Saturday, September 22, 2012

Poetic Justice

Pakistani Protester Killed by Smoke from American Flag
In an apparent case of red, white and blue revenge, a Pakistani protester died yesterday after inhaling smoke from a burning American flag during an anti-US rally.
Abdullah Ismail succumbed at Mayo Hospital in Lahore a day after attending the fierce protest at the city’s Mall Road, where an estimated 10,000 people rallied.
Witnesses said Ismail had complained of feeling ill after breathing fumes from burning flags, Pakistan’s Express Tribune reported. (NY Post)
I don't know if Obama has issued an apology yet, or decreed that flags be made of non-toxic fabric...

For a hilarious send up of this event, see Dan Miller in Panama.

H/T:   Conservatives on Fire


  1. This is from a couple of days I may not have the latest information....but an interview with some of the Mayo staff did not give any credence to this story. As much as we perceive may like it to be true.

  2. I am sure the Mayo staff would find it in their best interest to deny the story.

  3. It's nice to see a good story once in a while.

  4. @Bunkerville - Possibly....but the alternative is to believe an unverified story simply because we want it to be true. Although that is the hallmark of todays political landscape.

  5. Incredibly, a number of people did not realize that Dan Miller's article was satire.

  6. I feel certain that after Ă˜bama issues his apology, he'll offer $50 billion in Islam-Aid to the Pakistanis and move the US Flag industry to Lahore.

  7. @ Mustang... LOL, but with thus prez it could actually happen. ;-)

  8. You could be right Ducky, but still cheaper than Obama's stimulus that we'll never pay off. Plus, you overlook this one important thing: nothing is quite so exhilarating, as blowing the crap out of someone who was begging for it.

  9. And now it's confirmed Ambassador Stevens was tortured before being killed

    According to the Lebanese news organization, citing AFP news sources, U.S. ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens, who was killed by gunmen that stormed the U.S. consulate in Benghazi on Tuesday, was reportedly raped before being murdered.

    But our dear progressive friends say it was our fault because of a freaken film!


  10. SF and RN celebrating death with humor and joy
    Now that's the kind of hate that has made you both famous.

  11. Hate and love are both good things, Steve ... taken in moderation, of course.

  12. It’s high time that we stop bowing down, and kissing the ass’s of our enemies.
    Hillary’s apology to the Arab world is offensive and disgusting to me....
    I wish that someone would please tell Hillary and Obama, to shut the hell up.

  13. your guy continues to "spike the football" over the death of bin Laden? I would say that's pretty hateful too.

  14. @Debonair - I think Ithis read allHillary's of Hillary's statement.......could you point out the part that was an apology?

  15. It looks like I fail at posting from a phone. Perhaps if I had the digital dexterity of a thirteen year old. Above should read "I think I read all of Hillary's statement".

  16. Yes, he indeed reaped his just desserts.

  17. Now that's the kind of hate that has made you both famous.

    Speaking of hate, what brings YOU here today, Stevie? Love for your fellow man?

  18. Debonair is right!! Those buttholes Hillary and Obama is spending our taxpayer dollars to apologize to Pakistan for our Constitution and the First Amendment and freedom of speech.

    He is clearly a despicable, treasonous, cowardly excuse for an American, let alone the most horrid “American” President in history.

    I don’t understand how any decent American could let this stand.

    I don’t even recognize my own country anymore.

  19. More groveling and apologizing by our Dear Leader and Heir Highness and their herd of morons...

    Not only is this apology cowardly and un-American, it is counter productive. These animals take an apology as validation of their grievances and thus an excuse to increase the rioting and murder.
    It's about time that someone in this administration grows a pair.

  20. I posted this on another blog back on September 13th and it was well discussed and reported in other countries in their press:

    "....we had inadequate defense of the consulate, and that the ambassador was raped and tortured before he was murdered (as the European press suggests) and my colleague here in San Diego (ex SEAL) was murdered ..."

    It makes you wonder why our press wasn't asking questions? And why our President wasn't offering his own concerns? And why Romney's comments received so much attention? Romney's comments seem relatively benign at this point in time.

  21. You never answered the questions; Was the consulate inadequately defended? How do we know? What was the security force there? Was it raised because of 9/11? If your SEAL buddy was so worried about inadequate security, why did he not say so to his superiors? Being part of that security force, he had a duty to report inadequate defenses, where is the written report of his concern to his superiors?
    You SEAL buddies statements about Mrs. Clinton (fuck her, etc., etc.) shows not only hate for the head of the State Dept., but no effort on his part to sound the warning of supposed inadequate defenses, which was his job.
    If you make the serious charge that Mrs. Clinton (Obama) is responsible for these deaths, then please be serious about stating the facts of what happened.
    Bit no, no such evidence.

  22. Would the Hibernian Lush like to explain his statement that some kind of apology was issued to Pakistan.
    Absolutely the pure stinky cheese. Or did we apologize for killing a few more civilians in a drone strike?

    Anyway, I notice that no one in the Libertarian sandbox is paying much attention to Libya where there has been a significant backlash and support for America. Pretty significant.

    So let's review:

    Libya - Occupation of pro-Qadaffi HQ and demonstrations in support of America.

    Egypt - Unemployed black shirts let off steam and Obama quietly cues Egyptian government to cut the crap.

    Pakistan - We are in an undeclared war so you have to expect some agitation. When some goober monitoring a drone kills civilians it's an accident, right

  23. $70K worth of apologetics, duckman.

    It's a good thing Romney paid extra taxes last year, or Hillary would have had to borrow money from the Chinese to condemn American freedom of speech and 1st Amendment rights.

  24. You do understand the "nature" of an apologetic, duckman?

  25. So let's review:

    Libya - Four Americans dead, Administration pretending that they were legitimately killed for insulting Muslims.

    Egypt - Unemployed black shirts let off trumped up/faux rage and Obama apologizes to them for the 1st Amendment

    Pakistan - Administration continues apology tour as mullahs gin up a fake anti-American outrage "holiday" to extend and revise their weekly two minute hate.

  26. It's time that the US State Department took a cue from Israel.

  27. In case you missed it

    In first ever UN conference on Jews expelled from Arab countries, UN Ambassador Prosor asserts: Land seized from Jews in Arab countries is five times the total area of Israel; Alan Dershowitz: 'critics of initiative don’t know history.'

  28. btw - according to the US Administration, we're winning the war in Afghanistan. Here's a little "sample" of just "how big" we're "winning:"

    The Taliban attack on an air base in southern Afghanistan on Friday drew coverage for the way the insurgents cloaked themselves in U.S. army uniforms to gain a tactical advantage, but few have taken note of the historical proportions of the damage inflicted. John Gresham, at the Defense Media Network, has published a detailed account of the attack on Camp Bastion, in which two Marines were killed, six U.S. Marine Corps jet fighters were destroyed, and two more "significantly" damaged. Those facts were all carried in most reports, but if that just sounds like a typical damage report from a decade-long war, you're wrong. Gresham explains the devastating damage done to VMA-211, the name of the Marine Corps attack squadron that was most affected last week, noting that it is "arguably the worst day in [U.S. Marine Corps] aviation history since the Tet Offensive of 1968." Or you could go back even further. "The last time VMA-211 was combat ineffective was in December 1941, when the squadron was wiped out during the 13-day defense of Wake Island against the Japanese."

  29. Presidential Appeasership...

    Four more years???

  30. Steve: " Was the consulate inadequately defended? How do we know?"

    I would have thought that even you could recognize four dead diplomats as a persuasive argument concerning the inadequacy of the consulates security.

    Guess not.

  31. Egypt - Unemployed black shirts let off trumped up/faux rage and Obama apologizes to them for the 1st Amendment

    You're full of crap as usual Farmer.
    There was no apology you liar.

  32. Libya - Four Americans dead, Administration pretending that they were legitimately killed for insulting Muslims.
    You're full of shit, Farmer.

    It was a pro-Qadaffi militia attack and that militia HQ was seized by Libyans.

    What is this obsession with apologies from you fringe Randoids?

    Does it make you feel like you're suffering from tiny dick, Farmer.

    Oh, is it true you account for half the avatars on Blogger?

  33. The Administration "justified" Muslim outrage... and blamed the "cause" of unrest on Americans exercising their free speech liberties.

    How "noble" of them, eh, duckman?

    "We're sorry, Mr. Muslim... you were perfectly right in attacking us. We can't help ourselves. Like you, WE hate American freedom, too! American's exercising their Constitutional rights makes us sick... Give us a few years, we're trying our HARDEST to make anti-Islamic hate speech a crime!"

  34. t was a pro-Qadaffi militia attack

    Says who, the same Administration official who said it was a "spontaneous demonstration sparked by an American film?"

    I heard an interview with the militia leader. He said that he didn't do it. He said that we could have ALL their oil, that they only wanted to be left alone.

  35. Hey Vibe (named after your favorite personal toy),
    The fact that people died does not mean there was inadequate security.
    I guess your answer is to have 50,000 troops at every consulate. Talk about a fool.
    KP did not answer my questions back on the 13th, and probably won't here.
    Yet loves to insinuate Mrs. Clinton is responsible for the deaths.
    So much for honesty, or brains from the hate filled wing nuts.

  36. Oh, is it true you account for half the avatars on Blogger?

    Nope, but I do represent 3/4 of President Obama's Facebook fans.

  37. SF, thanks to the link to "Dan Miller in Panama"; and from there the link Dan provides to the article by Brandon Webb, former SEAL, author and best friend of Glen Doherty. It supports what I have heard from former SEAL team guys here in San Diego that are in the know.

    As well, his farewell to Glen.

  38. The Obama Hate American freedom spology tour is going global, ducky.

    Obama's taping a "Kick Me" sign to America's back.

  39. I guess he must support the UN injunction AGAINST Islamic heresy... after all, the world needs to recognize Islam as the " one true faith."

  40. Apparently denouncing the US before the UN is a preview of Obama's 2nd term. I think he aspires to the title of UN Secretary General, next, and unifying the world under a global blue banner.

  41. "I don't know if Obama has issued an apology yet, or decreed that flags be made of non-toxic fabric..."

    You really are s stupid fuck.

  42. See, no answer
    Just disgusting, unfounded accusations against Mrs.Clinton, for a responsibility that belonged to the SEALS. Now they are dead.

  43. There goes Stevie, blaming the victims, again. Meanwhile Hillary plans another "free speech is disgusting and reprehensible" tour of the ME.

    I'm sure you agree with her.

  44. I'm beginning to see an Administration pattern here, aren't you, Stevie?

  45. It always used to baffle me how a liberal could get so upset over the pollution of a tiny cigarette, but saw no problem with burning a flag.

    Expect Obama's Surgeon General to require the following warning on American flags: The Surgeon General has found inhaling the smoke of a burning flag to be hazardous to your health.

  46. Steve: Your ignorance of this topic is profound and impenetrable.

    Navy Seals do not perform embassy security. That responsibility belongs to the State Department.

    This debacle happened under Secretary Clinton's (and Obama's) watch so they are responsible. They own it.

    Remember how you were all hooting about Obama killing bin Laden? Well he owns the bad stuff as well.

  47. I was asking the questions. I don't pretend to know, KP does, but won't answer.
    It certainly was not Mrs. Clinton who was on site and should have known the security, that's for KP's buddies to evaluate.
    But instead he intimates the deaths were Mrs. Clinton's fault.
    Then he prints his SEAL buddies swearing at and about Mrs. Clinton.
    These SEALS have no dignity, if while on duty talk about the Secretary of State that way.
    No surprise you agree, since you smear military personnel all the time.
    Then write crap like this post.

  48. Gee, I wonder why none of you can answer the questions, or won't.
    You SF have no clue. Can you answer the questions? Thought not.
    Back to the hate blog commentary.

  49. We are not here to answer your inane questions, Stevie. And the seals have no dignity? Lucky for you you're a girl, or you'd end up getting your neck snapped.

  50. Two U.S. intelligence officials told The Daily Beast that the intelligence community is currently analyzing an intercept between a Libyan politician whose sympathies are with al Qaeda and the Libyan militia known as the February 17 Brigade—which had been charged with providing local security to the consulate. In the intercept, the Libyan politician apparently asks an officer in the brigade to have his men stand down for a pending attack—another piece of evidence implying the violence was planned in advance.

    "Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton's Egyptian Ambassador got lucky..."

    “[U.S. Ambassador to Egypt Anne Patterson] did not permit US Marine guards to carry live ammunition, according to USMC blogs. Thus she neutralized any US military capability that was dedicated to preserve her life and protect the US Embassy. In this respect, she did not defend US sovereign territory and betrayed her oath of office. She neutered the Marines posted to defend the embassy, trusting the Egyptians over the Marines.”

    Had Americans died in Egypt, it would have been Mrs Clinton's fault. The ambassadors report to her.

  51. Hunt told Breitbart News that the new State Department Rules of Engagement for Libya, approved and signed by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton since the 2011 fall of Khadafi's regime, severely compromised the safety and security of murdered Ambassador Stevens and all American diplomatic staff in Libya. 
    He also stated that the decision not to staff Benghazi with Marines was made by Secretary of State Clinton when she attached her signature to the State Department Rules of Engagement for Libya document. Breitbart News has subsequently learned that under those rules of engagement, Secretary Clinton prohibited Marines from providing security at any American diplomatic installation in Libya.

  52. Steve: "I guess your answer is to have 50,000 troops at every consulate. "

    No. My answer is to have an America that these people either respect, or fear, enough to make attacking an embassy and killing diplomats unthinkable. That's not going to happen until and unless we start inflicting consequences when they do.

    While I agree with the Bard that " is excellent To have a giant's strength; but it is tyrannous
    To use it like a giant." It's cowardice even for a giant to refuse to use it in it's own defense.

    BTW it's viburnum, not vibe, hence the ent as an avatar. It's kind of cute though that you would use your mothers picture for yours.

  53. @FJ - "“[U.S. Ambassador to Egypt Anne Patterson] did not permit US Marine guards to carry live ammunition, according to USMC blogs."

    Not according to the USMC House liaison Office. I'll post the text of the E-mail if you haven/t seen it.

  54. No. My answer is to have an America that these people either respect, or fear, enough to make attacking an embassy and killing diplomats unthinkable.

    Come on man, the Libyans just went through a civil war. How the hell are you going to scare them. You gonna bomb 'em up a little more?

    You don't seem to understand that these folks are through with "being scared"

  55. It always used to baffle me how a liberal could get so upset over the pollution of a tiny cigarette, but saw no problem with burning a flag.


    Okay, some Muslims burned a flag. Go drop a few million dollars worth of ordnance.

    Do you people ever think?

  56. @KP -- we had inadequate defense of the consulate, and that the ambassador was raped and tortured before he was murdered


    That came from Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller. I'm truly surprised you hang around with idiots of that scale.

  57. Thersites said..."There goes Stevie, blaming the victims, again. Meanwhile Hillary plans another "free speech is disgusting and reprehensible" tour of the ME."

    And it's idiot wingnuts like you who make asinine comments and hateful posts that get Americans killed overseas.

    Go ahead and blame Hillary for diffusing the situation and perhaps saving more lives, but with these killings it's the right who have blood on their hands.

  58. A $100,000 bounty was just put on the filmakers head by a Pakistani railway magnate....

    "Thanks Hillary" about getting Americans killed.

  59. FJ, you are correct, the FORMER Navy SEALS were not part of the security detail of the consulate.

    They were no longer active duty military and were in Libya on unrelated jobs and were a half mile away when the shooting started. They ran into the fire fight and gave their lives after defending US soil for about 2hrs, to save the lives of others.

  60. think Hillary will protest Pakistan's assassination contract on an American citizen?

    I wouldn't count on it. She's the one fueling the fire. And Barrack's going to denounce American citizens from the well of the UN next week... imagine that!

    Benjamin Franklin is rolling over in his grave right now.

  61. .and parse it anyway you like... the former SEALS were American heroes.

  62. Yes, the were. Top shelf.

  63. I would like to say that Ducky is misinformed. I can’t say that. He’s flat out full of crap. The source for this account is the Lebanese press agency Tayyar. Tayyar sourced the story to AFP, who denied they ever reported any such thing. So the source isn’t Spencer or Geller.

    We should try to remember that Ducky comes across to us as idiotic because he is.

  64. Barack Obama's going to cheer on an al Qaeda hit on American citizen at the UN next week.

    THAT doesn't bother you, Libralmann?

  65. Railways Minister Ghulam Ahmad Balor told The Associated Press that he would pay the reward out of his own pocket. He urged the Taliban and al-Qaida to perform the "sacred duty" of helping locate and kill the filmmaker.

    Who knew that CLinton and Obama would be urging these aholes on?

  66. "Sacred Duty"... like attacking the Americans in Libya.

  67. Nice try, Sam. Now just what the hell is Tayyar? It's a website.

    So Pam Geller picks it up and all of a sudden it's all over the freak sites. It becomes "truth" to you dim bulbs without the slightest corroboration.

    Go powder your wig and pitch till you win.

    Again, it goes straight from Tayyar(whatever that is) to Pam "Psycho" Geller to gullible bigots like yourself.
    I'm really surprised KP bought into it.

  68. "Greetings, Concerning your query on the report published by a Lebanese website according to which ambassador Stevens was sodomized. That report falsely quoted our news agency and has no truth whatsover to it. AFP promptly sent a strongly worded complaint to that website and they removed the report and published a denial, saying that AFP did not report such a thing."

    You can find that on the Washington Times site.

    Pitch till you win, Sam. Or simply stop punching outside your weight you moron.

  69. Of course you don't answer questions.
    Liars have no answers to the disgusting, false accusations they make
    KP is not quite as bad as you, but is a lying scum bag.

  70. Those SEALS were scum
    The way they talked about their Secretary of State proves they were scum

  71. @Ducky, thanks for the back handed compliment :-)

    Here is the full quote of the post I wrote on the 13th:

    "Thanks Dave. Lets see what the facts are, as you say. In the end, if it turns out we had inadequate defense of the consulate, and that the ambassador was raped and tortured before he was murdered (as the European press suggests) and my colleague here in San Diego (ex SEAL) was murdered, along with two others, then those who drone on (like Leslie's 482 word post about apologies), should ask themselves why they are not upset at Obama. Won't the complaints about Romney seem small? Perhaps we are owed an apology from the administration."

    I don't think that was a reckless post. You are correct, I should have been more careful when I brought bits of it over here.

    Whether the ambassador was raped or not, we will know in time.

  72. @Ducky Much appreciated on the updates!

  73. I don't think it was a reckless post either.

    We may never know why he was there with a light guard and why the pro-Qadaffi militia knew.

    Those questions are more important than snsationalism.

  74. Keep telling the same militia lie, ducky. If you tell it often enough, you will eventually convince somebody... but only more likely, yourself.

  75. Liberalmann and Ducky are prime examples of dhimmis who cater to Muslims. They don't give a rats A$$ about Americans and their safety overseas. They continue bowing down and catering to these Muslims carte blanche just like our Muslim sympathizing Obama administration.

    I make you a bet if it had been Christians who did the same exact ting as the Muslims did in Libya they would be singing a different tune.

  76. More details about the attack are still coming to light. The New York Times reports today that officials fleeing the consulate took refuge in a nearby villa, where they came under attack again—this time a sophisticated ambush including gun and mortar fire. "It was really accurate," says one Libyan militia member who was there that night. "The people who were shooting at us knew what they were doing." Initial reports called the villa a "safe house," but like the consulate it was never heavily guarded.

    There were attacks in previous months but our dimwitted government officials kept the security at a minimum to show that they trusted Libyans. Trusting equals death.

  77. "Scum" kinda rhymes with "Stevie"...

  78. This is KP's SEAL buddies comment from an email that KP posted on PE:

    ""Good to hear from you. Thanks for the shout out. I worked with Glen a few times in the Teams and at SEALFIT. He was a stand up guy who would run toward a gunfight, not away. fuckin stupid State Dept and fuckin stupid Hillary Clinton! An ignorant fool would know we needed better security over there. That was going to be Glen's last trip."

    There's an unbiased source. Someone calling the Secretary of State A fucking.....

    That's when I first asked the questions KP refuses to answer.

    KP's opinion that security was not good enough, is just that, an opinion with no facts.

    Have a good day scum bags.

  79. She is a fool. No Marines in Libya? Foolish.

  80. Scum, thy name is Obamanation.

  81. The results speak for themselves, Stevie girl.

    People here have provided you eye-witness accounts and congressional testimony, but being an Obama voter, you are impervious to facts and reason.

    And, the burned down consulate and four dead Americans give stark evidence that, yes, Hillary ("We came, we saw, he died") is an ignorant fool for leaving Americans exposed like that.

    Obama killed Osama bin Laden? Then he's also responsible for those Americans' deaths.

  82. @Ducky << We may never know why he was there with a light guard and why the pro-Qadaffi militia knew.>>

    The truth will come out. There are plenty of people who know what happened because they survived as a direct result of Glen and Tyrone running to their rescue and eventual death after an hours long firefight.

    It's curious that there were no military or security detail deaths? Only two former SEALs who were in Libya on a completely different detail than embassy and consulate security.

    Similarly, there is radio transmission. As well, there is intel, transmission intercepts (friendly and unfriendly) that will be enlightening. The FBI will eventually release a lot of this; probably after the election. If they do not then military personel will speak up.

    Recall the Mai Lai massacre in 1968. It took a year before the public became aware of much of it. The three US Servicemen who tried to stop it and protect the wounded were widely criticized, before finally being praised as heroes. The villans went mostly unpunished.

  83. Thanks for verifying my point.
    You make despicable accusations without proof. Not knowing the facts.

  84. Stevie: the only "point" you have can be covered up by a hat.

  85. You make despicable accusations without proof. Not knowing the facts.

    I guess that the pot still hasn't met the kettle.

  86. Clinton has already been debriefed by lawmakers. We know how many armed guards there were at the consulate. When know who died at the consulate, who escaped to the annex, who died at the annex and who escaped to the airport. We know how they escaped, the hours and hours that passed before they escaped, who eventually flew them out, how many planes it took and how unprepared we were for such an occurance.

  87. When you can say your SEAL buddies requested more security (they should know and advise their superiors) and were denied that request by Clinton, then blame Clinton.
    But you didn't wait for that information.
    You and your SEAL buddy accuse Mrs. Clinton for a lapse in security (not to mention fuck Clinton remark) when that job was the SEALs to notify their superiors, if they thought there was a lapse in security.
    You are despicable.

  88. Knowing that the Secretary of State is responsible for all affaires diplomatic is All the prior knowledge that is required, Stevie.

    How come you're so stupid?

  89. words you might be able to understand... IT'S HER J.O.B.,

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Stevie Girl is a sock puppet of Shock and Gnaw.



  92. FT: You're probably a better judge of character than I, but I don't see Shaw as the type given to sock puppetry.

    Also, even though I profoundly disagree with her, I readily admit that Shaw is a smart woman.

  93. lol!

    ...not given to sock puppetry. That's FUNNY!

  94. I am a character reference for Shaw. Super smart and legit. We don't agree on everything but we do agree on important issues that transcend politics. I would hang out with her in a flash. Recall, she has been treated just as poorly by the poster in question at her own blog. Both she and SF are seriously tolerant!

  95. Currently listening to a blast from the past; Johnny Cash doing "A Boy Named Sue":

    "I tell ya, life ain't easy for a boy named "Sue."

  96. This comment has been removed by the author.

  97. Great news, one less piece of sh!t you have to worry about plotting to wage jihad on you.

    Note to this scumbags fellow compatriots, if you lot hadn't been following your wretched religion so closely you probably wouldn't have stoned/executed the minds that could have given you a state-of-the-art hospital to save this moron.

  98. I never said Shaw wasn't smart -- and fundamentally delightful -- EXCEPT when it comes to politics. ;-)

    I have felt for a long time that if I had met Ms. Shaw socially in a non-political context, we would be fast friends by now.

    I probably did flatter Stephanie too much by comparing she, he or it to Shaw Kenawe, but I thought i sensed an od similarity in a turn of phrase here and there. Probably not.


    ~ FT


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Have a Blessed and Happy Christmas!

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