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Yoinked from Boil the Beast |
American Liberalism is a loose confederation odd-ball interest groups. It has no moral foundation and no philosophical underpinnings. It is an illogical, immoral, agenda-driven, emotion-laden farrago of fear-mongering and grievance-nursing.
Behold the myriad inconsistencies of American Liberalism:
* Derisively insist their is no God, yet use the teachings of Jesus to defend their redistributionist schemes
* Trumpet free speech for America-haters and pornographers, but not for Christians in the public square or conservative talk show hosts in the free market of ideas
* Denigrate the right to keep and bear arms, which is clearly stated in the constitution, but use obscure clauses to launch multi-trillion dollar statist schemes
* Denigrate the right to keep and bear arms, which is clearly stated in the constitution, but use obscure clauses to launch multi-trillion dollar statist schemes
* "Pro-Choice" unless it's the food you eat, light bulbs you use in your home, health care options, school you send your kids to, secret ballots for union votes...
* Scream and whine about rightwingchristiantheocrats taking over the country, but defend religious extremists who actually blow things up and kill people, including their own family members
Most insidious, liberals would deny a poor mother the money-making opportunity to make burritos and other food items in her own home and then sell them on the street. It's all in the name of food safety and "keeping the flow of the city," dontcha know...
Handmaidens of the state like Jersey actually say stuff like this, never once pausing to consider how "health and safety" red tape serves as a corporate-sponsored barrier to entry into the free market.
Just give that young mother some food stamps, right? It's so much easier (and enslaving) than giving her economic opportunity.
* Deride those of us who cling to our bibles and our Christian faith as dimwitted toothless hicks who want to foist our morality on everyone, yet naively and unthinkingly lap up everything Al Gore and the other liberal high priests tell them. And insist the rest of us bow down at their altars as well.
* Teachers cannot mention God, but liberals insist their dogmatic religious tenets of statism uber alles, multiculturalism, and homosexual fetishism be preached in every classroom.
Let Them Eat Food Stamps
Most insidious, liberals would deny a poor mother the money-making opportunity to make burritos and other food items in her own home and then sell them on the street. It's all in the name of food safety and "keeping the flow of the city," dontcha know...
Handmaidens of the state like Jersey actually say stuff like this, never once pausing to consider how "health and safety" red tape serves as a corporate-sponsored barrier to entry into the free market.
Just give that young mother some food stamps, right? It's so much easier (and enslaving) than giving her economic opportunity.
Most of your points mention how the poor little fundamentalists are so put upon in America.
Are you insane?
Here's one for you. In order to be truly Christian you must also be at least social democrat. I'm tired of you so called Christians who read the irrelevant Old Testament and skip to Revelations. The Sermon on the Mount is a little too much for you.
Leftists are immoral? Go jackoff to Atlas Shrugged a little more.
I don't denigrate the second amendment but your guns are freaking boring. Almost as freaking boring as your time spent guarding the pipeline in Colombia which you probably claim has something to do with "advancing freedom".
No I don't lap up everything Al Gore says. Funny thing that the true believer, you, isn't sufficiently circumspect to be aware of your lack of any ability to think outside the box.
Stop being such a bore and getting upset that we won't allow you to establish a theocracy.
Wow, Ducky. You really took this post seriously, and it wasn't even aimed at you. I'm doing one on cynical marxists next week...
I'm glad you mentioned this:
"In order to be truly Christian you must also be at least social democrat. I'm tired of you so called Christians who read the irrelevant Old Testament and skip to Revelations. The Sermon on the Mount is a little too much for you."
Wrong. On so many levels. Jesus was not a social liberal. God is quite intolerant. He is loving and forgiving, but intolerant of those who break his rules and do not repent.
You are also wrong that the Sermon on the Mount compels us to bend over and take it when the government schemers need more.
In another part of the New Testament, Jesus didn't tell the young man to sell all he had and give it to the government! He said to give it to the poor.
Bible-believers do that. A charity takes care of people much more efficiently than the clanking, soulless, wealth-destroying government machine.
And thank you for showing up nd vividly illustrating my first point. It's funny when liberal agnostics try to discuss the Bible.
I'm not trying to defend liberalism when I say this, but those are some pretty broad blanket statements don't you think?
Liberals are certainly nowhere near uniform atheists...by any stretch of the imagination. Nor do they [in most cases] rail against Christian speech in public. They rail [as I do] at the mandate to compel everyone to participate or acknowledge their religion.
Defending terrorists? Really? You realize of course, arguing for differing courses in foreign policy is hardly 'defending terrorists'.
Liberals supply a ready made list of debatable issues, it's hardly necessary to sabotage an argument against them with such obviously false generalizations.
I've been scratching my head at leftist incoherence for some time, which made me dig around to figure out where it all comes from. It all comes from the Federal Reserve.
That same little bunch of banksters and their homies cooked up a scientifically planned society, which they would direct. See Col. House's crappy book, Philip Dru: Administator (it's like anti-Atlas Shrugged)
So how do you take over "society"?
You take over take over the money supply- centralized credit in the hands of the state. Check.
Next, you take over education. The Rockefellers paid for the General Education Board. And later, the Carnegie Foundation paid out grants for studying American history at the collegiate level (this is where our first liberal profs came from that told students that the Constitution didn't really mean what they thought it did.) Dumbing Down of America is a great online book that goes decade by decade how public education was hijacked.
The Eugenics movement told us that some are better stock than others. This is where marriage licenses, birth certificates and state recording of society began. The globalists do like their data. Convincing the black population to exterminate itself was and is a #1 priority - see the documentary Maafa 21. Oh, and the banksters funded this as well with John D. Rockefeller's Population Council. And the Rockefellers did considerable work though the Rockefeller Foundation on drawing up "race laws" and had major Nazi connections.
The first gun control laws in the country were tried out on Southern blacks. They don't want any of us figuring this out and using our guns on them. They'll feel a lot safer with gun control laws, for sure.
Women's lib was funded and propagandized by the Ford Foundation. Foundations are where banksters hide their money and use it to socially engineer society to their liking. They don't want kids home with their kids, they need to be working so that they may be taxed and the integrity of the home, the last refuge of the old order will be swept away. Nick. Rockefeller admitted this to Aaron Russo.
The modern liberal is just a product of the oligarchical bankster system. They've been through the foundation funded indoctrination camps and have had certain ideas imputed with no basis in reality, but like robots they spout them off. I don't let liberals get to me, but keep my eye on where they hail from. They're like orcs, they were made to be stupid, ugly, and horrible conversationalists, but I don't focus on orcs, but on Sauron, their maker.
kids home with their "moms" duh-
need another cup of coffee!
Actually, Jesus' entire message was that God was not intollerant and vengeful.
Insurgent: Of course they are broad blanket. This is not a college dissertation, but a snapshop of the incoherent farrago that is modern-day American liberalism. It is impossible to capture it all or to make sense of it.
Of course there is wide variation among liberals, and I never said liberals themselves are personally immoral.
I do plead guilty to misspeaking in my opening paragraph. I should have said "amoral" not "immoral." That jibes with the previous sentence where I say liberalism has no moral foundation.
Jack: Jesus' message was one of mercy. His message was repent and be saved, not go do what the hell ever you want, it's all good.
Being sorry for your sins and resolving to leave your former life behind is a constant message running through both the Old and New Testaments.
"Of course they are broad blanket. This is not a college dissertation, but a snapshop of the incoherent farrago that is modern-day American liberalism."
I understand this point, but I am presuming that you might take umbrage at similar characterizations by the left - towards the right.
“Derisively insist there is no God, yet use the teachings of Jesus...”
The evidence is overwhelming that a man – A MAN - called Jesus lived. Most of what he said is actually morally sound too.
Whether God exists is a separate issue. You can fume all you want... it IS a separate issue.
Personally I've never seen anything that makes me credulous of the existence of God.
Even though most of what you believe, politically, is wrong and much of it actually abhorrent to me... I would still trust in you over your imaginary friend who lets innocent people suffer while scum get a free ticket.
I believe in people and their potential. I don’t give a damn about God.
Silverfiddle, my contention is that you Libertarianism absolutely creates a power structure which perverts the acts of mercy.
You want your cake and you want to eat it also. Typical Calvinist.
SF-I am pretty sure Republicanmother put your post into proper prospective.
Now that information was damning right out of the teachings of the Frankfurt School
Lisa, my bet is that you know little about the Frankfurt School.
What texts have you studied or did you get a couple talking points off rabies radio?
Magpie: I understand the distinction you make, but few unbelievers who use Jesus as a cudgel give him a proper place as philosopher and study his teachings, they just reach for false premises like this to bash Christians.
Just to clarify, I'm not fuming, and I do not believe God gives scum a "free ticket."
I don't take umbrage at similar fusillades from the left, I simply attempt to refute them, as the liberal interlocutors are doing here.
@Ducky: my contention is that you Libertarianism absolutely creates a power structure which perverts the acts of mercy.
I guess I'm too thick to draw a conclusion from that statement...
The quality of mercy is not strain'd,
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest:
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes. -- William Shakespeare
Mercy and charity are from free will and free moral agency. Charity that is coerced is no charity at all.
Worse, government "charity" that enslaves people in desperate, downward-spiral lives while demanding nothing from them or refusing to demand they help themselves is immoral.
Government regulations that restrain people from achieving their potential and prevent them from entering the free marketplace are also immoral. But again, government assistance salves the progressive conscience, doesn't it?
'American Conservatism is a loose confederation odd-ball interest groups. It has no moral foundation and no philosophical underpinnings. It is an illogical, immoral, agenda-driven, emotion-laden farrago of fear-mongering and grievance-nursing.'
There, how does that sound?
What a stupid, adolescent, ad hom attack.
"Derisively insist their is no God, yet use the teachings of Jesus to defend their redistributionist schemes"
Most liberals are religious.
"Trumpet free speech for America-haters and pornographers, but not for Christians in the public square or conservative talk show hosts in the free market of ideas"
I don't know what you mean by the juvenile-sounding "America-haters," and most liberals are not fans of pornography (quite the opposite, as pornograghy is detested by the women's liberation moevment). Yes, we prefer not to have your particular religion shoeved in our faces in courthouses and schools, and the Constitituion agrees with us. As for rightwing hate-talk radio shows, most of us don't care, and only a very few try to curtail them under the rubrick of freedom of the airwaves.
"Denigrate the right to keep and bear arms, which is clearly stated in the constitution, but use obscure clauses to launch multi-trillion dollar statist schemes"
Are you saying some clauses of the Constitution are less important than others?
""Pro-Choice" unless it's the food you eat, light bulbs you use in your home, health care options, school you send your kids to, secret ballots for union votes..."
We live in a society that regulates all sorts foods, and that's not any more liberal than conservative nor anything else. We regulate utilities, heath care, labor regs, etc. The rules and regulations are not all liberal, by any stretch. Most are simply born of necessity.
As for schools, you are free to choose your school if you don't like the one your community offers. That's the system we've always had. Most liberals do not care for it.
As for secret ballots for unionms, that is just another sleazy, scummy, lowly conservative scheme to give employers plausible deniablity to fire union organizers. Only a moron wouldn't get that.
" Scream and whine about rightwingchristiantheocrats taking over the country, but defend religious extremists who actually blow things up and kill people, including their own family members"
I have no idea what you mean by that.
"Deride those of us who cling to our bibles and our Christian faith as dimwitted toothless hicks who want to foist our morality on everyone, yet naively and unthinkingly lap up everything Al Gore and the other liberal high priests tell them. And insist the rest of us bow down at their altars as well."
Liberals do not deride you for your faith. It's the way throw it around we don't like. On top of that, it's not even theologically coherent. You guys just make it up as you go along. That's what we deride.
"Teachers cannot mention God, but liberals insist their dogmatic religious tenets of statism uber alles, multiculturalism, and homosexual fetishism be preached in every classroom."
This is a lie. A teacher can "mention God" if they like. It's all about context. We certainly don't want them preaching to our children. That's what our churches and homes are for. I note though, that you assign "religion" to plainly secular curricula and theory, which makes me wonder just how comfortable you are in your faith.
As for small businesses, most of them fly under the radar anyway. We have a massive taxless underground economy in this country as it is. But we do have a very localized regulatory system in this country, which you guys applaud until it does things you do not like.
Make up your minds. Talk about "incoherent!" LOL!
Just because something is complicated and you don't get it, that doesn't make it inchoerent.
The evidence is overwhelming that a man – A MAN - called Jesus lived. Most of what he said is actually morally sound too.
Whether God exists is a separate issue. You can fume all you want... it IS a separate issue.
Interesting thought. If we think that the Bible contains the words of Jesus, as many do, it's interesting to note that he(Jesus) makes the claim that he is indeed God.....read the last verses of John 8
With that thought it mind the two issues you mention, disappear.
@ Jersey: There, how does that sound?
In a word, wrong.
Edmund Burke, John Locke, The Constitution, etc, provide a bedrock foundation of modern conservative philosophy. Add in modern-day thinkers like WF Buckley and Thomas Sowell for good measure.
Judeo-Christian ethics forms the traditional ethical platform, although there are many non-believers among us.
A fundamental belief in natural law is profoundly logical and provides a coherent reconciliation between our belief in a creator, those who do not believe in one, and the powers and limits of the state.
You, on the other hand, have racist Woodrow Wilson, his enabler "Three generations of embiciles are enough, sterilize her!" Oliver Wendell Holmes, and Hitler precursor Margaret Sanger.
Our common secular religion is the Democratic Republican ideals this nation was founded upon and the civil religion's bible is the constitution.
I find it striking that liberals such as yourself are completely blind to the liberal indoctrination enshrined in our public schools.
My comments stand. You've refuted nothing.
@Ducky: my contention is that you Libertarianism absolutely creates a power structure which perverts the acts of mercy.
I guess I'm too thick to draw a conclusion from that statement...
What's so difficult? You favor a last man standing laissez-faire system that mandates an extreme wealth disparity.
You and the other chosen Calvinists like The Queen of the Ladies Who Lunch then strut and make yourself feel good while you refuse any changes in the power structure which requires so much charity in the first place.
Don't play Mickey the Dunce.
"I sit on a man's back, choking him and making him carry me, and yet assure myself and others that I am very sorry for him and wish to ease his lot by all possible means - except by getting off his back."
Leo Tolstoy
Edmund Burke, John Locke, The Constitution
And that trumps all opposition?
I know you've gone big for the Lockean cult of property but that's an opinion. Truth is more difficult.
And at least humor us and put your assertion in the apologist context it deserves.
You, on the other hand, have racist Woodrow Wilson ...
There you go again, telling us what we are and believe. You object to being called an 85 I.Q. snake handler so why not drop this stunt?
We have John Rawls, William James, Tolstoy, John Dewey and any number of respected thinkers.
You've got a bunch of 18th century aphorisms.
Remember, Silverfiddle, when you bring up eugenics. As much as you want to simplify the matter for your right wing evangelical readers it wasn't that simple.
As misguided as Sanger was, she did not condone any forced sterilization or forced birth control. She wanted to set up voluntary clinics. Now you can argue with that effectively but first admit the correct details.
Forced control was favored by state legislatures in Indiana and Virginia, both heavy thumper strongholds. So you may want to take a look at who is on your side before giving leftists the tone.
Ducky: What I favor is what the founders established, but it has been twisted completely out of shape by the progressive movement.
Your Tolstoy quote could come right from the mouth of a government bureaucrat.
By no means do I presume that marching out Locke, or any other thinker "trumps all opposition."
Finally, I have no doubt you read those respected thinkers you cite, and Tolstoy aside, their writings, like those Nietzsche, can and have been used by the power mad to justify their narrow agendas.
I am not casting aspersions on any of them. It is not their fault that the righteously narrow-minded have perverted their brilliance, and I do think James and Dewey were brilliant.
I am not defending the actions of "bible thumpers," Lord knows they fill the ranks of the misguided as any group does.
I am pointing to the incoherence of modern-day American liberalism.
And you can crap all over natural law, but the historical horrors you rightly criticize (forced sterilization, slavery...) stem from a fundamental disrespect for our constitution and the concept of natural law that underpins it.
Duckster most people know theory of the Frankfurt School of thought.
It's self indulgent liberal enlightenment of anarchism that is anti-capitalist and anti-Christian.
In other words like Republicanmother said -"Modern Liberalism".
You don't have to read a text to know what it is. I know of it and not from, as you call rabies radio of which I never listen to except after hours on a rare occasion.
When did you hear it on "Rabies Radio" or are you just using typical liberal taking points to discredit any opposing viewpoints?
I guess we can't all have the wisdom of MSNBC and Media Matters. Now there is where you get the truth from. So they tell you.
"Here's one for you. In order to be truly Christian you must also be at least social democrat"
Thats the best one yet.
I borrowed your first statement and posted on my Facebook wall, it was great and my sentiments exactly.
I am not sure where Ducky gets his off-based ideas on what Christianity is or what a Christian is, but he is wrong on all counts.
I say let that mom sell her burritos and be done with it, right.
Duckster most people know theory of the Frankfurt School of thought.
No Lisa, most do not and I'm betting you're one of them.
This post is same type of lying, bullshit emails my senior citizen parents get.
You're full of surprises, Silverfiddle. I don't understand how you can accept Dewey when he was so clearly on the side of democratic socialists.
He was not a proponent of natural law and promoted the community.
I never quite get where you stand.
I didn't say I agree with Dewey or James. I still respect their intellect, James much more so than Dewey.
I also believe each thinker must be taken in the context of his or her time. Dewey's ideas about public life and society were important contributions. Where progressives took his philosophy is another thing altogether.
wtf are foodstamps???
"Edmund Burke, John Locke, The Constitution, etc, provide a bedrock foundation of modern conservative philosophy."
Oh, puh-lease...
Give it a rest. You modern cons do not own the patent on Enlightenment thought. If anything, you regulary fight against it.
"Add in modern-day thinkers like WF Buckley and Thomas Sowell for good measure."
And you're comparing Buckley to Sowell??? LOL!!! That's like comparing Simon to Garfunkel, Hall to Oates, the New England Patriots to the Cleveland Browns! (Ouch!)
"Judeo-Christian ethics forms the traditional ethical platform, although there are many non-believers among us."
Actually, our country was founded on a mostly secular, classical Greek structure.
"A fundamental belief in natural law is profoundly logical and provides a coherent reconciliation between our belief in a creator, those who do not believe in one, and the powers and limits of the state."
Well, sorta, yes, there was a time when people didn't know any better, but we now know that the natural order of the universe is not represented by the God of Abraham. We know that now.
"You, on the other hand, have racist Woodrow Wilson,"
Not a fan, so please knock it off with that sleazy f'n nonsense. I'll have you know that I was NEVER a fan of Woodrow Wilson and I'm getting really sick and tired of your sleazy little adolescent tag on me. If you said that to me in person, I'd tell you to please knock it the fuck off. No modern, educated "liberal" I know is a fan of Woodrow Wilson. If anything, that President was the harbinger of the "Free Trade" era. That very thing destroyed this country. Read Walter Karp on that.
"Our common secular religion is the Democratic Republican ideals this nation was founded upon and the civil religion's bible is the constitution."
It's not a religion. It's a contract. We don't have to live with it. We can change it and/or we can leave.
"I find it striking that liberals such as yourself are completely blind to the liberal indoctrination enshrined in our public schools."
You could probably never be more wrong. No "liberal" I know is all that enthused with the public school system. That LOCAL SMALL GOVERNMENT JOKE is all the proof we need for a more thoughtful education system.
"My comments stand. You've refuted nothing."
Chickens and eggs.
Keep throwin' those eggs, Jersey!
Woodrow Wilson may not be your cup or tea, but he is modern-day liberalism's ideological father. You may hate that, but it's true.
"You favor a last man standing laissez-faire system that mandates an extreme wealth disparity."
Yet you fail to see how the progressive regulatory climate has been quite effective at achieving that goal all on its own.
I'm a libertarian, I'm not stupid... nor am I an anarchist.
I have never advocated, nor as far as I know has SF, the complete elimination of regulation in favor of a 100% market rules philosophy.
What we have stated, is that the statist-corporatist regulatory structure we have now is specifically used to impede a free market. It is not in any way a level playing field and is designed in such a way as to protect the status quo.
Politicians choose the winners and losers in business, take Solyndra for example with government loans at interest rates unobtainable in the free market to their competitors. How for instance is a start up, with little PAC money or political allies supposed to compete in a market with GE, which pays no taxes courtesy of political patronage?
Honestly, if the government wants to stimulate research and/or job creation it shouldn't be with multi-billion dollar multi-national corporations.
You can disparage the free market all you want... but do so honestly. Don't point at the obscene monstrosity we have now as an example and say "see a free market doesn't work".
The disparity and concentration of wealth is not the result of free market actions but of political favoratism and corporate cronyism.
We my friend have not had a free market in this country for at least 150 years, possibly longer.
Just a thought, but as a point of compromise can we all agree that the present system, both Republican and Democrat is completely screwed?
Yes, I just love how liberals always justify their actions by claiming it's what Jesus would want.
But...but what about separation of church and state I say?
Doesn't matter they say. We're liberals.
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