Any strongman worthy of the name needs an army - of mouthpieces. This demagogue is no different.
Call them Plumbers, Mr. Fix-its, or Mouthpieces; their mission is always the same. Stanch the flow of blood, divert attention, outright lie, or dole out information late Friday night in drips and drabs.
Call them Plumbers, Mr. Fix-its, or Mouthpieces; their mission is always the same. Stanch the flow of blood, divert attention, outright lie, or dole out information late Friday night in drips and drabs.
Fast and Furious
The Administration was funneling illegal arms into Mexico over the past few years to create shocking firearm smuggling statistics, in time to justify signing the UN Small Arms Treaty. This incendiary truth had to be squelched, and right quick. Bring in Soros and Media Matters, loyal troops in the War Against Truth.
The Daily Caller unveiled the DOJ's Public Affairs was working closely with Mark Gertz of Media Matters. This collusion was for a coordinated barrage of attacks against House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, along with others demanding a full accounting of the whole "F and F" operation.
Consider Obama's amazing hypocrisy in light of the Connecticut murders, for which the Gunrunner-In-Chief squirted tears on TV. But no wet eyes for hundreds of Mexicans killed by guns purchased by the ATF using Stimulus Dollars.
The Administration didn't send out some State Department bureaucrat to lie to us, but the UN Ambassador Susan Rice. She regaled us with stories about the casus belli video and supposed protests going on near the consulate. Both turned out to be lies.
Spin Doctor Sanjay Gupta - you know of him, the didactic MD on CNN telling you to eat your veggies - made the rounds prior to the Supreme Court ruling with a sky-will-fall horror story if ObamaCare was declared unconstitutional. So it was declared "constitutional" and yes, the sky will still fall.
This list could go on and on, with an endless line of politicians, actors, and socialites the length of a fat plumber's crack.
So what really is that oral appliance? It's an Asian Face Slimmer!
The Administration was funneling illegal arms into Mexico over the past few years to create shocking firearm smuggling statistics, in time to justify signing the UN Small Arms Treaty. This incendiary truth had to be squelched, and right quick. Bring in Soros and Media Matters, loyal troops in the War Against Truth.
The Daily Caller unveiled the DOJ's Public Affairs was working closely with Mark Gertz of Media Matters. This collusion was for a coordinated barrage of attacks against House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, along with others demanding a full accounting of the whole "F and F" operation.
Consider Obama's amazing hypocrisy in light of the Connecticut murders, for which the Gunrunner-In-Chief squirted tears on TV. But no wet eyes for hundreds of Mexicans killed by guns purchased by the ATF using Stimulus Dollars.
The Administration didn't send out some State Department bureaucrat to lie to us, but the UN Ambassador Susan Rice. She regaled us with stories about the casus belli video and supposed protests going on near the consulate. Both turned out to be lies.
Now You Try Saying It! |
Spin Doctor Sanjay Gupta - you know of him, the didactic MD on CNN telling you to eat your veggies - made the rounds prior to the Supreme Court ruling with a sky-will-fall horror story if ObamaCare was declared unconstitutional. So it was declared "constitutional" and yes, the sky will still fall.
This list could go on and on, with an endless line of politicians, actors, and socialites the length of a fat plumber's crack.
So what really is that oral appliance? It's an Asian Face Slimmer!