Saturday, September 1, 2012


  1. Short and sweet, and says it all.

  2. Not that Obama doesn't have responsibility for his stewardship, or as many view it the lack thereof, of the economy this has a bit of hyperbolic character to it.

  3. But... but... Obama did kill Osama bin Laden; in the same way Joseph Stalin won World War II.

  4. Aw come on...this is gold for the GOP. They're going to be able to conveniently forget their previous admonitions and blame Obama for the next three years or so.

  5. I don't WANT to let him finish killing the economy!

    What we probably need to help the economy is some smart Navy SEALS :=)

  6. Wall Street and the financial sector crashed the economy, making tons of money doing so, and demanding tons of money from the public afterwards to "rescue us" from their decisions.

    Unemployment is still 8%+, we've still got stagnant wages and the price of gasoline is at all time highs, thanks in part to speculation on the part of Wall Street. Wall Street and their enablers are responsible for much of
    the gloom and misery the US and much of the world is seeing today.

    Given that, why on Earth would I want to vote for a Wall Street insider for POTUS? What made the Rethugs think this was a great idea?

    Do they really think the public is that stupid?
    Is the public that stupid?

  7. Is the public that stupid?

    A majority of them voted for an inexperienced nobody.

  8. Bit, but, but.. He is somebody, He's Barack...

  9. Wait, wait, don't tell me. Ducky voted for Barack Obama ...

  10. "Foreward!" sounds a lot like "Fore!".

  11. Obama, Pelosi, Biden, Ried, Clinton and Emanual..... Schlemiel Team Six

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Personally, I have no problem with the fact that bin Laden was lying wounded and unarmed on the floor when the SEALs all shot him. But can you imagine all the media outrage if this had happened when Bush was president?

    It was an unpardonable criminal act to water board two terrorists when Bush was president, but it is perfectly okay to assassinate a wounded and unarmed prisoner when Obama is president.
    My comment to 0bama.
    You're a disgrace to this country and you are despised by the military including the Seals

  14. Has anyone else noticed how nice and peaceful this thread has been. Apparently, the "fact-check" freak is slow blogging this week.

  15. "Obama, Pelosi, Biden, Ried, Clinton and Emanual..... Schlemiel Team Six"

    LMAO!!!... Good One OD357

  16. What is coming out now from that one Navy Seal is devastating to Obama. Of course, the mainstream media is giving that story short shrift.


Fire away, but as a courtesy to others please stay on-topic and refrain from gratuitous flaming. Don't feed the trolls!

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