What is it with all these female teachers getting jiggy with their male students, and where were these teachers when I was a teen, dammit?
But seriously, why are we seeing so much of this now? I’ll spare you the moralizing and leave it out there as an opinion question.
While I don’t condone this activity, I think it is an abuse of the law to treat an adult woman who seduces a 16 or 17 year old as a child molester. Also, calling a consensual act between an adult and a 17-year old an "assault on a child" is an abuse of the term, obscuring the fact that there are indeed nasty child predators out there.
But seriously, why are we seeing so much of this now? I’ll spare you the moralizing and leave it out there as an opinion question.
While I don’t condone this activity, I think it is an abuse of the law to treat an adult woman who seduces a 16 or 17 year old as a child molester. Also, calling a consensual act between an adult and a 17-year old an "assault on a child" is an abuse of the term, obscuring the fact that there are indeed nasty child predators out there.
Kick her out of her teaching job and ban her from the profession? Sure. Take her kids away? No. We have not only lost all sense of morality in this country, we've also lost all sense of proportionality, especially in legal matters.
In Arvada (part of Denver), an 11 year old student was arrested and taken into custody for drawing stick figures and scrawling the words "teacher must die."
This was a gross overreaction. The kid needs therapy, which he is in, and he was encouraged to make such drawings as a substitute for acting out. Can't a school simply suspend the kid if they think he's a threat, or talk with the kid's parents and therapist to see if there is an appropriate remedy?
Our Schools have turned into Government-Run Nuthouses
We need to privatize primary and secondary education. Government has completely botched it and can no longer be trusted. Our schools must cease being dysfunctional government institutions and instead become places of business, where professionals get paid based upon performance and wasteful bureaucratic overhead is slashed.
The customers also must learn to dress and behave appropriately, at the risk of being tossed out of the building. What place of business in America would tolerate making out in the hallways, bullies threatening others, coming to work high, or bored dingbats disrupting others for their own entertainment?
If a female teacher seduced my teen, I'd demand she be fired, not arrested. If it were a male teacher, I'd beat him up and then demand he be fired. Someone with so little self-control has no business shaping young lives. All of this can be taken care of with no government involvement whatsoever.
Same goes for disruptive students. Little Johnny Wankster doesn't want to follow the rules? Bounce him and refund the balance of his tuition to the parents! Cutting off welfare, food stamps and public housing will quickly make flunking out of school and being stupid a poor life choice.
Mother Should I Trust The Government?
We've lost control of ourselves and the circumstances around us, so government steps in, making a bad situation even worse. Government pampering creates a cadre of incontinent, self-indulgent whiners. It also creates a capricious environment where lazy authorities end up collaring only the simplest offenders, while the truly dangerous and street-savvy get away with murder.
Is is such a radical notion to want to chase government back to its constitutional corner and to once again learn to do for ourselves?
The customers also must learn to dress and behave appropriately, at the risk of being tossed out of the building. What place of business in America would tolerate making out in the hallways, bullies threatening others, coming to work high, or bored dingbats disrupting others for their own entertainment?
If a female teacher seduced my teen, I'd demand she be fired, not arrested. If it were a male teacher, I'd beat him up and then demand he be fired. Someone with so little self-control has no business shaping young lives. All of this can be taken care of with no government involvement whatsoever.
Same goes for disruptive students. Little Johnny Wankster doesn't want to follow the rules? Bounce him and refund the balance of his tuition to the parents! Cutting off welfare, food stamps and public housing will quickly make flunking out of school and being stupid a poor life choice.
Mother Should I Trust The Government?
We've lost control of ourselves and the circumstances around us, so government steps in, making a bad situation even worse. Government pampering creates a cadre of incontinent, self-indulgent whiners. It also creates a capricious environment where lazy authorities end up collaring only the simplest offenders, while the truly dangerous and street-savvy get away with murder.
Is is such a radical notion to want to chase government back to its constitutional corner and to once again learn to do for ourselves?