Friday, February 11, 2011

Ho's with Dough

The latest batch of nude pictures, that she consented to, has left Kim Kardashian in tears

Life's questions...  How can someone who launched her career with a viral sex video be upset over some semi-nude photos?  

Why do the Kardashian girls, Paris Hilton, and other tartletts in the celebrity mags garner so much attention?  These girls are gutter skanks with money.  Their only redeeming social value is to show ordinary folk that the rich are not inherently noble or classy.

They are useful only for pointing out to our sons what a slut looks like and why you should avoid them at all costs.
Take away the money and Kim Kardasian would be a 300 pound couch queen eating ho hos all day while watching trash tv.  Her little thug baby daddy or whatever they call him would be in jail or bleeding in a gutter with his head caved in because he started it with the wrong guys and the bodyguards weren’t there to step in.

Can Charlie Sheen get through at-home rehab?  Inquiring minds want to know.  My first though was, "Sure, as long as he's stocked up on coke, booze and slutty prostitutes..."

It takes a lot of money to live a liberal lifestyle, what with the retinue of moochers, bodyguards, lawyers, and rehab...  The hooting baboons who look to these Hollywood morons for guidance usually end up finding this out the hard way.
A sad social commentary is that this is not so much the cause of our cultural decay as it is a result, which feeds further moral decline in a depressing downward spiral.  Yes, there is nothing new under the sun.  Bad behavior has been around since the dawn of time.  The difference is that civilized society used to ignore it and marginalize it to dens of iniquity out of the public eye.  Now, we celebrate it.


Anonymous said...

So why do you give the "Ho's With Dough" even more exposure?

amanofwonder said...

Back in the day, for entertainment, kids would go lay in the yard and watch fallin' stars.

Times don't really change much, I guess. Now folks lay on the couch to watch fallin' stars.

Silverfiddle said...

Anon: The celebrity press reaches tens of millions of avid fans, my humble blog caters to merely hundreds of intelligent, thinking people.

I would hardly qualify this as giving them more exposure. I think we would all agree they are already overexposed.

Man of Wonder: Astute observation, as always!

Anonymous said...

This society appears to be the result of parents relegating their responsibility to Hillary’s village, the school district, and juvenile courts. This society appears to be the result of schools’ inability to teach anything at all. Of course, you won’t hear anything from Hillary’s village, failed school systems, or the courts. They are faceless and therefore, not accountable. Yet, this is what Americans wanted: skanky women, girly boys wearing makeup and carry “man bags,” and nude texting among 13-year old children. We deserve whatever we get.

Divine Theatre said...

As much as I try to avoid knowing who these people are we cannot escape the detritus at the grocery store checkout. Geeze! I haven't had a television set in years and years and years and I know more about these pigs in wigs than I do about my own close friends! *sigh*

~Leslie said...

It used to be, the hollywood crowd had some class and kept their personal lives (regardless if noble or vulgar) private --granted I am speaking of a very long time ago...

But classy behavior in public has dissolved away, the reasons why, so well discussed by your other commentors here that I don't need to repeat them.

But when common skanky people devour such information, it fuels the rags that print it --they are in it to make a buck-- and the hollywood elite to display their raunchy behavior even more.

Mature, intelligent people are able to discuss this issue... I don't agree with the accusation that you are giving the people involved more exposure --that is just naive over-sensitivity on someone's part.

I enjoyed reading your post, Silverfiddle.

Lisa said...

I bet nobody on the left can prove that any of those people vote Republican.

Christopher - Conservative Perspective said...

To this very day I have no clue who this Kim person is or why she is talked about? By the by, if the hype is about her looks, I do not see it judging by the pic you posted.

Could I 'Google' the name to find out? Sure, but I have no reason to do so. I am sure it is some 'reality' type deal but I have my own reality to deal with.

Sure, I see her name and others you speak of mentioned on Drudge and other news sources but I simply ignore them.

OD357 said...

Lord, I'm tired of hearing about all these train wreaks. If it isn't her, it's Sheen or the Lohan petty thief.

Siverfish, on the day that Mubarak gets shoved out of power by his own military, this is the best that you could come up with? If we wanted codswallop like this we'd be reading the Huffington Post.

Rob said...

These dregs of society are given credence by in much the same way as the Nascar commemorative plate (with 24 karat gold edging, of course) is deemed collectible - because someone says so.

If we'd turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to the antics of these skanks, they'd simply fade away, slinking back into obscurity.

Somehow this makes me think of something my wise brother used to say... "The market bears the price." Volvos cost twice what Hondas do because some sucker will pony up the bucks for the name. Cheezy celebs are popular because we give them the attention they so desperately crave.

Maggie Thornton said...

I think I forgot to show my son pics of slutty celebs, but I did remember to show him a young 16 year old girl, living with her parents in a NY 5th Ave penthouse, who slept, for the first ever with anyone, and only once, with her best friend, a gay guy. She outlived him only by a short period of time.

That was such a sad story, a shocker at that time. My son is 33 now. We both remember that talk we had. So far it seems to have worked:-)

I was shocked...not, that Sheen was rehabing at home after being told he would be "away" for three months. I suspect his family trying to get control of his money and health compelled him to get the hell out of there, pronto.

MathewK said...

Never heard of this fool, and you're right, it's a bit of a stupid move to cry over nude pics when a sex tape came before.

On a side note, the new generation is finding out the hard way the consequences of all these photos and social networking sites. They think it's all just fun and hip, but once that compromising photo is taken and it's loaded somewhere, it makes closing the barn door after the horse has bolted look like the smart thing to do.

Trekkie4Ever said...

This, unfortunately, falls on the parents, Hollywood, and money.

These people have way too much time and money on their hands to do anything constructive.

Kid actors need intense supervision and restriction.

I do not feel sorry for any of them. They have made the choices and need to live with them.

Silverfiddle said...

OD: You want codswallop? (whatever the heck that is...)

You'll get it! Tomorrow I'm posting the contents of an e-mail you sent me!

Finntann said...

Wait for it...
Wait for it...
Wait for it...

Nope, sorry, can't muster the slightest bit of interest, care, or concern.


Mike aka Proof said...

I was driving down 99 through Chowchilla, CA, where the highway sign for the women's prison had been altered by some wag from "womens" to "stanky hos".