Sunday, July 12, 2015

A Point of Order

This is the first flag of the Confederate States of America (fourth iteration):

This is the second flag of the Confederate States of America, there was a problem with it; when the wind wasn't blowing it looked like a white flag:

This is the third flag of the Confederate States of America, introduced to solve the "Oh look, the Rebs are surrendering" problem:

This is NOT a flag of the Confederate States of America, it is the Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia:

Historically, the "Rebel Flag" never flew over the South Carolina statehouse, this one did:

The revival of the Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia started not in the immediate aftermath of the civil war but in 1948, it was reintroduced and revived by one man running for office.  Can you guess which party he was running under?:

Slavery existed in the United States of America for 88 years (1777-1865), worst case scenario if you consider black oppression as lasting to the current day... 238 years.  As an Irishman, and my ancestors were from Donegal (in Ulster), my people were oppressed by the British for 800 years and I would have no problem flying this flag on my flagpole today (Orangeman's Day), which unless you're Irish you probably won't understand:

Seriously, everyone needs to get over it and put the past behind them, for until we do there is no going forward. 

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