Saturday, November 10, 2012

Your Government at Work

Now that President Obama has been reelected, can we talk about what a crappy job FEMA has done?

Source:  FEMA Office Closes due to Weather

And if New York and New Jersey had sane gun laws, Sandy Looting would not be happening.

A rare Western Hero business note:

This is a rare Saturday post, don't expect more of them. We may also discontinue Sunday posts, so if you surf over here one Sunday and nothing is up, don't panic. We'll still post Monday through Friday. We do have a post scheduled for this Sunday, so please stop by.

Also, after much cajoling, arm-twisting, and threatening to burn the whole damned thing down because I'm tired and half-crazy, I've finally talked my fellow Western Hero authors Finntann, Viburnum, and Hugh Farnham to step up and start blogging again. They all have wonderful and subversive minds, as well as encyclopedic knowledge, so I expect them to kick it up a notch, as my culinary hero Emeril is fond of saying.


  1. FEMA, our militarized stromtrooping emergency response folks are not too god at planning ahead on things like being able to get water, gasoline, and generators to where they might be needed. But, hey, FEMA falls under the leadership of that genius, Ms. (Mr.?)Jannet Napolitano. She (he) is hoping to replace Eric Holder if he deciddes to step down. It just keeps gettting better and better, doesn't it? Oh, and Hillary will soon be leaving her post and Obama's first choice to replace her is Susan "It was a spontaneous reaction to a disgusting anti-Islam video" Rice. But, if too many people are mad at her, his second choice is John Kerry. Wow!

  2. Conservatives On Fire,



    John Fonda Kerry as Secretary of State?

    I shouldn't be surprised, I guess.


  3. Now that the election is over and now that FEMA has failed in the early days following Hurricane Sandy, I see special help-the-hurricane-victims relief drives ramping up all over Northern Virginia: churches, restaurants, hospitals, etc.

    I guess that now the liberals can "safely" admit that the Nanny State failed because the Nanny State guy is re-elected.

  4. Amazing. This time nature's wrath included the homesteads of many liberal media bots. Well, maybe not the primary homestead. Still they bucked up, and shut up about sandy. Now that is devotion. Not like our Christie man guy.

  5. Bailing out New York city is NOT going to come as "cheaply" as New Orleans.

    It's "shock doctrine" time again... Obama style.

    Never waste a good disaster!

  6. Obama lessons learned no. 26...

    Nationalize gas stations....

  7. Excuse for American debtocracy number 16...

    We didn't tax the rich enough.

  8. Number 17...

    Who's going to pay it back? not me.

  9. Authors Finntann, Viburnum, and Hugh Farnham, rock. Good to see they will be sharing their thoughts. And good to hear you can freshen up. Like fitness gains, if we don't freshen up the body (mind) there is a risk of plateau (or worse) and/or loss of motivation.

  10. A lot of ire directed at the left regarding FEMA when in fact their practices and bureaucratic mindset hasn't really changed since its founding......much less since Katrina. Ironic how some issues are simply dependant on a particular party in power.

    FEMA was intended to be a coordination and resource pool. Like every agency elevated to such federal has morphed into a supervisory and regulatory power. Emergency aid is best managed at the local level.

  11. CI: I say outsource it all to FedEx, UPS, Home Depot, Lowes and Walmart.

    Coopering with the national guard, they would do disaster recover much more efficiently

  12. Don't forget the Victoria's Secret road show........they ended up being better prepared than the NYANG.

  13. If you Flyoverland cons think people from the NYC area give a rat's ass what you think about anything that goes on where we're from, or what our gun laws should be, or how FEMA handles Sandy, you're as naive as you are hick.

    Listen, you cons pretend to be experts of capitalism, well, here's a simple rule for you: know your market. No one is buying you're simplistic, myopic, blindly ideology bullshit in NYC.


  14. @If you Flyoverland cons think people from the NYC area give a rat's ass what you think about anything that goes on where we're from, or what our gun laws should be, or how FEMA handles Sandy, you're as naive as you are hick.

    Aye! There's the Rub!

    If you Urban Metrosexuals think people from Flyoverland give a rat's ass what you think about anything that goes on where we're from, or what our gun laws should be, or how FEMA handles Sandy, you're as naive as you are slag.

    Hopefully in your meta-evolved state, along with the manpurse and manpact, you've developed the ability to metabolize concrete and rebar. But I jest...

    You've hit the nail on the head Jersey, in that our populist democratic government no longer represents the people of the United States but the major conurbations.

    More to follow on this subject in future posts.


  15. Feeble-minded
    Arrogantly ineffectual

  16. IDK Jersey. There's a hell of a lot of pissed off people in Queens, Staten Island, and along the Jersey shore. I don't think you can sell them on how wonderful things are, but you can take the A train out there and try.

  17. Ya mean it was't Bush's fault?

  18. Your looting articles talk more about a fear of looting than actual looting.

    It highlights the Rockaways which are very heavy with cop residences so I don't know what that does for your gun loon argument. Go figure.

    viburnum --- a storm on the short list of most destructive in history is going to leave disgruntled people, it's inevitable with this level of damage.
    It wasn't any surprise that crap bag Bloomberg got Wall Street back up quickly, next got power to the more well off areas and left the poor till last. The experience in neighborhoods like Red Hook and the Rockaways is instructive.

    Class matters in crap bag Bloomberg's world.

  19. I can attest that the recoronation of the blessed one has done great things for gun shows and sales. Was at one this weekend and it was wall to wall buyers.

    At least he has some positive effect on some industry.

    Duck, Remember who Bloomturd endorsed so that shows where his mind is.

  20. Ducky: "... a storm on the short list of most destructive in history is going to leave disgruntled people"

    I understand that and you're quite correct that dissatisfaction is inevitable. It was a nasty storm and it hit the area that meteorologists have warned for decades was the worst case scenario. Hard as it is to imagine, it could have been far worse. Casualties from a Category 5 storm would probably have numbered in the tens of thousands. My comment was a rejoinder to Jersey's assertion that people in NYC/NJ would somehow react differently to the situation than others elsewhere.

    As for getting the lights back on, I lost mine for a week and had to patiently explain to my wife that the same crew that could get the power back on for 6 houses out here in the boondocks could turn on the lights for 600 houses in town. Since highrises in Manhattan have far more electric meters than twins in Queens, the economics are obvious and we need look no farther to grasp the priorities.

  21. It is a travesty what is happening in NYC. I feel for them all, yeah, even the liberals.

    You and AOW, are so lucky to have help with your blogs, it's hard sometimes keeping up with mine, working and then reading books for the book blogs, which is a blessing, but we are giving time limits to get them done.

    You all do an awesome job.

  22. I'll send food when fat-ass Chris Christie gets on TV and begs for it.

  23. Yay! Chris Christie has such good policies and leadership skills (true, actually) that Beamish can only bash him on his weight.

  24. I didn't bash Chris Christie on his weight. I bashed him on his inability to miss a meal while his citizens go without food.


Fire away, but as a courtesy to others please stay on-topic and refrain from gratuitous flaming. Don't feed the trolls!

Have a Blessed and Happy Christmas!

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