Thursday, July 26, 2012

Leave Mass Murder to the Professionals, Obama tells Holmes

  Satire by Hugh Farnham

In a fit of disgust with the Colorado "Batman" shootings, President Obama exclaimed: "James Holmes needs to keep his day job. Who does he think he is? The ATF? He's a piker!"

President Obama was at Camp David putting the final touches on the UN Arms Trade Treaty, a progressive wish-list of worldwide gun control diktats.

"I want to be perfectly clear," the President said in a recent interview, "We need Rwandan-style gun control. Only the police and military will have weapons. Period. So slink off and be bitter, but you can't cling to your guns. We need to take those - for your own safety."

A reporter asked about guns for home defense. "Our police and emergency responders need to be as well armed and funded as the military" he said. "You won't need to protect your family from intruders - we'll send professionals to do that."


All satire aside, the tragic fact is that disarming victims leads to great bloodshed. I'm referring to the millions of people who died at the hands of their government over the past century. Most of these mass murders were preceded by a cynical and calculating "gun control" program, leading to eventual disarmament. Genocide followed soon thereafter.

Governments are the greatest mass murderers, not amateurs like James Holmes

The UN Arms Trade Treaty seeks to impose an international regulatory regime of tracking certain firearms, and outright banning of others - except for those guns in the twitchy and murderous hands of the State. Obama intends to sign this treaty within the week. The Senate has then to ratify it for it to become law.

Unfortunately, the UN Vienna Convention prevents legislative bodies from subverting a treaty from the time it is signed by a President until it is ratified by the Senate. It is in a quasi-state of ratification - just the justification that enemies of the Constitution like Schumer need to ramrod through laws that support the treaty. Obama is well aware of this.

If you remain unconvinced about the wickedness of disarming victims, I only need to point you to the Rwandan Genocide. Civilian disarmament set the stage for the 800,000 - 1,000,000 violent murders that took place there. Prior to the outbreak of violence, Rwanda was a model of UN disarmament and gun control. Eventually only the Hutu State had firearms. The rest of the story followed a predictable path, ending with Tutsis clogging rivers with their dead bodies.

Gun control advocates have innocent blood on their hands

If you still trust in the government's wisdom with firearms, I point you to the ATF's Operation Fast and Furious, which transferred US firearms to Mexican drug lords. Over 200 Mexicans have been murdered with these weapons.

Fast and Furious was designed to demonize U.S. gun shops - and provide statistics in time to justify signing the UN Arms Trade Treaty. It was a false flag that went sideways. (Note to the Administration: If you are going to attempt a false flag, get sharper tools than the ATF.)

Contact your Senator here. Let your congress-critter know not to ratify or vote for any law that supports Obama signing this treaty.

The life you may save might be your own.

- Hugh Farnham


  1. Just to be clear, this is not meant to denigrate the victims of the Aurora shootings - but to help waken people to the true solution:

    "An armed society is a polite society." -- R. A. Heinlein

  2. Don't worry, Silverfiddle. Nobody's coming for your pop guns.

    The gun loons have nothing to worry about.

  3. Fast and Furious

    I know that the fringe right likes to stay ignorant but this case isn't what you're getting from rabies radio.

  4. Something I'd like to know: What there any documented ANYTHING that would have prevented Holmes from acquiring the weapons and ammo supply he had?

    To my knowledge, he had no medical or criminal record.

    If I am misinformed, please tell me.

  5. Satire meaning none of it is true, but I await your club of racists to cheer every word of it.
    America is not a polite society, so being armed must not help.
    The proof we are not a polite society, is the words written by the hate filled bigots on this blog.

  6. Steve: "The proof we are not a polite society, is the words written by the hate filled bigots on this blog."

    Such as yourself? There was damn little of that sort of invective before you appeared.

  7. "An armed society is a polite society." -- R. A. Heinlein


    Yeah, America's an example.

    Can the cliches.

  8. " ... tasked with stopping guns from being trafficked ..."

    I stopped reading right there. I stoutly refuse to read material written by half-wits exhibiting severe symptoms of advanced functional illiteracy.

    This verbing of nouns and nouning of verbs must CEASE and DESIST.

    Once this abominable usaging has been ceased and desisted, ambitioning to sanitate the culture syntaxwise might creditabilitize itself. Doubtation exists as to the realisticality of any such expectationing. The language is being pisspoored into extincitifying itself by rottenization of usagizing by the increasified anything-goesing of the culture.

    ~ FreeThinke

  9. "I know that the fringe right likes to stay ignorant...

    As does the fringe left Ducky.

  10. I suppose that the Duck like Fienstein would have been happier if Holmes had used bombs in the theater instead of guns.

  11. Ah done toldja de udder day dat "Steve" was Bd and Liberalmann all over again, and yew all deefended him as being much smarter than that.

    Sorry! But Ah was right. Yew was rawng.

    Steve is a Bd clone from CPUSA. A quasi-professional site pest -- one of myriad malodorous droppings from the anus of Karl Marx, himself a spawn of Satan.

    Treat with these types at your peril. They are the moral equivalent of CANCER CELLS.

    ~ FreeThinke

  12. Rational Nation, do you have a reply to the Fast and Furious article or are you staying ignorant?

  13. "An armed society is a polite society." -- R. A. Heinlein


    Just look at Syria.

  14. Ducky: I read the ridiculous article you linked us to. One man's opinion.

    It's chock full of ridiculousness like this:

    . But five law-enforcement agents directly involved in Fast and Furious tell Fortune that the ATF had no such tactic. They insist they never purposefully allowed guns to be illegally trafficked. Just the opposite: They say they seized weapons whenever they could but were hamstrung by prosecutors and weak laws, which stymied them at every turn.

    Nothing to see here folks! Five agents directly involved in the scandal just said so!

    And the last sentence smacks of an arrogant, rogue operation, bureaucratic incompetence, or both.

    Dismantle the ATF and put Heinrich Holder on trial.

  15. And Ducky, since you brought up Syria...

    ... Pre-rebel uprising Syria is a great example of what a disarmed state looks like.

    Wouldn't it be awesome if Obama could just wipe out 30,000 Bible-clinging hicks that disagreed with him they way Old Man Assad did?

    Clinton and Reno did their best, burning up all those religious kooks down in Waco...

  16. the reply, as it was at my blog weeks ago when you tried this before, Ducky, is that that's one guy! We're all supposed to fall down and play dead for him but totally ignore all the agents who testified about what really happened? He's a truth teller because you like it, the rest are liars when they testified that, under Bush, the guns were under surveillance at all times and when Obama took over the quotes were "you want us to LEAVE them HERE? You mean GO?" Ya, GO... They were shocked and mayhem followed.

  17. And the last sentence smacks of an arrogant, rogue operation, bureaucratic incompetence, or both.

    Why, because they aren't fellating the NRA?

  18. "Obama urges tighter background checks on gun buyers after Aurora massacre"

    Looks like his opinions are evolving again. That seems to happen a lot lately, is he getting advice from Kerry?

  19. It's an inevitable SF scenario; clutching his Bible, SF is willing to kill innocent children, to protect his right to be (evil) wrong.
    It will be called Silverville, not Jamestown, but the evil mind is just the same.
    SF will take every last dime his idiot followers have, to build his bunker.
    His cry, "Fuck the government."
    While his government pension funds his death wish.
    If the people won't live by his policies of destruction, then they should die.
    Yes, we will definitely hear about SF's death wish, soon.

  20. "Don't worry, Silverfiddle. Nobody's coming for your pop guns.

    The gun loons have nothing to worry about."
    Hitler pretty much said the same things.

    Regardless. So Obama signs this UN Small Arms Treaty, right after he said this yesterday "And I, like most Americans, believe that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual the right to bear arms. And we recognize the traditions of gun ownership that passed on from generation to generation." he would look like a hypocrite (but that's nothing new).
    He'll sign it!!
    BTW: Both my senators, one a Dem and other a Rep, both have confirmed to me, when I wrote them both about the treaty, that it would indeed limit your right to bear arms.

  21. When I grew up the people I grew up with were educated. They were practical. We grew up in a world where color was never something unusual. I grew up with kids of every nationality, race, religion and belief system. There was no excuse here for ignorant naivete.
    Some of us were religious, and many others were not. We were Baptist, Jewish, Catholic, Muslim, and every possible variation therein. But everybody respected one another, not like the people (and I use that term loosely) .we find here on this very blog. SF being the ringleader.
    As kids, there was never any talk of race, as there is today. Is it because we have a Black president today? Well that is as you folks say TOO "F"en bad.
    Live with it. Or don't!
    Conservatives are not our average Americans .. Conservatives are on the wrong side of history once again. The side that loved to see Black treated like 2nd class citizens. Well as you folks say TOO "F"en bad.
    Live with it. Or don't!
    I expected that people would have learned from history, not repeat it.
    Yes, we have a Black president, They can't ignore it, they just have to keep on screaming about how bad things have gotten to be since their hero George Bush left office. The same George Bush who was happy to let Blacks work in sweat shops and fire traps.. Well it's all over now.
    Well I say, thank God! And it's too "F"en bad.... Live with it. Or don't!

  22. Steve said...
    " I don't know who Sue is, but Republiscums has been around for decades, so I doubt it.
    Your still bashing Obama for something he said a week ago. "


  23. Ezzzzz

    When a liberal has no logical facts and argument they throw the racist card. It is not that Obama is black, green,pink or any other color you choose. It is that he is incompetent to do the job which you elected him to do. Has done a horrible job as president, has divided the country, devalued the currency and is hell bent on punishing success.

    It seems like his followers are of the same mindset as he is, screw up and blame others. Never take personal responsibility for anything that doesn't go right. When the going gets tough the democrats blame others.

  24. There are many of us who will do all that we can to protect our 2nd amendment rights.

    We have the right to protect ourselves and our homes and our families from people who intend to due us harm.

    I know I have said this before, but Switzerland has the right idea. We could learn a bit from them about gun responsibility and while doing so teaching our youth the proper way to use a weapon and that life is precious and must be protected.

    I fully support the NRA and I will never give up my firearm. Because if someone breaks into my home, the police won't get there in time to save me or my children. I promise you I wouldn't hesitate to kill an intruder. It's them or my children, and my children will be protected at all costs.

  25. America is not a polite society,


    SF is willing to kill innocent children, to protect his right to be (evil) wrong. It will be called Silverville, not Jamestown, but the evil mind is just the same..

    Steve, I wonder if you realize what a paragon you are of contradiction and utter foolishness.

  26. Ezzzz
    “Is it because we have a Black president today?”
    Is he black? So you took the time to notice this? Why? Why waste your time to even take notice.
    It’s not because of the color of his skin, but the content of character … it’s because he’s a European socialist.

    “The side that loved to see Black treated like 2nd class citizens.”
    Please site your claim.
    Most Conservatives are Republican.
    You know, the party that apposed the pro slavery Democrats.
    John C Freemont- The path finder- Republican
    Abraham Lincoln- Freed the slaves- Republican
    Assassin John Wilkes who killed Lincoln- Democratic activist
    Republican passed the 13th, abolition Slavery
    Republicans passed the 14th, right to due process/equal protection of the law
    Republicans passed the 15th, right to vote not denied due to race.

    Hiram Revels (R) Black US Senator
    Joseph Rainey, (R) US Representative S Carolina
    Southern Democrats founded the KKK
    Democrat wrote Jim Crow Laws
    Remember Lester Maddox, Paul Conner, George Wallace??? All Democrats.

    Thats "History"

  27. Just give obama another term and he will find a way to limit and control guns.

  28. The UN ARMS TRADE TREATY has nothing to do with domestic American gun law, just international trade. We make, and export, and import, and have plenty of our own, and it doesn't change things for us.

    As for "disarming victims," that is not in any way how the law is worded or works. Most third world violence is among the poor. The very armies the juntas and such raise are the same poor and disenfranchised they are killing. The various revolutions and civil wars usually involve regular folks killing other regular folks. Things haven't changed when it comes to all this since the Civil War here in the US, or all the way back to the ancient Greeks.

    As guns have become more accurate and deadly, and faster, internecine violence has become more and more convenient and easy for all sorts of bad actors, be they governments, or revolutionaries, or drug cartels, or religious radicals, or crazy guys who think they're the Joker, or feuding tribes and families in some far off land.

    The UN is trying to both get an understanding of all the implications of the gun trade and to try to make standards for international gun trade, something an international body should be doing in the first place. That's the whole fuckin point, right?


  29. Jersey:

    Your child-like confidence in the corrupt and hapless UN and its useless laws is amusing.

  30. Ducky:

    I don't believe you have ever been in an armed society - most East coasters haven't.

    Imagine if Holmes had tried this in Cheyenne. There, every law-abiding citizen has the right to carry concealed, period, without some piece of paper from the State.

    Holmes would have popped off a few rounds, enough for a couple dozen armed citizens to unholster.

    That's why these kind of things rarely happen in states that respect the 2nd Amendment.

    Aurora was (and is) a victim disarmament dream come true - the same for greater Denver as well. The people are not armed. They can be very unpolite.

  31. The UN ARMS TRADE TREATY has nothing to do with domestic American gun law, just international trade.

    Nice try, Jersey. That's the Left's party line on the UN Treaty.

    Look at the fine print and you will see it drives nation-state legislatures to create laws to support banning certain guns, full registration of all others.

    Your intellectual dishonesty has been noted. Again.

  32. Sam, I know you are to stupid to know I'm doing it on purpose
    What a waste of space you take up, you troglodyte.

  33. Ducky:

    "Some call it the "parade of ants"; others the "river of iron." The Mexican government has estimated that 2,000 weapons are smuggled daily from the U.S. into Mexico. "

    So what you are saying is that a secure border would be in Mexico's interest too. Who woulda thunk?

    Intentional or Incompetence, I'm surprised the man who won't show his ID to the "pigs" is a rabid supporter of the ATF. Go figure!


    "The UN is trying to both get an understanding of all the implications of the gun trade and to try to make standards for international gun trade, something an international body should be doing in the first place. That's the whole fuckin point, right?"

    You mean the international body that put the PRC, Zimbabwe, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Syria, Libya, and Uganda on the Human Rights Council. "That's the whole fuckin point, right?"

    Steve, you're foaming at the mouth again, better talk to your doc about adjusting your meds.

    EzzZee... He's black? I thought he was white... his mother's white.

    And who's the racist?

  34. @"Sam, I know you are to stupid to know I'm doing it on purpose"

    So what are you saying Steve? You're childish?

  35. Blogger Steve said...
    Sam, I know you are to stupid"

    Sorry, SF, this was just too delicious an irony to pass up commenting on:-)

  36. Don't worry, Silverfiddle. Nobody's coming for your pop guns.

    The gun loons have nothing to worry about.

    Actually it's me, Hugh, who wrote this piece.

    You are quite right. No one is going to come for my pop guns. The government is too incompetent.

    Name me a current government program, Ducky, that meets 90% of their mission objectives.

    Imagine the government confiscating 90% of America's guns - 270 million out of 300 million estimated to be in free hands.

    That still leaves 30 million guns in the hands of very pissed Americans.

    So, no, I don't think the Federales have the manpower or intelligence to implement complete gun control.

    And even if they did, I do have a lathe... what's next? Lathe control?

  37. And even if they did, I do have a lathe... what's next? Lathe control?

    I like you!


  38. "No but since you guys are always right, I thought I would join in on the vulgarity and insults, which is the only way you f*** heads communicate."

    OK. You gripe about our non-existent vulgarity among the old salts here on the site, then plaster us with the F-bomb.

    We may not be always right here at Western Hero, but somewhere around 99.995% - and climbing.

    We communicate with logic and appeals to reason. Satire is a sauce we use to make the truth go down easier.

  39. Steve said...
    No but since you guys are always right, I thought I would join in on the vulgarity and insults, which is the only way you fuck heads communicate."

    Well, that's not QUITE true, Steve. Nobody at my place came close to using the language you have at my place, particularly to women. No, I think you set a new low for vulgarity and insults. But the left always does. Ducky comes in insulting then whines that he gets it back, too.
    Stop the vulgarity, it gets you nowhere.

    "lying piece of shit" was the first shot fired in the comments section on my post about, that was yours, STeve.

  40. The UN Arms Trade Treaty is at least deceptive, and at most an affront to the sovereignty of the United States. The deception begins with the first principle, which reads, “1. The inherent rights of all states to individual or collective self-defense…” The uninformed may conclude that this phrase purports to grant Americans their legal (e.g., Constitutional right) to keep and bear arms; it does no such thing. The language actually recognizes the inherent right of states to individual and collective self-defense. It does not recognize an individual’s inherent right to keep and bear arms.

    The UN treaty encourages states to enact national legislation sufficient to meet the treaty’s minimum goals —registries, background checks, import/export controls. Subsequent corrigendum of this treaty, once ratified, is significantly simplified. We should ask, why the need for additional “national legislation” when it is already existent? We call this the US Constitution and its amendments and our state laws governing possession and use of firearms.

    Presently, the ATF is attempting to “outlaw” shotguns. To what purpose does ATF seek to remove shotguns from the people? ATF has been engaged in nefarious programs designed to defeat the Second Amendment for several years; this is the underlying fact of the despicable operation, Fast and Furious. Do we want to live in a society where only the government has the guns? During the aftermath of Katrina, US military forces disarmed citizens and confiscated their weapons. This was a disturbing precedent, and one that left a civil population without police protection or the means to protect themselves against human predators.

    An intelligent person can only conclude that the UN treaty only pretends to target “illicit” weapons … it actually poses a real and present danger to our beloved Constitution. And it is a fact that the United Nations has not earned our trust. The same is true about the left wing of the American politick. These are agenda driven fools who intend to disarm our free society. They do not even care that our society is free precisely because firearms give us the means to resist tyranny. Now, as it has been mentioned before, no American city is more restrictive of firearms than Chicago, Illinois is; neither is there any other American city more dangerous. Let us recall that God created man; Sam Colt made them equal.

  41. @which is the only way you fuck heads communicate.

    Actually STEVE, the preponderance of the posts on this blog are for the most part fairly civil.

    Your's however appear to be a major exception to that. It quick review of the posts illustrate that you are the one resorting to personal attacks and profanity laced posts.

    So... what does that say about you?

  42. Finntann: "Actually STEVE, are the one resorting to personal attacks and profanity laced posts. So... what does that say about you?

    Come on Finn, give the guy a break. Having come here to proselytize among the heathens he's distraught that we haven't been swayed by his somewhat less than erudite expositions of stale liberal talking points, espoused at random and out of context. After all, you don't expect him to stay on topic, construct a cogent argument, and then defend it do you? What recourse does he have except ill mannered insult and invective.

    Or in language Steve may understand, he's out of his league, can't hit the pitching and has chosen to heckle from the stands?

  43. Little Stevie soiled himself again with an F-bomb directed at right-thinking people, so his comment got zapped.

    I'd like to ask everyone to please refrain from profanity, unless it is employed in a particularly artful or humorous way.

  44. " ... I know you are to stupid to know I'm doing it on purpose ..."

    And you, my dear Steverino, are either too ignorant, too careless, or too stupid to know the difference between TO, TWO and TOO.

    I'm sure I'm not the only one to notice your ineptitude in the use of basic English, but I am the one who is impertinent and courageous enough to defend our language against the tidal wave of negligence that threatens to drown us in crassness, inexactness and incompetence.

    At the rate people of your sorry, ill bred ilk are going we shall soon be back to communicating in grunts, groans, snarls, yips and howls.

    Take a course in REMEDIAL ENGLISH, Steve. I've known wetbacks who are more fluent in English than you.

    ~ FreeThinke

  45. I may have found a picture of Steve, here

  46. You know Sam, I hated to mention it at the risk of sounding like I was making light of tragedy, but the ravings of Steve do worry me that he could go off the deep end.

  47. @but the ravings of Steve do worry me that he could go off the deep end.

    Makes me want to go out an buy another gun ;)

  48. Thanks for proving my point all you troglodytes.

  49. Ice-T understands the Second Amendment.

    “I’ll give up my gun when everybody else does…if there were guns here, would you want to be the only one without one? ” He then touched on the right to bear arms by stating, “It’s legal in the United States.

    The right to bear arms is because that’s the last form of defense against tyranny, not to hunt. It’s to protect yourself from the police.” When asked about links between guns and violence, Ice-T declared, “if someone wants to kill people they wouldn’t need a gun to do it…”

  50. You actually have a point?

  51. Yeah, it's right up there on the top of his head

  52. Whether an armed society would be a polite one or not it would sure be a respectful one. When only criminals have them, 'they' are the ones who lose all respect for life. Watch how much more respectful they would be knowing they can't shoot innocent people at random.

  53. I believe I found a video of Steve.

  54. FT...check out my short comment above about the 'irony' of Steve's comment. I didn't make it clear, but that was my point.
    He was 'to stupid'...Delicious irony, huh! Of course, we ALL make errors from time to time, but who could pass up commenting on that one!?

  55. With people as stupid and mean as you, there's nothing to do, but pull your chains.
    There is no value of conversation with dumb shits so void of an honest thought.
    Now, I'll get back to listening to another void of an honest thought, that's Romney telling me that the killer bought all his killing gear illegally.
    And you want such a liar president. Figures.
    I'll be listening for the news about Silverville.

  56. Any comment about correct grammar, punctuation, or spelling is bound to contain at least one eror.

  57. Ooh, this from Z is rich:

    Blogger Steve said...
    Sam, I know you are to stupid"

    Sorry, SF, this was just too delicious an irony to pass up commenting on:-)

  58. "With people as stupid and mean as you, there's nothing to do, but pull your chains.
    There is no value of conversation with dumb shits so void of an honest thought..."

    Steve: It's not just that we are against your line of "thinking" - the whole of nature is as well.

    If you continually depart from the lessons of natural law there's little left for you. Chains in the best case - and in the worst case, nature can be very unforgiving for those who can't accept reality.

    Conservatives embrace natural law. The right to life, liberty, and property. The right to defend one's self. The right to point out injustices boldly, and gather groups of like-minded activists.

    The right to worship the God who created nature itself - or not, as one sees fit.

    There's no long term future for you or those like you if you continue to be so closed-minded. If you are lucky, chains will be your fate.

  59. Mark Adams said...
    “Is it because we have a Black president today?”
    Is he black? So you took the time to notice this? Why? Why waste your time to even take notice.
    It’s not because of the color of his skin, but the content of character … it’s because he’s a European socialist."

    Mark, are you really going to try and reason with this Black Racist Moron?

    These people call me (us) "White boy," "Cracker," 'Honkey," "Whitey,", ... and that's OK. nobody care or gives a crap, If you are black it's acceptable but you dare and use the "N" word , or call them "Boy" and man are you in trouble.
    And just try to start a Miss "White" America contest. Or a Organization for "Whites" only! Or a "White" news station.
    So don't try to reason with these nuts. They are only here to start trouble.

  60. Radical Redneck, not trying to reason, but understand your point. Just showing them that folks like me don't look at skin tone first, as they do.

  61. Any comment about correct grammar, punctuation, or spelling is bound to contain at least one eror."

    Well, Jez, I caught your "eror," which I'm sure was made deliberately for humorous effect, right? ;-)

    Nevertheless, when someone bothers to make a sincere, even valiant, effort to defend YOUR language against the desecration of ignoramuses and the depredations of laxity, the least you could do would be to express a modicum of support if not outright gratitude.

    It would be arrogant for anyone to claim never to make grammatical or orthographical errors, but there's a difference between the occasional typo and insouciance or willful ignorance.

    The kindest thing we could do for one another would be to correct each others' errors.

    Very truly yours,

    FreeThinke of the Syntax Squad

  62. By the way, I've found linguistic atrocities and syntactical sins in The New York Times.

    Oh! and have you looked at the King James Bible lately?

    There's little agreement with antecedent there -- just acres and acres of tedious, formulaic, hideously redundant, awkwardly phrased prose. It's quite easy to see where one ancient author left off and another began. The variations in quality of expression are enormous. That takes nothing away from the many parts that are in fact very beautiful, but as a whole the KJV is a linguistically pock-marked opus.

    "Perfection is not attainable this side of Heaven."

    Bach and Mozart seem to bely that oft stated old saw, but doubtless, they, themselves, would not agree, since their vision was so far above and beyond the scope of ordinary mortals.


    ~ FT

  63. My copy of "For Whom the Bell Tolls" has at least two typos in it...

  64. "It's an inevitable SF scenario; clutching his Bible, SF is willing to kill innocent children, to protect his right to be (evil) wrong.
    It will be called Silverville...
    - Steve

    I've known Silverfiddle for 20 years now and what you wrote was complete ad hominem fiction. It's not even funny as good humor has an element of truth.

    Steve, you most likely are a provocateur attempting to get one of us to use violent language - which then you will try to kill off this blog by complaining to Google / Blogger.

    So answer me: why is it most mass murderers are liberals and socialists? I'm talking about the amateurs as well as the professionals like Mao and Stalin.

  65. It will be called Silverville... - Steve

    I would prefer Silver City ;)

    Much better than Kookeville, where Steve is from...

  66. @There is no value of conversation...


  67. All blogs ought to have an "EXCLUDE" button for readers to activate so that they don't have to be continually assaulted by the asininity of "ha-BITCH- you-ally" offensive posters.

    That doesn't mean the comments would become invisible to everyone -- ONLY the one irked or offended.

    I know this is possible, because I have seen features of this kind in action years ago in other, admittedly smaller discussion venues.

    It's something Blogger OUGHT to install PRONTO!

    Don't you get sick of being sickened?

    Surely it must be harmful to our mental health to be exposed all the time to bitches, bastards and imbeciles.

    One of the many good things about it the one mute and rendered invisible has no idea that it is happening.

    ~ FreeThinke

  68. Ands no, Finnann, the EXCLUDE button would NOT be "censorship," because the readership in general STILL would have the dubious privilege of wrangling with the sons of bitches if they so choose.

    I see such a device as The Ultimate in Freedom of Choice.

    ~ FT

  69. So answer me: why is it most mass murderers are liberals and socialists? I'm talking about the amateurs as well as the professionals like Mao and Stalin.

    Yeah, like

    Henry Kissinnger
    Chiang Kai-shek
    Mobutu Seko
    Hitler ...

    Buy a damn vowel.

  70. Lord Russell and the potato famine was he a leftist?

    Saint Ronnie Raygun supporting the killing of a quarter million in Guatemala (never mind Salvador), was he a liberal?

  71. What about our invasion of the Philippines? McKinley decides we need an empire so we invade and kill several hundred thousand.

    Was McKinley a socialist?

  72. Maybe the most level headed statement on this theme that I've seen is Miklós Jancsó's The Red and the White which looks at the Russian civil war in Hungary.

    It really piles up the atrocities and it's brilliance is in blurring just who is doing what to whom.

  73. According to Stalin, one death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic.

    So here are the body count stats, Ducky:

    Your beloved Chairman Mao: 50 million
    "Uncle" Joe Stalin: 20 Million
    National SOCIALIST Adolf Hitler: 20 Million

    The rest of your list are a few million and change.

    Yes, I believe the Left and Socialists have killed enough people to stretch around the world many times. Many more times than so-called conservatives. No, I don't call Kissinger a conservative. A globalist, perhaps.

    Statistics from Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership and the late Arron Zelman.


Fire away, but as a courtesy to others please stay on-topic and refrain from gratuitous flaming. Don't feed the trolls!

Have a Blessed and Happy Christmas!

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