Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Defending the Indefensible

"There is no way he can win. And I don't want to have to defend him while he tries." (Ricochet)

That’s the crux of it. That was a jaded tea party member talking about Mitt Romney, but it could be said of anyone in the field, still in or recently dropped out. It is one thing to silently hold your nose and vote, but quite another to violate your principles by actively defending a progressive statist, which describes everyone in the field except Ron Paul, who brings his own set of unique issues.

Obama is Unelectable 

There is hope. Sean Trende, number crunching political analyst with a 99% accuracy rate, observes that if Gingrich and Romney are unelectable, then so is Barack Obama.

Unpopular, unconvincing, unconstitutional, Obama is not faring well in public opinion polls. Obama is a job destroyer, and is on track to be the first president to have a net job loss during his tenure. The press will try to talk up the still sagging Obama economy, but that will only get him so far. People out of work can't eat hope and change.

Obama is a dismal, angry, clueless failure, even worse than Carter, and that is what we should relentlessly focus on as November 2012 nears. Getting us rid of this modern-day Mussolini before he can pull the handle for the final, fatal flush should be our first and only goal.

I can’t stand Romney or Gingrich, and Santorum is only marginally better, but anyone in the GOP field is head and shoulders better than Barack Obama. Think of who you would rather have pick the next Supreme Court Justice for a narrowly divided court. It’s no contest with the constitution hanging in the balance. I want a President Paul, Santorum, Romney or Gingrich making that pick.

So I will vote GOP this November, and I will criticize, crab and cajole the whole way because I want to live to fight another day.


  1. Very important about SCOTUS!

    Once those justices are on the bench, we're stuck with them for decades.

    I will vote GOP this November, and I will criticize, crab and cajole the whole way because I want to live to fight another day.

    ABO: Anybody But Obama!

  2. More often than not voting is a matter of the lesser of the two evils and not a matter of any enthusiasm. And in that spirit I will vote for Romney. Yes, he's big government statist who will not reduce spending but at least he'll destroy the country slower then Obama.

  3. You'll then have to defend your vote for four years.

  4. ABO is a dangerous mindset, for it hints that you would be willing to settle for the lesser of the two evils instead of maintain our convictions.

    Obama is going to win. We will have another four years of his nonsense. Congress is where the power is, not in the Presidency. (Aside from SCOTUS nominations, of course.) I can easily handle another four years of his Socialism, misogyny, hypocrisy, femininity, and basic worthlessness.

    When he wins, and America slides closer and closer to financial and global oblivion because of him and his ilk, it will be the BEST thing ever for True Conservatism.

    The impotent GOP, that toothless entity, will not be able to do anything. They will bow and cower to the leftists like normal. It will always come down to True Conservatives.

    So, Obama another four years is not a problem. It's a drop in the bucket compared to the Big Picture. Some of us have been preparing for just such an occasion, and have no fears of his machinations.

  5. "You'll then have to defend your vote for four years."

    Easy. "He's better than Obama."

    And what election isn't the lesser of two evils?

  6. It will always come down to true conservatives?

    What will? "True conservatives" are to busy getting punched in the mouth by the homos to get anything done.

    Stick around, keep the "culture war" (freaking waste of time) percolating and sell yourself to the company store. Maybe bomb up a few Muslims for fun.

    Simply by assuming that Obummer is the sole player in the financial problem is demonstration of the cluelessness Silver attributes to him.

    However, just look at the way he got you morons fighting the culture war recently and understand why you don't have a freaking prayer.

  7. ...a system that results in a Romney vs Obama is what your vote is defending. Me, I'll be writing in someone I can support... and not "settling" for two weevils.

  8. i'm no longer in the Navyand so I'm not limited to voting for weevils.

    Besides, I think we can all agree that Obama is the "lesser" (less capable) weevil.

  9. With Mitt the Shitt as our candidate, Obama is a shoo in.

    You can take that to the bank -- UNLESS The Big 0 can pull some kind of rabbit out of his hat -- like turning Tehran to glass in a preemptive strike -- or getting his Crney Capitalist Pals to manipulate a sudden 1000-point gain on the DOW a ay or two before the election.

    Of course President Obamanoma is perfectly capable of promising his ever-so-base base a lobster in every pot, a diamond tiara on every slut's nappy little head, a Rolls Royce in every garage and a free Marble "Cottage" complete with staff made up of formerly-rich white bastards in Newport, Rhode Island in order to win re-election -- and THEY will be STUPID ENOUGH to BELIEVE HIM.

    We used to say, "There goes the neighborhood."

    NOW we can say with perfect confidence, "There goes the REPUBLIC."

    Don't you just adore "Progress?"

    ~ FreeThinke

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Of course President Obamanoma is perfectly capable of promising his ever-so-base base a lobster in every pot, a diamond tiara on every slut's nappy little head..."

    "...a diamond tiara on every slut's nappy little head..."

    Someone had a rather large helping of hornets with his cornflakes this morning.

  12. I do believe after this nonsensical primary ends and we start the General campaign, much of what Obama has done will be tackled. How could any rational person still believe in his damnable Hope and Change?

  13. "...every slut's nappy little head"?

    Freethinker you're late for the White Citizen's Council meeting.

  14. A famous misquote of Harold MacMillan describes what will decide this fall's election:

    "Events, my dear boy, events."

  15. Just ate my usual breakfast of rusty nails, broken glass and steel filings washed down with WHITE vinegar, Ms. Shaw. };-)>

    Just havin' a little fun here exercisin' my First Amendment Rights. Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander and all that.

    As far as I know, congress has not yet passed a law against egregious exhibitions of bad taste. Heaven knows we see enough of it.

    Tell me, while we're at it, do you believe Jonathan Swift was serious when he wrote A Modest Proposal? Or that Lady Astor really meant that she'd have taken poison, if Winston Churchill had had the misfortune to be her husband?

    Come come! It's time we stopped playing games pretending to be "outraged" all the time over trashy tarradiddle, and began to look at life with humor and a proper sense of perspective once again.

    I'll echo the prediction of some long-forgotten sage who said, The United States will not be destroyed by Fascism, Communism, Islamism or nuclear holocaust. It will instead die a long, slow agonized death from TERMINAL EARNESTNESS.

    If you really knew me, I know you'd love me, Ma'am -- and I strongly suspect the feeling would be mutual.


    ~ FreeThinke

  16. Shaw,

    "Someone had a rather large helping of hornets with his cornflakes this morning."

    Now that's funny! I'd not heard that one before. In the military, we would ask someone who was being priggish: "Who pissed in your canteen this morning?"


  17. Folks,

    It is a travesty that we, as Americans, are forced, FORCED, to vote every four years for 'the lesser of the two evils'.

    I mean, seriously...what does this tell you about the Big Two? It tells you that both are evil, but the one less evil will get the position.


    We deserve better. We are indeed the greatest f-ing country on the planet, leading the way and setting the standard, and yet we timidly and weakly abdicate our demands for proper governance each 4 year cycle because we will settle. Settle. And settle for what? The lesser of the two evils.

    For shame.

    Please do not take this rebuke as me condescending on any of you who are not leftists. It's just, damn, don't you want the best, don't you deserve the best, don't your very hearts burn in you for proper Constitutional government, far removed from the ideological abortion that is American politics?

    You may convince yourself that drinking a little poison is better than drinking the whole bottle, but this what we have come to?

    Enough. Enough.

  18. One more time I will vote against a candidate instead of for a candidate. When will we ever learn?

  19. Obama will win, why? Simply because the republican movement has moved away from the centre and thus will not get enough support from the swing-voters in that centre.

    Looking at the comments I would say many of you are a reflection of that problem within the Conservative movement in America - you do not believe in consensus and in fact democracy - you want it your way or no way. Tell me please in what part of Conservative politics does it say that you must ignore the beliefs of the people?

    I am pro-life, I would set extremely tight rules on any family planning, I am very strong towards contract-based immigration only, deporting those that do not comply with it and i do not support big government at all. However, if I was a voter, I would simply vote and then back the winner - not whine and be a spoiler.

    D Charles

  20. A call to return to our greatness:

    ...and there it is...

  21. Obama has a few aces up his sleeve.

    First, there's a Hispanic vote. The Right has been relatively quite about immigration and assimilation lately, probably having learned the lesson from '06 and '08, when those issues hurt them with that demographic. If Obama's team is smart, they will bring the issues back to the fore before November.

    Second, there's the women's vote. The recent flaps over birth control have shown the GOP to be callous and chauvinist towards women in the eyes of many. Baby Boomer and Gen-X women are getting older, voting more, and tend to be liberal and progressive on women's issues. Fear of packed-Right courts, and a possible return to the GOP one-party state, could mean a big victory for Obama, whom we can expect to remind women of the consequences of conservative social regressive.

    Third, there's the conservative vote - or lack thereof. While it may be true that the anyone-but-Obama sentiment runs particularly strong among conservatives, with Romney looking to be the candidate, there is chance many of these voters would stay home, seeing it as best to wait another four years to see if that will lay the ground for a "true" conservative candidate.

    Finally, there's foreign events. Obama has shown to be the consummate statesman, deftly handling a host of tricky entanglements. Another major event, handled well again, would boost Obama among independents.

    So far, it seems to me that the election will be a tight race between Obama and Romney, with a slight edge for Obama.

    I hope Obama wins.


  22. "Obama has shown to be the consummate statesman

    Yeah... I wonder if he's learned to speak Austrian yet...

  23. I will agree with JMJ that the foreign policy of Obama has been what your country needed and has improved the standing of the US. If only the GOP followed his Administration's line the eight years before ......

    Damien Charles

  24. @twoguys2012 - It is a travesty that we, as Americans, are forced, FORCED, to vote every four years for 'the lesser of the two evils'.


    And just think how easy the vote is going to be in four years.

    Obama beats a somewhat moderate (Romney) and the party freaks are going to be screaming. "See, we need a ]true conservative".

    Party moves further right towards the religious freaks and Libertarians and you get your face punched in again.

    Problem with this scenario ]is it leaves no possibility for a progressive to be elected. We're just going to have to hit bottom.

  25. Exercises in Futility

    Sweetness and light!
    Sweetness and light!
    And still you carry on the fight.

    Once rid of your enemies
    You still won't live in peace and ease.
    Antagonism's meat and drink
    To those who'd rather fight than think.

    Taking umbrage is much more fun
    Than facing the Truth in the light of the sun.
    The more you follow paths of anger
    Your soul moves nearer to grave danger.

    Once one demon disappears,
    Another’s ugly head soon rears
    And swoops to stoke the raging fire,
    For you'd be nothing without fears.
    Pet hates comprise your heart's desire.

    ~ FT

  26. Two Guys,
    ABO is a dangerous mindset, for it hints that you would be willing to settle for the lesser of the two evils instead of maintain our convictions.

    Not exactly.

    If I vote third party, I'll end up casting a vote for Obama by default.

    Many times, I HAVE voted my convictions -- only to see the worst of the candidates win.

    Honestly, I'm fed up with whole damn process right now.

    The GOP seems determined to give the nomination to Romney -- along the lines of "it's his turn." Pfffft.

  27. Breitbart tapas released !!!

    SHOCKING !!!!!

    Did you know that when he was in Law School, Obama was black? And he hung out with other black people?

  28. FT,
    With Mitt the Shitt as our candidate, Obama is a shoo in.

    You can take that to the bank

    I think that you're right.


    A lot can happen between now and November.

    In 1980, at this time (March), how many people would have predicted that Reagan would win? I don't remember as I wasn't paying much attention at the time. Maybe you know that answer?

  29. At least you admit you are a tool of the Right...

    Or perhaps I've written too soon as I expect you'll hem and haw and try and squirm yourself into believing that the GOP actually does represent the things it claims to represent...

  30. If my candidate (Gingrich) doesn't win the GOP nomination, I fully intend to campaign for Obama as the candidate that will destroy America faster.

    I'm not certain a nation that is confused enough to consider Mitt Romney a "conservative" is worthy of preservation efforts.

  31. I will also vote GOP when the times comes.

    Hell, anyone is better than Obama.

  32. I don't admit I'm a tool of the right. I vote for the candidate I most agree with. It's not a perfect world, Gene...

  33. beamish,

    "I'm not certain a nation that is confused enough to consider Mitt Romney a "conservative" is worthy of preservation efforts."

    Now there's a blog post just begging to be written!

  34. JMJ: First, there's a Hispanic vote.

    My best guess is Romney/Rubio, and I don't see him getting pilloried like Palin because of the Hispanic vote.

    The female demographic is probably a toss up depending on turnout.

    ...seeing it as best to wait another four years to see if that will lay the ground for a "true" conservative candidate.

    James Madison being unavailable, I think most will take the practical view and vote against Obama no matter who's at the top of the Republican ticket.

    "Another major event, handled well again, would boost Obama among independents."

    Stand by for the "The Last Remake of Wag the Dog" Why did you think we went to Bosnia?


  35. All bets are off until after Hannity concludes showing the Breitbart Obama Harvard Tapes, on this Wednesday's broadcast of his show.

    This is going to change much.

    Thursday will be a very, very interesting day, indeed.

  36. Anybody but obama.
    The evilness of obamacare, let alone all you mention, is just starting to affect us. It's going to be unreal, and I already feel like I've been raped with a telephone pole.

  37. viburnum,

    "My best guess is Romney/Rubio, and I don't see him getting pilloried like Palin because of the Hispanic vote."

    I could see Romney picking him, but I think he will go with a southern WASP. I don't know. It could go a few ways.

    "The female demographic is probably a toss up depending on turnout."

    I disagree. Turn-out will be average, and the GOP has a big problem there in the swing states.

    "...I think most (conservative voters) will take the practical view and vote against Obama no matter who's at the top of the Republican ticket."

    I don't know. I think there are many who would be so disaffected by Romney, and believe Obama is just the worst thing since disco, and that with either President the country would be down the same path, that they may as well wait it out in the belief that the country will then finally embrace their Rightist agenda. Who knows? I suppose it could happen.

    "Stand by for the "The Last Remake of Wag the Dog" Why did you think we went to Bosnia?"

    No. That's not why we went to Bosnia. That entanglement started many years earlier. That was a last Cold War spark, igniting ancient fuels, among a weird variety of people, along a complex old line of debarkation that should never have been yet always have.

    It was a more complex than "Wag the Dog."


  38. The Breitbart tapes --- proof that poor little Andrew was down to seeds and stems. Silly little man.

    The stuff would embarrass Jerome Corsi.

  39. The Supreme Court situation is enough to get me to vote for even that awful Palin. Almost.
    Well, maybe not...:-)

  40. Ducky, you seem jealous of Breitbart; like you just can't let it go, like a poor whining baby.
    Odd that you think ACORN was a lie but...there IS NO ACORN anymore. And I didn't hear any Democrats protecting it, did you?

    How's about Sherrod? She was fired and nobody fought for her. THink Andrew had the goods and nobody wants the goods out? Or they don't want them out more than they want Sherrod IN gov't? :-)

    By the way, Corsi was right, too.

    It was kinda fun watching Prof Ogletree telling his Harvuhd class they didn't release the Obama video in '08, wasn't it? :-)

  41. Z,

    Loved that quote!

    “We hid this throughout the 2008 campaign. I don’t care if they find it now."

    Ouch! That's gonna leave a mark!

  42. z, the fact that the Dems didn't have the freaking balls to back up A.C.O.R.N. merely speaks to the fact that there are few of them worth anything and there is little difference between the two parties.

    Elections are kabuki for Rollo. They all dance for the same puppet masters and giving a voice to the working class isn't part of the plan. Hence ACORN had to go.

    They did the same with Sherrod. The unedited tapes are clear and her suit should cut into little Andrews estate nicely.

    Corsi's back working up the birthers since Sheriff Joe (another beauty) declared it a forgery. Leticia is all excited that Obama will have to resign.

    You people follow a clan of conspiracy theorists and you fell bad for me? It's not my mind that's rotting from disuse. My film and photography is better than ever.

  43. "Obama has shown to be the consummate statesman, deftly handling a host of tricky entanglements."


    "Another major event, handled well again, would boost Obama among independents."

    What do you mean "again"?

    Are we in the same space-time continuum?

    You mean like IRAN?

    If he can pull that rabbit out of the hat, even I'll be impressed.

    In my humble opinion, Iran is a no-win situtation politically.

    If he does nothing, or more of the same he appears weak.

    If he takes military action, he'll get a short 'patriotism' boost and then gas will hit 8-10 dollars a gallon and cold hard reality will sink in with the voters.

    About the only positive outcome I can foresee is if the Iranians cave, and that's highly unlikely.


  44. Why would Rubio want the VP gig? That's the road to nowhere.

  45. Twoguys: ABO is a dangerous mindset, for it hints that you would be willing to settle for the lesser of the two evils instead of maintain our convictions.

    We're always left picking the lesser of two evils. Government itself is a necessary evil, unless you have enough faith in the goodness of human nature to embrace an anarchic alternative.

    Politics has always been "the art of the possible” and since the course we’re on is impossible to sustain we had better do whatever we can to turn the boat around. Right full rudder is certainly an appealing idea but a few degrees to starboard consistently applied will still get you headed in the same direction and without upsetting the passengers.

    I’ll admit to dissatisfaction with the Republicans performance in the past, but allowing Obama and friends to continue to pursue their socialist agenda out of disappointment with whoever is the candidate is just cutting off our nose to spite our face.


  46. There is a third option: spoil your ballot paper. If lots of people do that then yes, BO might win, but he cannot claim a broad mandate nor can he write off a low turnout as due to a lazy or indifferent electorate. Spoiling your paper is a positive act, which indicates disapproval of the whole field.

  47. Jez: There is a third option: spoil your ballot paper.

    That's probably far too subtle a gesture for American politicians, besides which less than 2% of the electorate use that type of ballot. I suppose 'none of the above' could be entered on the electronic voting machines and other systems in use but you can be sure that some wit here will have legally changed their name to that and claim the victory. ;-)


  48. Good for you Silver, i would do the same if i were an American.

    Just imagine what obama will do with a second term, one where he knows he doesn't need to care about a 3rd term, where he won't be accountable to the voters. It's a scary thought.

  49. "There is a third option: spoil your ballot paper."

    That's what a lot of Australians do but it's mainly because we're forced to vote, they don't want to get fined for not voting. Personally i think it's a waste of time, no one cares about that protest, so might as well just vote against the left and make it count.

    "BO might win, but he cannot claim a broad mandate nor can he write off a low turnout as due to a lazy or indifferent electorate."

    He won't care either way, he's already turning the country to crap without a mandate and obvious disapproval from the voters, so he wouldn't give a rats ass if he doesn't get a majority vote.

  50. RWT

    "That's what a lot of Australians do but it's mainly because we're forced to vote, they don't want to get fined for not voting."

    If we did that here we could pay off the national debt in no time. In 2008 only 56.8% of those old enough, and 61.6% of those registered, actually voted and THAT was a forty year high.

    Americans are abysmally apathetic.


  51. "He won't care either way"

    Maybe, but I wonder whether other politicians would see the political profit to be made opposing him?

    I suppose the compulsory voting in Australia does disguise that protest signal. In a country like US or UK, where turnout is typically under 50%, a large turnout spoiling or voting "none of the above" would be very noticeable. It would probably command upwards of 48 solid hours on the rolling news channels, bumping lesser stories like Iran declaring war or whatever.

    Didn't Richard Pryor run as "none of the above" in Brewster's Millions?

  52. two comments based oin the above discourse.

    Finntann, Obama has done way better than many recent presidents on the international scale and it is not just the aipac version of Iran that counts. better concentrate on economics to bag him.

    Secondly, is not the reality that winning requires the large centrist middle american voter who choses to vote either way? if anything the polarizing element within the GOP has almost assured a victory to BO.

    I agee with the comment, expect to lose, use it as a test and start looking and working hard for 2016. Rubio should not tarnish his reputation on now, perhaps JebB or Christie with Rubio for then? anyone?

    D Chares

  53. D Charles... what exactly has Obama done? Aside from following the rest of the lemmings?

    You know, I'm wracking my brain and just can't come up with any brilliant Obama diplomatic initiative or breakthrough.

    "if anything the polarizing element within the GOP has almost assured a victory to BO"

    Unless of course that center thinks his progressive left rudder administration is polarizing.

    Gallup Poll 16-19 Feb 2012


    Obama a success 42%

    Obama a failure 53%

    Obama No Opinion 5%

    So much for that centrist-middle

    If the election were held today:

    Romney 50%, Obama 46%

    Santorum 48%, Obama 49%


  54. Finntann,

    Obama has changed a great deal in the way US diplomacy, bilateral and multi-lateral dealings. Trade negotiation style has unfortunately not changed.

    The result of the changes has opened doors to the US, lessened "interference" by US politics into the affairs of other nations and his reaching out to the Middle-East has stopped the obvious unconditional bais in that region that left 14 nations second fiddle to the benefit of one.

    In one swoop he has turned the United States into an important but nevertheless a member of the international community rather than a stand-alone super-power that considers itself "exceptional" and makes everyone know it.

    We can add that he has altered the hawkish jump right in and boots-on-the-ground attitude to one of considering all the factors that apply. He has pulled your country out of one very ugly and questionable war.

    He has signed trade agreements with a number of critical countries that have been previously ignorned.

    As mentioned, unfortunately he still plays the hard-ball trade dealing to the detriment of other nations, simply because he can subsidise prices and threaten raising taxes to ensure Americans get the deal rather than the smaller economies of Canada, Australia and India.

    Now having said all that, if the GOP followed such an improved world-view in international affairs, who knows what improvements could happen in your country. (Please remember I am centre-right and a committed member of the British Conservative Party).

    A last comment, arguments such as Obama "apologizing his way around the world" was just political rhetoric for elections, and was proven to be incorrect as shown on a number of watchdogs such as PoliFact and others. Arguments such as his being anti-Israeli is similarly to the benefit of interest and lobby groups. Most countries except the GOP and the far-Right Israeli government consider the current process versus Iran as being the right step.

    Please ensure that any rebute to the above is supported by details, unless of course it is just your "opinion" of which you are most certainly entitled to and respected. My list above are events and a reflection of the views of the rest of the world. The term "Statesman" refers, I should point out, to the capacity of that person based on the views of other nations, not their own.


    Damien Charles

  55. Finntann,

    I am not American, you are, and you should therefore know better than me that such Gallup Polls never reflect much except views of those that wish to answer (the more active), the location and number that were asked and ulimately for that time.

    Your election in November will reflect the feelings on the day, the realization that it is an important choice and then, regardless of the vote, it depends on the majority of States not the majority of people (because you would have had Al Gore as President if it was).

    The ultimate decider for chosing the US Presidency comes down to five factors only. Getting the Latino Vote (because of the States that they influence), Getting the large Swing Voter element (mostly for the northern states), Getting the Older Voter (as they are most likely to vote and currently prefer Romney), Getting the largest number of States (not the largest number of votes) and proving to the people that he or she represents all of them (well most of them, that is why the radical, tea-party and ultra-religious candidates never have a chance).

    Though this is a topic in itself, one thing you can say about America's electoral system - it is neither uniform or actually truelly democratic.


    Damien Charles

  56. Damien,

    I've lived in Europe as well as Asia, including Swindon in your own country, and am perhaps not as myopic as you may presume.

    I am a Libertarian (economically conservative, socially liberal) by nature, a Republican by convenience (there's not a snowballs chance in hell of getting a Libertarian elected here).

    You ask me to support my position with details, yet scold me on the use of Gallup Poll statistics. What would you have me do? Ask everyone?

    "The result of the changes has opened doors to the US, lessened "interference" by US politics into the affairs of other nations"

    And led to what? Increased "interference" by European politics? or Euro-American Politics? Or were those not NATO planes flying over Libya?

    I would have to disagree with you that Obama is any different regarding US troop deployment than previous presidents, with the possible exception that he is more covert about it. Meet the new boss same as the old boss.

    I might also add that Syria and Iran are not done yet.

    My point, that I attempted to illustrate with the Gallup numbers was that many of us here in the colonies find Obama just as, if not more polarizing.

    I will grant you this, your assessment is correct, it is the independents that will determine the outcome. Funny thing is, if you ignore political affiliation, more identify as conservative or moderate than liberal here.


  57. Only the people who know enough -- and CARE enough -- to WANT to be "represented," DESERVE representation.

    The rest are dullards most of whom know nothing and have no opinion worth entertaining.

    All men may be CREATED equal, but they don't stay that way for long.

    Now, I've given you something else to despise and reject.

    Have fun.

    ~ FT


Fire away, but as a courtesy to others please stay on-topic and refrain from gratuitous flaming. Don't feed the trolls!

Have a Blessed and Happy Christmas!

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