history that didn't have a significant welfare state of one sort or another.

    Without some sort of welfare state, civilizations can actually become producers of barbarian hordes, a strange departure from the condition of the ancient Greeks, founders of our legal construction. Rather than keep out the barbarians, you guys seem to want to create them!


  37. Ducky, your false premise is you think that we want other people to work for our benefit.

    Jersey, sometimes the best response is just: "go perform a physically impossible reproductive act upon yourself"

    Liberalmann, pull your head out of Jersey's ass, he needs to use it (see previous comment)!


  38. The system is so broken and it encourages this type of behavior. Much of the fraud would be eliminated with one simple fix. Pro-rate benefits when they get better paying jobs. Now if they make $1 more they are cut off completely. That makes no sense at all. I tend to stay away from saying things about the people, I prefer to stay on point that the system creates the fraud and underhandedness we see.

  39. "I prefer to stay on point that the system creates the fraud and underhandedness we see."

    Ghat has always been my position as well, Just a Conservative Girl.

    The recipients of The System are even more victimized by it than the taxpayers who are forced to fund the rotten mess.

    Demosthenes described the situation eloquently about 350 years before the birth of Christ:

    "Like the diet prescribed by doctors, which neither restores the strength of the patient nor allows him to succumb, so these doles that you are now distributing, neither suffice to ensure your safety nor allow you to renounce them and try something else."

    There's nothing new under the sun. The play has been the same for thousands of years. the only thing that changes are the names -- and locations -- of the players.

    ~ FreeThinke

  40. Original Chinese Proverb

    Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.

    2012 Update

    Give a man a welfare check, a free cell phone with unlimited free minutes, cash for his clunker, food stamps, section 8 housing, free contraceptives, Medicaid, a hundred weeks of unemployment, a forty ounce malt liquor, free drugs and Air Jordan shoes, and he will vote Democrat for life.

  41. Air Jordans?

    I wear Quadici's, what kind of a hipster are you?

    Man, in addition to being stupid you are quite the bigot, Mr. Toy Soldier.

  42. ♪ Ducky’s off his meds; Ducky’s off his meds …

  43. Ducky, are you kidding? "Man, in addition to being stupid you are quite the bigot, Mr. Toy Soldier."?

    What exactly is bigoted by Mustang's comment? Or are you the real bigot who assigns only Black Americans to Air JOrdans and welfare checks and food stamps? WOW, now THAT is bigoted. tsk tsk tsk
    And, by the way "stupid" for Mustang? Man, you are the LOWEST and you're so needy to impress. who gives a damn what shoes you wear? yech.

  44. Sam, how do you do that musical note???

  45. Ducky's here said...
    As I said on z's ...

    ... Governor Olympics or The Black Messiah isn't going to make much difference.
    So public employee unions take a hit, the upper decile gets a tax cut and the rest get some scraps so they can buy some cheap shit imported from China.

    Employment doesn't increase

    Tell that to Wisconsin. Walker has decreased theirs to 6.4% Oh, and a budget surplus!

    Hey, bonus.

    Marxist, union-loving Lightbringer? Ahhh.... damn. Not so much.

  46. Jersey McJones said...
    Okay, Silver, let's take your sleazy, specious, nasty, nasty, classist argument and see where it goes...

    Well, Bernie Madoff ripped people off billions of dollars, so that means Wall Street creates thieving Investment Bums, so let's get rid of all private investing!!!

    You don't have an inner monologue, do you?

  47. Liberalmann said...
    Well said Jersey! No worries, Walker will be in jail this time next year.

    6/6/12 4:42 PM

    I didn't realize that Special Ed commented here.


  48. The idea that people who know how to make money for themselves somehow will work for your benefit?

    Yeah, it's called job opportunities and wealth creation. Really, all this stuff is like 5th grade, dude. Tell us again about your hyper-super, incredibly difficult freshman year in college where we would all be crying for mommy again, or something.

    That one never gets old.

    or, give us a RoNnNieRaYgun! Yeah. Either one is cool.

  49. Ducky's here said...
    Dems retook the Wisconsin senate.

    6/6/12 8:01 AM

    In Game 7 of the World Series, 9th inning, two outs and down 4-0; the shortstop got a base hit to kill the no-hitter.

    Yaaay team!

  50. Just hand them all ten gallon hats. No need to say a word. THEY'LL know what they're for.

    This Mutual Denigration Society shtick is for the wazooks.

    Instead of rejoicing at the shift in the wind up in Wisconsin, everyone gets sucked right back into the same old Bitchathon.

    As the snotty, unkempt, ever-depressing weirdo Bob Dylan once croaked into his microphone:



    ~ FreeThinke

  51. "Sam, how do you do that musical note???"

    Now THERE's a pertinent question of profound far-reaching significance if ever I heard one.

    Wh hoo! Wha hoo! Wa HOO!!!!!

    ~ FT

  52. Ducky's here said...
    I'm still trying to figure out what the marks, er Republicans think they have won.

    Austerity? It's failed in Europe

    You've never heard of Estonia, then.

    Yeah, it's a big hurly-burly out there. One little country succeeding where all the big eurosocials are failing.

    Sixteen months after it joined the struggling currency bloc, Estonia is booming. The economy grew 7.6 percent last year, five times the euro-zone average.
    Estonia is the only euro-zone country with a budget surplus. National debt is just 6 percent of GDP, compared to 81 percent in virtuous Germany, or 165 percent in Greece…
    Estonia’s achievement is all the more remarkable when you consider that it was one of the countries hardest hit by the global financial crisis. In 2008-2009, its economy shrank by 18 percent. That’s a bigger contraction than Greece has suffered over the past five years…
    While spending cuts have triggered strikes, social unrest and the toppling of governments in countries from Ireland to Greece, Estonians have endured some of the harshest austerity measures with barely a murmur. They even re-elected the politicians that imposed them.

    But, it's Estonia. Little countries don't matter. Other than the fact that they have a firm memory of what serious Socialism looks like. Up close and personal, too.

  53. like this: ♫

    (try this: "♪" NB the semi-colon)

  54. I love when hypocrites expose themselves.
    You want smaller government, but are willing to add thousands to the government roll to seek out voter fraud which is a non problem (.0028% fraud nationwide). Hire a government FDR like force of thousands to build a wall along Mexico, even though our bad economy produced by a 15 trillion dollar debt built by Republicans, has made illegal immigration disappear.
    Pronounce Walkers policies have created a balanced budget, but forget to say he got the money to balance his budget from the feds, which was supposed to be used for another purpose.
    Cry unions are destroying America, when union membership is below 9%.
    I could go on but either your stupidity, or crookedness won't allow you to see the truth.
    So keep lying, and cry fake righteousness, just as you cry fake facts and fake principles..

  55. Anon: Don't know who you're arguing with. It ain't me.

    Purging voter rolls is done by county officials. Florida didn't hire any new people to do what they're doing right now.

    I'm not for the wall with Mexico either, although I am for worker verification and proving you're an American citizen or legal resident before handing out government assistance.

    As for Walker, the federal government hands out money to everybody, that the progressive way to suborn pliancy. He'd be a fool to reject it. He certainly put it to better use than building a choo choo train.

    I never said unions are destroying America either, although they did do quite a destructive number on Detroit and the rust belt...

    But please, do go on about my stupidity, crookedness and fake facts...

  56. Love your candidate.
    He forces kids to the ground, holds them down, and cuts their hair. Assault, pure and simple. He was over 18 when he did that.
    He dresse4s up in a cops uniform, then pulls people over, with a red flashing light on top of his car. Some criminals have used that to rape women. Multiple felonies.
    The government is suing Walker over the misuse of federal funds, another crime, but that's OK with you.
    You should just leave America. We don't need people who approve of political criminals, and approve of the crimes they commit.

  57. And Obama smoked dope, snorted cocaine and who knows what else. He pushed down girls on the playground, signed on with the far left New party when he was running for Illinois Senate, billed himself as a Kenyan to make himself more interesting, blew through $5 trillion like crap through a goose, and not only sponsored a bill to kill babies that survived an abortion, he passionately defended the bill on the Illinois Senate floor.

    Now, provide us a link to the Walker misuse of funds, and not a kook lefty site, but something authoritative.

  58. Love it when you lie like that, it makes you look so obviously stupid.

  59. As Gertrude Stein might well have said,

    "An ass is an ass is an ass."

    ~ FT


Fire away, but as a courtesy to others please stay on-topic and refrain from gratuitous flaming. Don't feed the trolls!

Have a Blessed and Happy Christmas!

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