Thursday, March 8, 2012

Rush to Outrage

Rush Limbaugh, hero of the left for two decades, has really blown it. He’s handed a huge victory to the left by removing the birth control debate from the logical forum of constitutional rights and placing it squarely into the Oprahfied realm of touchy-feely emotionalism, where the grievance hustlers can run wild with it.

Liberals are giddily asking, Could this be the end of Limbaugh? even as they grant misogyny exceptions to their own slimeballs, with the White House going so far as to issue a Waiver to Bill Maher. Whip-smart liberal Kirsten Powers is not impressed, pointing out that Limbaugh isn’t the Only Media Misogynist; the left has problems of its own that it studiously ignores. The president did not call Sarah Palin or Laura Ingraham when they were trashed by smirky hatemongering men of the left.

Heedless of the double-standard, the left is in high dudgeon, and the anti-Rush propaganda posts are all using the same picture of him caught in mid-sentence, making him look red-faced and mean. It’s become iconic; the modern-day left’s own image of Emmanuel Goldstein, suitable for not a mere two minutes hate, but perpetual 24/7 eternal flaming rage.

I think Rush’s latest outburst really did put a serious dent in the battleship. Rush’s excuse was weak, “I became like them, descended to their level…” but he will survive this; he’s too talented. But his blue-on-blue cannonade has struck a punishing blow to conservatism.

Meanwhile, the left has whipped itself up into an extra-frothy overwrought state of rage reminiscent of the violent jihadi temper tantrums over burned korans and disrespectful cartoons.

Why did Rush do it?

First, I think he probably has a mean streak. That’s not a killer. The snarkiest liberal comedians display one as well. The real problem I think is that he’s richer than God and lives in a hermetically-sealed bubble. It’s got to distort his thinking and his view on life. It's telling that when he makes life observations, he harkens back to his past as a normal person struggling to pay the bills, because he no longer lives a normal life. He doesn’t hang out in working-class bars shooting pool, mingle with other parents at a public school events or attend church socials. He’s disconnected.

But he will survive, because no one lays down political analysis and skewers the left better than Rush. Media Matters was set up in large part to counter him, as well as Fox News. Think about that. A whole multi-million dollar organization set up to combat one man, and the best they can come up with is small-bore tittle-tattle about his personal life, or overblown outrage at some insult he hurled. And when conservatives point out that million-dollar donors to Obama’s campaign have said some nasty things about Sarah Palin, libs shrug it off because “Bill Maher is a comedian.” Oh, OK. Never would have known it by his comments…

He will also survive the lily-livered advertisers jumping ship. Pro Flowers was the only company I patronized, and I won’t anymore. I don’t like doing business with cowards. Other businesses will quickly fill the breach. A billboard viewed by over 20 million people is just too attractive to pass up.


Rush is extremely effective in combating the liberal lunacy that has gripped this country. Don’t believe me? Then why have liberals been on a decades-long jihad to “Hush Rush?” If he were really harming the conservative cause as his indignant opponents claim, wouldn’t they rather let him keep on talking and thus continue digging conservatism’s mass grave?

Don’t buy the phony talking points folks. This latest staged outrage is coordinated and organized by cultural jihadis determined to remove a major obstacle to their Progressive Long March. People like Rush Limbaugh and Andrew Breitbart cut liberals to the quick. The libs' asses are smarting from the lashes, and their anger burns as they lick their wounds. Hell hath no fury like a liberal scorned.

Progressives are about expanding government control and diminishing personal freedom. Does anyone else find it troubling that liberals are always trying to close things down and shut people up? It’s not only troubling; it’s un-American.

CNN – Limbaugh Revels in the Crossfire
Limbaugh Loses Advertisers
Time for Conservatives to Fight Blacklisting
Silencing the Right
Birth Control Agitprop


  1. Rush Limbaugh will go away when he wants to go away: "The only person that can kill Limbaugh."

    The leftists are maintaining that 40+ advertisers have left Rush. Untrue. The radio affiliates who carry his show bowed to pressure and lost advertisers, but Rush himself didn't have 40+ advertisers on his roster.

    Again, how can the leftists be so livid about Rush using the words 'slut' and 'prostitute', when they use words like 'c*nt*, n*ggers', 'b*tches', all on record?

    Liberalism is indeed a mental disease. Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.

  2. Probably the most hilarious attempt by some on the left is to get EIB to fire him. LMAO! Obviously they are to stupid to know, he owns EIB.

    Lesson in all this; Don't allow yourself to get caught up in a debate with liberals when they have changed the subject. Even a slight change in the narrative, and the next thing you know your debating something completely different, as in this case.
    (Example, "It's Bush's fault")

  3. Why did he say this stuff, you ask? Rush Limbaugh has never been good with female topics. He just isn't. Never has been, never will be. Married four (count 'em - 4) times, no kids, and will never temper himself to consider the feminine side of any issue.

    Like his 'femi-Nazi's.' How on earth will that ever resonate with about half the population, notwithstanding the leftist philosophy behind the label.

    And when he says 'I love the women's movement, especially when I'm walking behind it...', yeah, el Rushbo looks to jab red hot pokers into all feminine issues all the time.

    And the Hillary Clinton joke about meeting her in an elevator, punchline about folding his pants, you just can't get any dumber than Maha-Rushie about what people find funny about women and men and how they interact.

    He'll never get it when it comes to women, and should probably just run women things by Mr. Snerdley for editing before he spouts them, since Bo Snerdley knows everything about women (just ask him, he'll tell you).

  4. Silverfiddle,
    I agree with every word in your first paragraph.

    Now, both Obama and the mainstream media have control of the narrative about Fluke.

    We conservatives, whether fans of Limbaugh or not, are going to have a helluva time because of Limbaugh's name-calling. We're going to be lumped in with Limbaugh! Never mind that the Left does similar or worse name-calling. After all, two wrongs really do not make a right.

  5. And one more thing....Limbaugh will survive this.

    But I am very concerned that his rash outburst may well contribute to Obama's victory in November. I'm convinced that the spill-over will resonate for a long time.

    I think back to the John Birch Society and how it was discredited. The spill-over resonated for a long time -- and still resonates.

  6. I am not so sure this is settled their way. It looks like the new Cardinal Dolan will stick to his guns on this. Rush will start to fade, and if someone can reframe it as a mandate and intrustion, we might get back on track. Hope springs eternal.

  7. Limbargh, regardless of the truths he comes up with, is pandering to an ever-increasing extreme in the right of politics. He believes like many politicians that serving that group will increase his support. It does not and to counter that he mistakingly looks for contraversy rather than work out that he is playing to a minority and not the grass roots.

    D Charles

  8. I agree with everything TwoGuys said in the first post of the day.

    Frankly, I think it's very foolish of "us" to make so much of anything like this. I don't care what the opposition thinks, or how it pretends it feels either.

    "We" can't afford to cede any points to the oppositionwhatever. "Our" outrage and prim expressions of disapproval towards one of our own only feeds the LEFTIST Beast.

    There's no proper role for prudishness to play in the blood sport we call politics.

    What "we" seem never to comprehend is the left's unwillingness -- possibly it's inability -- ever to give "us" credit for thinking, feeling, writing or doing anything "good."

    This old joke from the Nixon era delightfully illustrates the point:

    Nixon announced to the press one day, "Tomorrow, I shall walk across San Francisco Bay. Please be there with your cameras to record the event."

    True to his word Mr. Nixon stepped lightly onto the surface of the bay right in front of the national press corps, and walked at a brisk pace all the way to Alcatraz and back -- but not a camera was in sight to record the event.

    Within an hour headlines rang out all across the nation:


    Funny? Maybe, but it's all too true.

    When you're dealing with an enemy as fiendishly unprincipled as that, no matter what ridiculous thing one of your compatriots may do, you need to close ranks, acknowledge no fault in one of your own and stoutly defend the First Amendment.

    The more "we" rail on about how "wrong" Rush was, the bigger the story gets giving greater and greater strength the enemy.

    Rush has NOTHING to apologize for, and I'm very sorry he let himself be pressured into thinking he did.

    ~ FreeThinke

  9. because no one lays down political analysis and skewers the left better than Rush.

    And that is the sad part for me. As I have grown politically, I find Rush to be shallow, banal and often lacking in substance. Years ago he used to talk about Big Ideas instead of attacking personalities. I think his show has been on a downward slide for a long time...

    What do you think, Kurt?

  10. Damien Charles, with all due respect I don't believe that you understand our internal affairs as well as you seem to think you do.

    We have been engaged in a Civil War since the 1960's. The majority of our people are so busy just trying to make a living they are unaware of the influences brought to bear on them. Very sadly, the public only knows what the television tells them, and most of our people have only a feeble grasp of that.

    It's a situation ripe for tragedy.

    "The people have always some champion whom they set over them and nurse into greatness . . . This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs. When he first appears, he is a Protector. . . In the early days of his power he is full of smiles. . . When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies . . . and there is nothing to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other in order that the people may require a leader. . . Has he not also another object . . . that they may be impoverished by taxes and thus compelled to devote themselves to their daily wants and [be] therefore less likely to conspire against him?"

    ~ Plato (427-347 B. C.)

    Ironically, Plato had a much better grasp of contemporary American politics -- 350 years before the birth of Christ -- than than you -- or most of the American people -- have today.

    ~ FreeThinke

  11. Yeah, three days of calling a college student a slut and a whore because she may be sexually active.

    That the kind of balls you admire?

    Right wingers are pathetic little frightened cockroaches.

  12. " ... Years ago [Rush] used to talk about Big Ideas instead of attacking personalities. I think his show has been on a downward slide for a long time..."

    Very sadly I have to agree. His commentary has become formulaic, and therefore, tiresome, but that doesn't mean "we" ought to attack him.

    Only barbarians indulge in cannabalism.

    ~ FreeThinke


    Progressive mouthpiece, a bush league radio jock, Malloy mocks dead Christians from tornadoes.

    Enjoy the hypocrisy.

  14. I don't think this is all that big a deal.

    For one, anyone blitheringly idiotic enough to condemn the entirety of conservatism over the words of a single conservative using his freedom of speech irresponsibly in a single instance probably lacks the prerequisite intelligence needed to become a conservative anyway.

    For two, "Sandra Fluke who?" Any explanation to the 7 out of 10 people who don't pay any attention to what is going on this country and don't know their own zip code much less their state legislator's name will have to include the account that she's some chick that went before Congress to cry that she can't have sex because nobody will buy her some birth control pills. 5 of these 7 people will have the same reaction Rush Limbaugh did.

    And go back to their beers.

  15. LCR: I don't get to listen to the radio much unless it is over the internet after work, when I prefer to listen to Michael Savage if I have the time, mostly because he talks so little about partisan politics.

    So I can't really judge. All I know is, Rush must be effective, or no one would care, like when that limp lib talker insulted Christian tornado victims. Nobody listens to him, so nobody really cared.

    Dogs don't chase parked cars.

  16. Here's a novel idea: perhaps both sides, liberals and conservatives, are filled with childish idiots?

    Maybe when Americans realize that neither the Republican Party or the Democrat Party has the people's interests at heart then American politics can move forward.

    So many people have bought into the ridiculous idea that there is somehow a "civil war" going on. Well, there isn't. It's all artificial. They say what you want to hear, and they've snowed you into believing that everything the other side believes is going to bring about the apocalypse.

    And why? Votes of course. Money, power, whatever. So go on believing that Rush Limbaugh is a saint and Maher is the devil. And for you liberals, go on believing Maher is Mother Theresa and Limbaugh is Adolf Hitler. Do what they want you to do. Do what you're told to do. Get mad. Demonize the other side. FIGHT! While you all are busy squabbling for the scraps they throw you, they'll be busy enjoying the whole meal itself.

  17. FT,

    I am the first to admit that I am neither American nor do I live there. I visit regularly family and for work but that should not and for me does not count. One of the reasons for reading and commenting is to learn and understand.

    Having said that, I am presenting the view that I think the majority of educated Europeans think and that should not be discounted, at least from an image point of view.

    Remember, regardless of being Conservative or Left, most Europeans who observe America consider the Conservatives to be fractured and still dreaming of the old "imperialist" days (our term not yours, obviously) and more and more religous. Europeans also consider Obama to be a breath of fresh air when it comes to international affairs but are dissapointed that he is unable to control his Congress and thus cannot get your economics fixed. Europeans wrongly assume that the Conservatives are in the pockets of big-business. We consider Libertarians to be centrist Conservatives in our standards.

    I should add that Europeans laugh when some Americans call Obama and the Democrats as Socialists or worse Marxists as we know what they are as we have suffered from(if not created) them.

    All in all, it is an interesting subject.

    Damien Charles

  18. I wouldn't sweat it Damien. American politics, anymore, is more about people feeling warm and fuzzy about their worldviews than it is about finding real answers to the hard questions.

    Any critique, criticism, or benign perspective from someone on the "outside," ia almost always discarded as inaccurate because an outside observer "can't possibly understand." And that's all the more ironic considering those same people will offer up just as much criticism towards *any* European country.

    The prevailing attitude is that we (Americans) know best for everyone, everywhere. If anyone else claims to know best for us, well they're just wrong because they don't "understand" America.

  19. Jack,

    What makes you believe that the GOP/beltway Republicans (big R), are anything near being Conservatives?

    I have yet to meet a Democrat that wasn't liberal, but I know a great many Conservatives that are not Republican.

    Now, a small 'r' republican...there are many of us around. Big difference, yes?

    I'm not slighting you, Jack. It's simply that I tire of the lie that The GOP.Republican Party is Conservative. They most assuredly are not, and as you said, they are as bad as the Democrats.

    There are many of us who refuse to bow at the Throne of the GOP and accept their rulings and choices as being ours. Fah.

    Thanks for reading.

  20. @Jack: "Here's a novel idea: perhaps both sides, liberals and conservatives, are filled with childish idiots?"

    There's nothing novel about it. That's the point of my post.

    Anyone who feigns getting the vapors over some comment or other needs to get over themselves.

    The crap is flying 24/7 from all sides. We are a crass nation.

  21. Rightist/Conservative jackasses? (Here!)

    But being a jackass does not, in any way, imply I am incorrect. Can a leftist make that same claim?

    And I thought that "...getting the vapors..." was code for the inevitable back blast one would have after eating baked beans. I seem to still learn something new every day.

  22. The worse mistake Rush made was apologizing for calling a self proclaimed slut a slut. He should have stood his ground.

  23. Kurt,

    Something that crossed my Sargasso Sea brain today that I think might be of interest.

    We are reading about advertisers pulling out of Limbaugh's show and blah blah blah. Okay, fine. We get it.

    But what about Conservatives who, being disgusted with his apology to Fluke, are walking away from him now?

    Jim at Conservatives on Fire brings that possibility into light with his comments.

    So advertisers are fleeing from Rush. Hm. What about his audience?

  24. twoguys2012 -- I figured you'd be trying to explain why the CIA risked using the heart attack gun on Breitbart to stop such trivial film (already ran on Frontline, too).

    Can't wait for the unedited one where he lights a crack pipe at the podium. That must be it.

    Pitch till you win.

  25. @Jack: "Here's a novel idea: perhaps both sides, liberals and conservatives, are filled with childish idiots?"


    Well that certainly is the case. Nothing going to happen until the right admits it has screwed up big time.
    Their religious fundamentalism is unwanted by most of the population and has degenerated into a primary focus of trying to control sexuality, good luck.

    There are useful ideas on both sides and the fundamentalists will assure they never merge and we never progress.

    Three days of calling the woman a slut. Reminds me of that great Lenny Bruce routine about one of the busts he took.
    Prosecutor: He said blah-blah-blah.

    Judge He said blah-blah-blah? Are you sure he said blah-blah-blah?

    Cop: I'm sure he said blah-blah-blah.

    Then it occurred to me. They kinda liked saying blah-blah-blah.

  26. I'm waiting for Pelosi or some other liberal psycho to propose legislation to protect the Slut-Americans and give them 'right' like they push for the homosexuals.

    By their rationale, sluts are born as sluts like homosexuals are born homosexual, so...they need someone to stand up for them in the face of the evil, fundamentalist white guy GOP warmongering bigots that apparently run the Nation.


  27. Silverfiddle, can you ask twoguys2012 to work one his material?

    I know the religious fringe is humor challenged but this guy is a freaking bore.

  28. Check it out twoguys. You'll enjoy it.

  29. The Liberal-Progressive agenda is to get rid of anyone and everyone that may disagree with them.
    How they do it is not important, they will not be stopped because of what may be right. As long as they get what they want.
    We've seen it time and time again.
    This latest thing with Rush was inevitable. It's like the war with them, they just throw Freedom of Speech out the window.

    Whenever a (so called) right-winger express’s their opinion, the Left-wingers response is that we don’t know what the First Amendment is about. But you folks do?
    I have some news for you, we have the right to speak about what's on our mind’s just as much as you do. Even if we don’t write letters and protest, and occupy, and boycott. And even call the President names as you folks did for 8 years of the Bush administration.
    That doesn’t make us racist, no matter what you think!

  30. Limbaugh only cares about his own bottom line, and so though he may have suffered a short-term financial loss, his popularity will only increase and solidify, and that means more money for the future. Limbaugh's going to be a round for a long time to come.


  31. Flush Rush. That's all you do with shit. Now, admittedly it's going to take a lot of pressure to move a massive turd like Limpballs.

    As for the Both Sides Do It rhetoric. Here's the question.

    Was anyone here okay with the attacks on Sarah Palin? Did you shrug and say well that's the price for battling liberals or did you beat your breasts and pull your hair and wail Oh Leftists are such evil commies! How dare they attack Palin!!!

    And with George Bush, did you, during those 8 years of the Worst President Ever, say well liberals have a right to attack George Bush and Dick Cheney? Or did you beat your chests and stomp your feet about how liberals are pro-terrorist and liberals hate america and liberals are against the troops?

  32. Ducky said "Yeah, three days of calling a college student a slut and a whore because she may be sexually active."

    really? Is that why?
    Man, you really don't understand the issues, do you. WOW.

    Ed Schultz called Laura Ingraham a "C" and worse...anybody care?
    Bill Maher uses the C and T words against conservative women...anybody care?
    Some of these comments are amazing, SF!

  33. Palin was called a c*nt by Maher. Fluke was called a slut by Limbaugh. Anyone with any common sense can see the vast chasm of intentional hatred between the usage of those two words.

    President Bush was threatened with being killed. Quite a bit, actually, and he was the sitting President at the time. He was threatened.

    That is a far cry from calling the President we have now a racist, Socialist, or America-hating jackass.

    Anyone with any common sense knows the difference.

  34. I really don't think his comment was that bad. I mean a woman parading herself in front of Congress to force others to fork up dough to pay for her aids in her sexual escapades - $3000 - leaves oneself open to being called dirty names. Personally I would have called her a political propaganda whore.

  35. "So does Axelrod also believe that Maher said things about Sarah Palin that "were not only vile and degrading to her, but to women across the country?"

    Stop with the comparisons to Maher and Schultz. Schultz apologized immediately and in person to Laura Ingraham--who herself indugles in name calling--she attacked Megan McCain about her weight and her intelligence. Schultz was off the air with no pay for a week.

    Maher is not in any way a big wig liberal in the way that Limbaugh is a huge big wig with the GOP. No president or vice president commends his show and says they don't miss it, as did GWB and Cheney did.

    While what Maher said is equally as reprehensible to women as what Limbaugh said to Ms. Fluke, Maher is not a mega star with the Dems as Rush is with the GOP, and he does not hold the same impact as Rush does on the political process.

    Maher does not have millions of viewers listening to him for 20 years 3 hours a day 5 days a week.

    I personally want Rush to stay on the air and forever and ever and ever be associated with conservatives and their values.

    I believe in keeping the American people, and especially women, forever aware of the fact that conservatives love Rush Limbaugh and all he stands for.

    Go for it El Rushbo! Keep those gums flapping! We can't wait to hear the next stream of consciousness that comes from you purty lips.

  36. Silver, it may be useful to go back to Jack's post. He tends to be the moderate voice of reason here.

    When do we start talking constructively?

    As long as you have standard bearers like Rush and Breitbart there isn't going to be much coming from your side. But rather than saying good riddance you want to prop us these idiots. Why?

    A man calls a college student a slut and a prostitute for three days on a national radio show and The Ladies Who Lunch (protectors of all that is proper) claim that liberals don't understand the issues? Really? Do you believe that's the case?

    I'll say it again. We are in a mess and we aren't going anywhere until the agitprop stops. On both sides but with the likes of The Vulgar Pigboy strutting his fear of women and Breitbart amping the racial divide with his new videos ... dead end.

    Take a look at the long anticipated Breitbart videos and tell me they aren't the product of a has been who knows his time slipped by. Are you going to cling to that flotsam and jetsam?

    We can all keep going on playing fuck-fuck. Sound productive?

  37. Shaw Kenawe ...Just calling conservatives names because you don't agree with them is silly, and childish.
    Why is it that Howard Stern says bad and dirty stuff about women every day, and no one wants him off the air? Could it be it's because he doesn't have a conservative agenda so no one complains? Could it be that YOUR liberal agenda is what really irks you Shaw Kenawe?
    Rush will be around longer than the foolish imitators over at the Rachel Maddow show that tool from the looney left, and the liberal bloggers like you who have been attempting to silence Rush with all your negative blogging and name calling. . But it's obviously not working as planned, is it..

  38. Gene: We didn't call for anyone to be silenced. That is the difference.

    Shaw: Weak tea, but I do give you credit for not wanting to shut him up. And you reasoning is solid. The leftwing wackadoos at MSNBC provide a menagerie of nuttiness that features both sides: The left and the far left.

    Ducky: Keep up the calls for civility and being constructive. We need the laugh.

  39. Shaw Kenawe ...Just calling conservatives names because you don't agree with them is silly, and childish.

    I don't know who Anonymous is, but did he/she really write that? Calling people names is silly and childish Hello!? "Slut?" "Prostitute?" That's El Rushbo's name-calling, sweetie.

    "Why is it that Howard Stern says bad and dirty stuff about women every day, and no one wants him off the air? Could it be it's because he doesn't have a conservative agenda so no one complains?"

    Earth to Anon: Howard Stern? I don't even know where to go to listen to him. Don't you have to pay? Who actually listens to him? You're making a dumb comparison, since Limbaugh is readily available to anyone who has an AM radio, plus, I don't want to keep Limbaugh off the air. I want him to keep spewing his anti-woman diatribes.

    "Could it be that YOUR liberal agenda is what really irks you Shaw Kenawe?"

    My liberal "agenda" really "irks" me? WTH?

    "Rush will be around longer than the foolish imitators over at the Rachel Maddow show that tool from the looney left, and the liberal bloggers like you who have been attempting to silence Rush with all your negative blogging and name calling..."--Anon

    I do NOT want to silence the cowardly bully. Keep on blathering, dear Mr. Oxycontin!

  40. "The leftwing wackadoos at MSNBC provide a menagerie of nuttiness that features both sides: The left and the far left." --SF

    Leftwing "wackadoos" do not hope to shove a government ordered probe up women's vaginas, against her consent, like the "No Government In Our Lives" conservatives do and want to do.

    Conservatives own this.

  41. Beamish said:

    "I don't think this is all that big a deal.

    "For one, anyone blitheringly idiotic enough to condemn the entirety of conservatism over the words of a single conservative using his freedom of speech irresponsibly in a single instance probably lacks the prerequisite intelligence needed to become a conservative anyway.

    "For two, "Sandra Fluke who?" Any explanation to the 7 out of 10 people who don't pay any attention to what is going on this country and don't know their own zip code much less their state legislator's name will have to include the account that she's some chick that went before Congress to cry that she can't have sex because nobody will buy her some birth control pills. 5 of these 7 people will have the same reaction Rush Limbaugh did.

    "And go back to their beers."

    While I detest the ferocious flippancy with which you state your views as much or more than ever, I have to to admit I totally agree with you here.

    When you're right, you're right.

    When you're wrong, you're left. ;-)

    ~ FreeThinke

  42. @shaw ===
    Earth to Anon: Howard Stern? I don't even know where to go to listen to him. Don't you have to pay?

    Yup, Sirius satellite radio. Their stock has been in the toilet for 5 years, ever since they paid a fortune to sign Stern.

  43. God help me! This IS a Red Letter Day. I even agree with DUCKY, though I know his motives, as always, are impure.

    Never forget el Ducko is a Marxist, eager to destroy even the possibility for most Americans of ever owning and enjoying private property or amassing enough wealth to enjoy a measure of financial independence.

    That he stands for the dissolution of Capitalism while boasting that he is worth Three-Million Dollars and can afford to buy Nine-Hundred-Dollar camera lenses is the stuff of which LUNATIC FARCE is made.

    BUT, as I said to another relentlessly antagonistic personality, who claims to be a conservative-libertarian:

    When you're right, you're RIGHT.
    When you're wrong, you're LEFT.

    The declamations of disingenuous outrage and purse-lipped prudery on this utterly TRIVIAL topic, would be comical, if they weren't the moral equivalent of Fiddling While Rome Burns.

    Laydeeze and Gennimun, this BULLSHIT is NOT worth our time.

    ~ FreeThinke

  44. The now-infamous Sandra has insisted her name is pronounced to rhyme with LUCK.

    Imagine what fun the rhymesters might have with THAT.

    So far we've shown ADMIRABLE restraint. But then w Paleo-Conservatives have never been ones to embrace the cheap, the obvious and the meretricious. We're happy to leave that to the Democrats -- and the Neocons.

    ~ FreeThinke

  45. As for the Both Sides Do It rhetoric. Here's the question.

    Was anyone here okay with the attacks on Sarah Palin? Did you shrug and say well that's the price for battling liberals or did you beat your breasts and pull your hair and wail Oh Leftists are such evil commies! How dare they attack Palin!!!

    I didn't. Instead, I busied myself with demolishing the always hilarious "Joe Biden is a foreign policy expert" meme.

    And with George Bush, did you, during those 8 years of the Worst President Ever, say well liberals have a right to attack George Bush and Dick Cheney? Or did you beat your chests and stomp your feet about how liberals are pro-terrorist and liberals hate america and liberals are against the troops?

    No, with that I politely pointed out that Lyndon Johnson was our "worst president ever" (we hadn't experienced Obama yet) and let leftist / liberal insults of the troops ("mass murderers, Nazis, etc.") speak for themselves while I bolstered the "Hitler was left-wing" meme with keen historical documentation and political insight.

    But right vs. left has always been a contest of cataloguing vs. caterwauling.

    I mean really, your boys are in executive power, for over three years now, and you're still trying to figure out how to convince people Bush is really still in the White House.

    Don't think black voters haven't noticed the economic Hurricane Katrina Obama has inflicted upon them.

  46. Defending a liar and and pig like rush proves to the rest of the country the GOP is dead. You guys just don't get-so please don't! Lol!

  47. This just in via email from libertarian friend who's even more radical than I, Heaven help us:

    "The modern left is the most hate filled, intolerant, devisive movement in modern history."

    "This is quite true and shows itself more every day with the upcoming elections. Look at the latest issue -- birth control. This spurious issue was created out of whole cloth, because Obama hasn't got a record to run on. But these people are deadly serious about violating the 1st amendment. They don't care as long as they get the power they want. Look at liberal responses to Wanda Sykes saying about Rush, "I hope his kidneys fail."

    "The left can see no wrong in what they do, no matter how ugly, degenerate and distasteful. They are firm believers in the double standard, and would defend to the death their right to practice it without apology or compunction.

    "I'm very concerned about our country. There seems to be no common ground anymore between liberals and conservatives. We can no longer carry on a reasonable conversation. Therefore, there is nothing left to talk about.

    "We cannot talk with them, because liberals seem to argue without reason. It's not just seen at blogs and websites. Look at the news and its obvious slant and its indulgence in outright lies. Sure, there are some reasonable liberals. But they are a small minority.

    So, how could we possibly deal with spiteful, arrogant irrationality cloaked in the garb of "righteousness," especially when it's highly influential in shaping legal and social mores?

    Can we afford to sit idly by while it taints every aspect of our lives? Can we coexist with it? Does IT want to coexist? Or does IT have an unspoken agenda determined to annihilate Conservatives, while Conservatives try to get along with IT?

    These are questions that we need to answer -- and quickly -- before we wake up one day totally enslaved. The election of Obama ought to be a serious wake up call for us as Americans.

    For what it may be worth, I'm not advocating violence. That would only start a never ending cycle which could only result in disaster.

    We must figure a way to turn things around without violence. However, this will be extremely difficult since we have lost a generation -- possibly two -- to LibThink.

    The liberals have almost total control of the educational system and the news media. Things are changing somewhat in the media, but nowhere near enough.

    Where we were once locked out, we now -- thanks in large part to the pioneering efforts of Rush Limbaugh -- have a good amount of alternative media. Still, we have nowhere near the monopoly that liberalism had for years which enabled it to shape the country into what it is today."

    AMEN, brother! AMEN!

    ~ FreeThinke

  48. Teresa said,

    "I really don't think his comment was that bad. I mean a woman parading herself in front of Congress to force others to fork up dough to pay for her aids in her sexual escapades - $3000 - leaves oneself open to being called dirty names. Personally I would have called her a political propaganda whore."

    BINGO, Teresa! You GOT it. Spot on and well phrased too.

    I think it's important to recognize -- and EMPHASIZE -- that this silly brouhaha was CONTRIVED to

    A) Distract the people from the SERIOUS issues that face us

    B) Raise a stink designed to make Republicans look like misogynists,

    C) Foment an atmosphere that enables the opposition to stage a COUP -- yet another in a long series of Liberal Power Grabs.

    It's all about tightening the Net of Tyranny, everybody, and that's ALL it's about.

    "WE" have been very very STUPID to jump on the Flush Rush Bandwagon.

    Not for nothing do we find frequent references to The EVIL Party v. The STUPID Party.

    I'll give you three guesses to decide which is which.

    A good long look in the mirror in a strong light may be depressing, but it provides a necessary Reality Check. If we are ever to gain ascendancy, we must deal with REALITY.

    ~ FreeThinke

  49. Who left the door of the loony bin open and let Shaw Kenawe get out?

  50. Still jealous of the lens, FT.

    As I said, I've sold enough photos taken with the telephoto to more than cover the cost.

    I suits me. I could have gone with a Leica but frankly I'm not that good.

    I did manage a great shot with the telephoto the other day. I was at the water tower in Winthrop and noticed an interesting mechanism near ground level. I had to shoot through a chain link fence so I opened up the lens and got a real soft focus in front. The fence becomes a soft shadow. Looks great almost ethereal.

    If you weren't acting like such a dick I'd send you a print.

  51. Anon: Shaw may be left, but she is far from loony. Engage her in debate, I dare you.

    Libmann: Nobody's defending Rush. LOL!

    @ Shaw: "Leftwing "wackadoos" do not hope to shove a government ordered probe up women's vaginas, against her consent, like the "No Government In Our Lives" conservatives do and want to do."

    Yeah, but if this turned into some kind of kinky leftist sacrament, they would declare it a right and insist the rest of us pay for it!

  52. Leftwing "wackadoos" do not hope to shove a government ordered probe up women's vaginas, against her consent, like the "No Government In Our Lives" conservatives do and want to do.

    No, they just want Catholics to pay for their birth control, against their consent.


  53. Gene:

    "justproves to the rest of the country the GOP is dead"


    March 1st, Rasmussen:

    The number of Republicans in the country was virtually unchanged in February, while the number of Democrats fell to a new low for the third month in a row.

    During December, 35.4% of Americans considered themselves Republicans. That's up from 34.3% in November and just below the high for the year of 35.6% reached in May.

    At the same time, just 32.7% of adults said they were Democrats, down from 34.9% in November.

    Gallup Feb 16-19 2012

    Republicans: 27%
    Independents: 43%
    Democrats: 29%

    Gallup: Conservatives Remain the Largest Ideological Group in U.S.

    Political ideology in the U.S. held steady in 2011, with 40% of Americans continuing to describe their views as conservative, 35% as moderate, and 21% as liberal.

    So, Gene, You where saying?

  54. This just in via email from libertarian friend who's even more radical than I, Heaven help us:

    "The modern left is the most hate filled, intolerant, devisive movement in modern history."

    Seems your friend is more astute than "radical," but that's just me.

    Leftists venting their inner Jared Lee Loughners and Ted Kaczynskis simply need to be tasked with clarifying when their calls for the deaths of others are in bad taste or merely in allegiance to the ideas of their fellow left-wing totalitarians Mussolini, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot, etc.

  55. Liberal outrage might carry some weight if they weren't so obviously two-faced.

    Personally, I think Rush's comments were in poor taste and ill mannered, but is it really so outrageous in the context of modern pop culture?

    July 13, 2006

    The word, which originated in the Middle Ages, has emerged from a schoolyard barb to become commonplace in popular culture, marketing and casual conversation.

    Not that the word is all that new:

    Our little girl Susan is a most admirable slut, and pleases us mightily. [Pepys, diary, Feb. 21, 1664]

    So commonplace that I found this:

    Don't worry, it's a site for Seattle's South Lake Union Trolley

    The Seattle Streetcar—South Lake Union Line (colloquially the South Lake Union Streetcar, South Lake Union Trolley, or S.L.U.T.) is a 1.3-mile (2.1 km) streetcar line connecting the South Lake Union neighborhood to Downtown Seattle, United States.

    Hey, I might even buy the T-Shirt.

    Is dócha nach bhfuil seans ar bith ann?


  56. SK: "Leftwing "wackadoos" do not hope to shove a government ordered probe up women's vaginas, against her consent, like the "No Government In Our Lives" conservatives do and want to do."

    SF: "Yeah, but if this turned into some kind of kinky leftist sacrament, they would declare it a right and insist the rest of us pay for it!

    3/8/12 6:52 PM"

    "Finntann said...

    No, they just want Catholics to pay for their birth control, against their consent."

    Nice try, both of you, at redirect. [SF, I'm surprised, you usually wack me better than that.]

    Neither comment explains the right's support or silence of government forcing ultrasound transvaginal probes on women seeking a legal medical procedure. Support of this unwanted state sponsored rape by government makes no sense coming from the folks who howl about government intrusion in their lives.

    I'd like someone here to tell me what could be more intrusive than that.

  57. Shaw, I agree with you regarding the inappropriateness of the proposed (and pretty much finished) Virginia law. It is as inappropriate and wrong as the administrations 'rule' on contraception.

    I might however, point out that the use of the term "rape" to describe it is obscene, and demeans the significance of the term. It is no more rape than a colonoscopy is sodomy. To use Ducky's term, you are engaged in nothing more than agitprop.

    I might also point out that the regulation of medicine and medical procedures is within the purview of state legislators, not the federal government.

    You also attempt to compare apples and oranges, as one matter is a state issue and the other federal.
    Successful or not, one is proposed legislation by the elected representatives of a state assembly, the other, rule by fiat by an unelected bureaucrat.

    If you'll excuse me, I think I'll go to the dentist for some oral sex.


  58. It is intrusive, Shaw, and government literally has no business there. I said so in an earlier post, but this is where progressivism has brought us. You can't cheer when government shoves its hands in people's pockets to pay for your birth control, and then complain when the same government shoves a probe somewhere else.

    Also, you are conflating conservatism and libertarianism. Conservatives will use the power of the state to bring about their vision of a better society, just as a progressive will.

    A libertarian eschews such use of state power.

  59. I don't condone what he said, but I would never turn my back on him. I believe he will recover from this media circus and continue doing what he does best, exposing the Left.

  60. Silver:

    Your commenters are mostly liberal fanatics. They are trying to drown your philosphy, and seem to be succeeding.

    You are a conservative guy.

    Why do you put up with idiocy from Ducky, anyone posting as Anonymous, Grung-e-gene and the like? Your site has become a liberal mosh pit.

    C'mon, friend. Buddy. Leader of a good thing.

    Don't entertain these enemies of liberty.

    Flush them, not Rush.

  61. Fredd: This is a place for debate. Some of it is reasoned and some of it stands as a totem of absurdity, but it is all instructive.

  62. Kurt,

    You said:
    "Also, you are conflating conservatism and libertarianism. Conservatives will use the power of the state to bring about their vision of a better society, just as a progressive will.

    A libertarian eschews such use of state power."

    Hm. It's late and I am weary from a lengthy day, but let me say, as one Conservative, that libertarians want legal pot, just like liberals and progressives.

    (It's not fun being blanket-statemented is it?)

  63. It comes down to this:

    Should insurance, a federally and state regulated industry, be allowed to decline to cover the pill?

    If you say it should, you are a sexually uptight, fucked-up individual, who really needs to get laid - and not just laid, but really good laid. You need it bad.

    Now. That said. You also have to grow up, be civic minded, and realize that the pill is not just for sex. Grow up. Realize that. read something (other than Right Wing stupidity) once in a while.

    The pill is for a host of physiological problems women naturally and unnaturally have. We're not perfect, we're human beings. Men have their hernias, and bad backs and knees, etc, well, women have something a lot more problematic than those. Pain is one thing, having your entire body constantly regulating itself for the sake of making babies must be really annoying sometimes.

    So, women take the pill for all sorts of reasons, and it IS a health matter, no different than any other, as it does effect life, and so if prescribed by a doctor, then shouldn't it be covered like anything else?


  64. Jersey, you're the one preoccupied with sex... it has nothing to do with sex and everything to do with government power.

    Should all grocery stores be required by the federal government to carry goat's milk?

    I honestly don't believe that the Catholic church has any issue with hormone replacement therapy.

    The church believes that sex is for procreation not recreation. They object to the use of hormone therapy to enable risk-free recreational sex and intefere with the process of procreation.

    As cited previously, the figures from the Guttmacher Institute (the one used to claim 98% of women use birth control) also state that 92% of the use of the pill is for birth control, it is only prescribed medicinally 8% of the time.

    So yes, insurance companies should be allowed to decline coverage of the pill for non-medicinal use, just like they should be allowed to decline MMJ for non-medicinal use, it is no different than grocery stores not stocking Pepsi, or Hallmark stores not carrying Playboy.

    It's none of yours, or the governments business. Don't like it, find another insurance company or another employer.

    If your maid doesn't do windows, are you going to pass a law to make her? Or are you going to find another maid if you want your windows cleaned.

    It is you liberals obfuscating the issue with claims of interference in reproductive rights. No one is advocating stopping you from reproducing, no one is stopping you from buying contraceptives.

    If it is as you claim, not a moral issue, and cost saving in the long term... why don't insurance companies cover it for free? Why is it an issue?

    Honestly, you're sexually paranoid if you think I give a damn whether or not you or anyone else uses birth control. I simply don't want to have to underwrite your sexual escapades with my tax dollars, nor do I want to see anyone else forced to violate their religious beliefs to accomodate your desire to get laid - and not just laid, but really good laid.


  65. "Hm. It's late and I am weary from a lengthy day, but let me say, as one Conservative, that libertarians want legal pot, just like liberals and progressives."

    As one Libertarian, I'll say you are 100% dead-on, correct and display a firm grasp of the obvious.

    Do you have a point?

    I'll make mine:

    I don't care what you smoke, eat, or drink... just don't expect me to pay for your rehab, or support your habit. Likewise, I don't care if you wear a motorcycle helmet, wear a seatbelt, or go skiing in a speedo and die of hypothermia.

    Your choice, your right, your responsibility, you suffer the consequences. Isn't that what adults are supposed to do?

    Honestly, your laws don't stop me from smoking pot, and your legalizing it won't get me to start. It does however cost us an awful lot of money in enforcement, and punishment, money that could be better spent elsewhere... or here's a brilliant idea... not taxed in the first place.


  66. Fintann,

    Back when NASA was trying to reach the Moon rather than its worshippers, they changed the name of their "Saturn Launch Umbilical Tower" because of some unfortunate acronym. ;)

  67. Rush to be fired over this. LOL

    Get lost liberals, you can demand it, but we'll just laugh at you. Nice try but no cigar chumps.

  68. So much repetition of the same points (and the same complaints) over and over again!


    We ought to read each other's remarks carefully and acknowledge what others have already said when we agree -- or make a cogent-but-polite argument against it if we don't.

    Quoting each other to help illustrate points we wish to emphasize would not only enrich and enliven the discussion, it would add much needed element of graciousness and good form to the proceedings as well.

    Finntann said this up not too far up the line the line:

    'Shaw, I agree with you regarding the inappropriateness of the proposed (and pretty much finished) Virginia law. It is as inappropriate and wrong as the administrations 'rule' on contraception.

    'I might however, point out that the use of the term "rape" to describe it is obscene, and demeans the significance of the term. It is no more rape than a colonoscopy is sodomy. To use Ducky's term, you are engaged in nothing more than agitprop.'

    BRAVO, Finntann! I couldn't agree more, but I did write words to the same effect, myself, not too long ago.

    Let me add that I emphasize this not to denigrate Ms. Shaw Kenawe, whom I instinctively like and respect despite our vast differences in political philosophy, but only to emphasize the ineluctable logic of Finntann's position.

    If only we could REASON with one another, instead of sneering, insulting, castigating while shouting epithets across The Great Divide

    ~ FreeThinke

  69. I keep reading that Limbaugh called Fluke a slut three days in a row.

    In my view, doing that for three days was a serious mistake.

    On Day Two, Limbaugh should have gotten his act together and cited these figures, thereby putting Fluke on the defensive.

    Instead, Limbaugh apologized and even pronounced himself an entertainer.

    In my view, Obama took control of the narrative. Oh, sure, that's not the case for many conservatives. But for those of us -- right, left, and center -- who don't listen to Limbaugh (Yes, many folks don't listen to Limbaugh), Limbaugh hasn't come off well in this present dust up.

  70. Beamish,

    I assume you were joking, but If you thought NASA'a SLUT acronym was bad, we actually have Senior Citizen's Area Transportation where I live. Imagine seeing buses all over town with SCAT prominently displayed on every side!

    Clueless, humorless bureaucratic ignorance prominently on display one again.

    Of course, bad as it is, it's not nearly as embarrassing as those famous T-Shirts from England's now-mercifully defunct South Hereford Institute of Technology, is it?


    ~ FreeThinke

  71. Fredd said:

    "Why do you put up with idiocy from Ducky, anyone posting as Anonymous, Grung-e-gene and the like? Your site has become a liberal mosh pit.

    "C'mon, friend. Buddy. Leader of a good thing.

    "Don't entertain these enemies of liberty.

    Flush them ..."

    Fredd, your criticism is not only a gross exaggeration it's also evidence you've fallen into an all-too familiar trap. Don't you understand that what you are suggesting just supplants one for of tyranny with another?

    One of the best ways to defeat an enemy is to learn as much as you can about him. Beside that it's always wrong to assume that "everything" about someone's thinking is totally wrong.

    I agree that people like Liberalmann (the former Bd, I suspect!) add little more value to the discussion than ants do to a picnic, but I think it's better just to ignore outright pests like that rather than try to censor or insult them out of existence.

    Ostracism is a powerful weapon against an unwanted presence.

    Why? Because ATTENTION is all they truly seek.

    I say this even though I've gone on record -- and been given hell for it -- as a strong supporter of the idea that that the definition of TREASON ought to be broadened to include participants in organized campaigns consisting of "demonstrations" presenting propaganda both oral and written deliberately designed to give aid and comfort to whatever enemy our country happens to be fighting at any given time.

    I see the danger, however, that such a policy would easily put us on that famous slippery slope where we could too easily slide into an acceptance of totalitarianism. Are you aware of that danger, Fredd?

    ~ FreeThinke

  72. liberal fanatics such as Chaw. Can't see the failure in the Obumma administration or in Obummer himself a man who can not admit a mistake, let alone ever apologize, but she is so quick to find fault in any and every republican. I guess that haters just gotta hate. Just more Leftist clap-crap being passed off as "Free Speech" How come they never find anything wrong with Chris Matthews, or that goof ball Keith Olberman? I guess that Chaw is very selective with who she picks to boycott.
    As for the the sponsors who withdrew in order to make the lefties happy ... let them depend on the lefties on welfare for their business. And us Righties will find other companies to patronize.

  73. FT,

    The tale comes from a 1966 book I read in the 1970s called "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon," a small paperback collection of anecdotal humor and silly stories surrounding the space race with the Soviets. (There has since been another book with the same title published, but it is a totally unrelated conspiracy theory Apollo moon landing denial screed)

    NASA dropped the word "Saturn" from the acronym of the Launch Umbilical Tower from which they used to launch Saturn V rockets into space not too long after they came up with the Saturn rocket name in the first place, sometime in the mid 1960s. Seems it caused too much sniggering and laughter among the non-engineers ;)

    Another good one I remember from that book... Faced with zero-to low gravity conditions in orbit, NASA spent over a million dollars in developing a vaccum pressurized ball point pen that would allow astronauts to write on any surface with continuous ink flow, irrespective of the gravitational conditions. The Russians solved this problem of needing to be able to write on any surface in any given direction by carrying #2 pencils into space.

  74. What I was trying to say in my roundabout way is that the desire to muzzle Ducky -- or anyone else who sentiments displease us -- is the exact same desire that makes leftists so desperately anxious to Hush Rush.

    Most of us are incapable of seeing "tyranny," unless it's OUR particular "ox" that's being gored.

    Principle should always take precedence over partisanship.

    ~ FreeThinke

  75. Interesting article on Rush Limbaugh's fair-weather sponsors here.

    Food for thought, and alot of the political backgrounds of Rush's advertisers are troubling even if this Sandra Fluke thing had never happened.

    It's not my fight, but in a sense Limbaugh ought to be happy he's not going to be implicitly endorsing products that turn their profits into left-wing activism anymore.

    (It's a crazy mixed up world except for Lola.)

  76. AOW, in case you were wondering I agree with your last post -- and others you've made asserting the same logic. I just feel that "we" on the conservative-libertarian side are COMPOUNDING Rush's error, and thus helping "the enemy" by harping on the issue as we've been doing now for several days.

    I don't think it was "morally wrong" or even "malicious" for him to say what he said, but it certainly was ill-advised given the predatory, vengeance-prone nature of our adversaries.

    I've already mentioned that I've sensed a change in Rush in latter years. He's become far less witty, less reasoned in his discourse and far more acrimonious. It may be a natural outgrowth of his having lost his hearing. Having long skirted the edges of blindness, myself, I know just how disconcerting the deprivation of one of our five senses can be.


    Beamish, that book sounds like a winner. I hope I run across it in my travels, even though I can't really enjoy reading traditional printed matter anymore. I'm pretty much tied to the 'puter for whatever reading I do these days.

    ~ FreeThinke

  77. Free thinke: get a kindle. Really, they're good!

  78. "It is no more rape than a colonoscopy is sodomy. To use Ducky's term, you are engaged in nothing more than agitprop."

    I need to point out to the person who wrote this that a colonoscopy is an elective medical procedure not mandated by the state. The vaginal probe, which is law in Texas, BTW, is mandated for absolutely no medical reason whatsoever. It is FORCED on women seeking a legal abortion for the only purpose of humiliating her. The DOJ has redefined rape as the insertion of anything into the vagina or anus against anyone's will.

    So I stand by my characterization that the mandated vaginal probe is state sanctioned rape.

    Did the state, btw, force you to go to the dentist?

  79. So when the federal government under ObamaCare declares mandatory colonoscopies for everyone over 50, I assume you and the outraged left will be right there protesting anal rape...

  80. If we're going to expand the definition of "rape," I would like to say that I regard the forcible intrusion by government into my wallet, my bank account, and my investment portfolio as a form of rape.

    In fact I regard any attempt on the part of Authority to influence, restrict or mandate any aspect of the way I choose to live my life that does not have direct bearing on the life of another to be a form of rape as well.

    I think both Kurt and I -- and several other frequent contributors here-- have made it abundantly clear that we do not advocate state-mandated intrusion into the cavities, the organs, the bloodstream or the bone marrow of ANYONE'S body for ANY reason whatsoever.

    I certainly don't feel the state should have a right to FORCE us to do ANYTHING "for our own good."

    That too should be regarded as a form of rape by these new radical-revisionist standards -- no matter how well-motivated it may seem.

    The operant word here is FORCE. Let's just say I'm against it categorically and let it go at that.

    ~ FreeThinke

  81. "colonoscopy is an elective medical procedure not mandated by the state"

    You miss the point, entirely.

    Would you tell a rape victim to stop whining about it? It is after all, in your mind, the equivalent of a routine medical appointment at the gynecologist.

    And as I've said before, the DOJ can define rape as a fluffy pink bunny rabbit or running a stop sign, it is completely and utterly irrelevant to the law, OUR LAWS ARE NOT DEFINED BY THE DOJ! They are defined by our legislatures.

    I'll leave you with this... if a transvaginal ultrasound is rape, how can a TSA patdown not be sexual harrassment? Last time I checked it was against the law to touch peoples genitals against their will. And don't tell me I don't have to fly, lest I apply the same logic to unreasonble search and seizure and tell you you don't have to walk down the street if you don't want to get searched.


  82. Freethinker, why wouldn't you defer to a woman in a discussion of the intrusion of the procedure mandated by Virginia?

    Unless you've done a little time in "B" wing I doubt you know much about the topic.


Fire away, but as a courtesy to others please stay on-topic and refrain from gratuitous flaming. Don't feed the trolls!

Have a Blessed and Happy Christmas!

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