Friday, June 17, 2011

A Liberal Loudmouth Falls Silent

Anthony Weiner finally did the right thing yesterday and resigned amid a hail of heckles and catcalls.  His demeanor was inappropriate, more like a heroic Lou Gehrig bidding goodbye to his fans instead of a shamed pervert slinking off the national stage. 

Regardless, he took full responsibility for his actions and gave a public apology to the nation. I wish him well on his road to recovery.  I take no joy in the humiliating downfall of others, not even grandstanding liberal slanderers.  We're all human, and there but for the grace of God go I.

I will continue to heap scorn upon the dimbulbs in his district who were prepared to vote for him again.  They are what's wrong with this country.  Our standards have sagged to an unacceptable low, and then we wonder why this country is so screwed up.  Private behavior should stay private.  Pestering people with naked pictures of yourself disqualifies you for a position of trust and authority.  Period.  I congratulate Mr. Weiner for finally reaching that conclusion.

His God and his wife are the ones who really need the apology.  The latter is the harder one.  Guys, can you imagine being in his place right now?  His wife was away on business when his scandalous twitterations spilled out into the open.  The reunion had to be edgy, and it's a safe bet it didn't include a romantic dinner followed by an eager conjugal embrace.

Worse, his wife was with Hillary Clinton when the news broke.  Hillary Clinton!  The mother of all scandalized spouses.  You know Hillary had to be going through some serious philandering flashbacks as she schooled Huma on just how to handle it.  I shudder as I speculate on the stone cold advice that woman doled out to her beautiful young protege.

I bet former congressman Chris Lee is kicking himself.  He resigned over nothing more than a shirtless photo on Craig's list...

Have a happy Fathers Day weekend!