The Obama Administration: Constitutionally Ignorant
This term alone, the high court has ruled unanimously against the government on religious liberty, criminal procedure and property rights. When the administration can't get even a single one of the liberal justices to agree with it in these unrelated areas of the law, that's a sign there's something wrong with its constitutional vision. (Why Obama Strikes Out in Court)This statement from Heimatlandsicherheit Kommisar Janet Napoleonitano is exemplar of this administration’s bald-faced contempt for the constitution and the law:
Is she stupid? Or evil? What is the symbol of justice? If a bureaucrat doesn’t like the law, she can’t just reinterpret it.Our nation's immigration laws must be enforced in a firm and sensible manner," Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said in a statement. "But they are not designed to be blindly enforced without consideration given to the individual circumstances of each case.” . (Obama Commands Immigration Laws be Loosened)
So Let it be Written, So Let it be Done!
I would have little problem with cutting some slack for people brought here illegally as children, were it not done via regal edict. Issues of this magnitude can only be accomplished by legislation, and only after we have put some controls on our border. We are a democratic republic, not a dictatorship.
What this will do is immediately attract more illegal immigrants hoping to cash in on the deal.
"But Obama said they have to have to have lived here for five years! …”
Illegal immigration is an industry based upon phony documentation. It will be easy enough to make anyone who arrives here eligible. They’re estimating 800,000 could take advantage of the program? I predict at least double that.
This is a play for the illegal immigrant vote by an administration that brazenly violates the constitution it swore to uphold.
This is a play for the illegal immigrant vote by an administration that brazenly violates the constitution it swore to uphold.
Are you as sick and tired of Obama continuing to skirting Congress !
The corruption in this administration is astounding
Wait till those clowns in Homeland Security start trying to process the visas.
However, you have to give The Black Bush credit for a pretty slick move. Puts Romney in a corner ... unless there's a backlash.
As for this myth of a democratic republic (LMFAO) I had hoped you'd learned it is incompatible with the needs of state capitalism.
Talking about, "LMFAO" that's what everyone does when they read your posts!
Even if Obama should walk this back, the effect is that 800,000 plus their parents can vote because, of course, we don't require that voters prove they are US citizens. Shameful!
This is a play for the illegal immigrant vote by an administration that brazenly violates the constitution it swore to uphold.
Two things come to mind. The first is that while it is true Obama ( swore an oath to uphold the U. S. Constitution, they had their fingers crossed, so it doesn’t count. Most importantly, however, is that Obama publicly stated in his 2008 campaign that he did not believe the constitution is relevant; the people elected him anyway. So as Brother Wright often tells us, “De chick’ins come home to roost.”
If you're interested in my thoughts on his subject, please take a look at
I posted extensively on the issue a day or two ago.
Being a humanitarian before I am anything else, I, naturally, have an entirely different "take" on the subject.
I deplore legalistic thinking.
Visit my blog, and see why.
~ FreeThinke
I agree, by the way, that this is very likely a cynical ploy to get votes on Obama's part, but believe it may be serving a Higher Purpose anyway.
If we really want to adhere strictly to a literal interpretation of the law and a rigid, unquestioning view of the Constitution [something the Founders, obviously did not want, or they would not have made a provision for future amendments], we should be most concerned with whether Executive Orders of this broad a scope really are permissible under the law?
Wishing won't make it so from anyone's point of view.
If what he has done truly IS unconstitutional, then Articles of Impeachment should be drawn up IMMEDIATELY.
Don't hold your breath, however. The RINO bastards in charge of the GOP would never permit anything so "untoward" to happen on their limp-wristed, ever-so-cautious, pusillanimous, self-serving watch.
And they wonder why I no longer donate to the "cause" anymore? I've told 'em, "Get a spine, grow a pair, and THEN I might start supporting you again, but till then NOT A PENNY, BUB!"
~ FreeThinke
FT: You keep bringing up unjust and inflexible laws, and I see your point and partially agree.
If a law is unjust or proves unworkable, it is not up to a regal president or busybody bureaucrats to amend it on the fly.
By our constitution, that is the job of the legislature.
On top of skirting Congress, 800K to be given work permits, while millions of Americans are trying to find work...
Even CNN's Candy Crowley and others have been saying, all weekend, "This is about votes"..."This is politics"...
Odd..."it will be easy enough to make anyone who arrives here eligible," (which is true and which should be problematic in a country like ours if it were still run by laws, since it ought to be tough to prove a kid has been here more than five years since I don't believe Coyotes keep records) but HMS can't keep track of the illegal immigrants. And HMS certainly can't give what they have to Florida in order to keep voting limited only to legal registrants.
go figure.
Your false description of a royal edict, is a presidential proclamation. They have been so common for 230 years, that you are either stupid, or a liar.
One point that has not been widely discussed is that this action is exactly what Marco Rubio suggested in the Senate.
So does Romneylet this all blow over so he can nominate the popular Rubio or does he put his foot in his mouth and really say goodbye to Latino voters?
Knowing Governor Olympics and having watched his act for several years the smart money is on the latter.
Stating under what circumstances an executive department is going to process immigration cases is hardly a sweeping order.
Just look at the level of illegal immigration under Chucklenuts if you want an example of non enforcement.
"By our constitution, [changing the law] is the job of the legislature."
Well then, hadn't we better go back and tell that to Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Earl Warren and his successors in The Imperial Judiciary, Lyndon Baines Johnson, and God-knows-who-all-else, so they can have the opportunity to undo the great injury each has visited on the Constitution ––––– always in the name Enlightened Thinking and making necessary adjustments to "Evolving Standards of Decency?"
Far be it from me to defend Obama, but the fact remains that in THIS particular case he has done the morally right thing. His MOTIVES don't matter.
Dubya did a whole lot of things I frankly despise, but I would never have supported the idea of impeaching him just as I would never support any efforts to stage a "recall election" such as the moronic, hate-based, wasteful exercise in futility we saw in Wisconsin so recently.
As I said in the previous post, if Obama has done something clearly and provably illegal in issuing this "Edict," then proceedings to have him ejected from office SHOULD start IMMEDIATELY.
Considering the enormous amount of virtually unchallenged precedent set by former "Imperial" Presidents –– Lincoln, I believe was the first –– I doubt that too much could be made of this, even if congress had the guts to try.
I'd MUCH rather see all our energy directed toward REPEALING that OUTRAGEOUS HEALTHCARE ATROCITY that was rammed down our throats and shoved up our fundaments than in wasting time dithering over something that ought to have been accomplished a long time ago anyway –– and WOULD have been done, if congress had an ounce of courage.
Like it or not we need to get out of the realm of THEORY and start dealing with REALITY. In truth REALPOLITIK is all there is, the rest is just a DREAM VISION that's been growing more distant and unattainable by the hour for the past hundred years.
If my neighbors had a child of fifteen who had lived in this country since the age of two, been educated side-by-side with my children, spoke English as well or better than my kids, did well in school and was clean, pleasant, bright, attractive and ambitious, it would be a CRIME for me to want to see that child deported to some stinking SHITPOT just because of a stupid legal technicality.
When we start putting "the law" above genuine justice that favors real human needs, we deserve to fail.
It's terrible to have to admit it, but in truth people resist progress with all their might and main. Because of our human propensity for short-sightedness and our slobbering devotion to narrow ways we've trodden all our lives, it becomes necessary every once in a while to FORCE an issue in order to correct a great wrong.
Millions of people could get KILLED or die of DREAD DISEASE if we continue to sit on our hands and wait for CONGRESS to act. Those goddam bastards aren't going to do ANYTHING –– except STEAL from us, RESTRICT our ACTIVITIES and DIMINISH our CHOICES –– unless someone puts a stick of DYNAMITE up their you-know-whats and threatens to light it, if they fail to ACT.
I detest Barack Obama, but I'd be just another lousy hypocrite or latter day Pharisee, if I didn't give the Devil his due.
~ FreeThinke
PS: Shakespeare summed it up perfectly in The Merchant of Venice. Come read about it at FreeThinke's blog - FT
Well put, FT but you forget that hatred of Obama on the fringe right is far more powerful than any sense of justice.
Justice is a poor hand maiden to The Law in the Calvinist world.
Ducky, if you read media that showed all sides, you'd see Romney is criticizing the Obama edict because it will make it harder for immigrant children and it's a program so complicated that it can barely be done. Obviously, the 'five years in AMerica' thing is impossible to prove unless Coyotes keep records, for one thing.
Romney is saying that Americans “are looking for a long-term solution, not something that’s temporary through an executive order” and said he would “look to finally have a piece of legislation that resolves this so that people know what their status will be long-term.”
Odd that Obama never did this in the last 3 1/2 years of his presidency, particularly when the Democrats controlled Congress?
Ducky and FT: Keep up the barrage of words. The fact still remains that this is legislating by imperial edict.
Also, I never said Bush was not guilty of it as well. It has been going on a long time.
So is the constitution now toilet paper?
This is yet another desperate attempt by a desperate incumbent. The election will be about the economy not immigration and while he may have inspired a few Hispanics here and there to vote for him again, he ticked off a lot of legal Hispanics too. I just don't see the intelligence behind this politically calculated move.
One thing I would like to read is the actual "executive order" (which by the way after 4 days is NOT post on the White House Website), just so we know under what "framework of the existing law" grants the President and DHS to issue such an EO.
What puzzles me, and you picked up as well as opposed to fox, that this isn't even a executive order in which he could claim some minimal justification of reinterpretation. We have now moved on to "Directives". That is pure dictatorial power.
The Constitution gives the president this power. I guess that makes you unamerican and anti-constitution.
You have touched upon an important matter that needs due consideration: phony documentation.
I have a few friends who work in immigration control. The fraud is surreal!
In fact, it's nearly impossible to figure out who is who when various people apply for green cards.
So, how can anyone know that those who are about to get green cards via Obama's edict are really who they say they are.
Sure, most immigrants, particularly those who came here years ago as children, are good people. But not all of them are. In fact, some may have been on better-than-usual behavior out of fear of deportation. Isn't there quite a bit of gang activity and the like among certain "immigrant" groups?
But as you say, the real issue here is THE METHOD by which this legalization is being done, regardless of whether it's "the right thing to do." It's clearly an end run around our Constitution. Danger, Will Robinson!
the fact remains that in THIS particular case he has done the morally right thing. His MOTIVES don't matter
We often agree, my friend. But this time I have to disagree.
In the eyes of many, the redistribution of wealth is also "the morally right thing to do." Why should some people have to suffer without air conditioning when others live in houses very large and opulent (I live in a quonset hut with one john while my neighbors all around me have so much square feet and FOUR johns?
Isn't it morally wrong that some children here in the United States are malnourished and not getting a good education?
Isn't a good education "a morally right thing"?
My point is the slippery slope.
Don't get me wrong. I have claimed for years that we have needed health insurance reform, that we have needed immigration reform.
But there is a rule of civil law involved, isn't there?
Do we have a representative government -- or not?
PS: I bitched like hell about GWB and some of his "edicts" too. I am not registered as a Republican.
You ain't seen nothing yet, AOW. Wait till the lines start forming.
You are going to be watching The Black Messiah use every trick in the book to put Romney on the ropes. He will succeed and if you think Romney can rope-a-dope, well, it doesn't really matter but I doubt it.
But we've been going through a much more serious crisis. The left has lost faith in government, it has failed miserably in the last 30 years.
Markets have also failed and the right just isn't ready to admit that that so they use random targets to express their disillusionment.
We actually need each other but it will not happen. It would mean letting go of the myths media has built in the culture and which still hold sway. Gramsci was absolutely spot on.
We'll all sit and stew and get more cynical.
There is NO evidence undocumented aliens vote. This is a NON-ISSUE. Total BULLSHIT. ONLY a moron would worry about this.
The president may grant reprieves and pardons, except in cases of impeachment ...
So he may not be as constitutionally ignorant as you imply Silver. Seem he's operating in a gray area.
Watch out, AOW, you're starting to sound like a Democratic Socialist.
Anonymouse: "Your false description of a royal edict, is a presidential proclamation. They have been so common for 230 years, that you are either stupid, or a liar."
Presidents can not make law by proclamations, neither can they alter or abolish them. It does not lie within their purview, and doing so usurps the authority of Congress, which is unequivocally the case here. The Presidents responsibility under the Constitution is to: "take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed"
Anonymouse:"The Constitution gives the president this power. I guess that makes you unamerican and anti-constitution."
Article and section please?
Jersey: Do you use that kind of language in front of your kids?
Do you barge into other people's homes spewing such filth?
@ Ducky: he president may grant reprieves and pardons, except in cases of impeachment ...
You have a point. It probably is constitutional, and if it is they stumbled into it backwards by pure chance.
More importantly, this is ill-considered given the rampant documentation fraud. Our citizenship is our birthright, and granting it to others is a privilege, as my mom, my aunt and my grandma and grandpa learned first-hand.
I lament the fact that this has turned into a political issue exploited by all sides.
When I hear something offensively stupid, yes, I do. But I don't barge into people's homes. I visit blogs. There's a pretty big difference. That said, in public, if I were part of a conversation and someone said, "(Obama's) Decree (is) Aimed at the Illegal Immigrant Vote," I would say, "That's just fuckin' stupid," and then I'd laugh at them.
Obama may be courting the Latino vote for this November, but whatever the reason, even if cynically political, it's a good thing.
Meanwhile, this whole "voter fraud" nonsense the right's been pushing lately is just sleazy and debased. They are courting a very different kind of vote - the kind of voter who is racist, xenophobic, unrealistic, and paranoid.
While I can confidently say you are not racist or xenophobic in any way at all, you are falling for the unrealistic and paranoid aspects of this argument.
First of all, it makes no sense for an undocumented alien to take the chance to vote. It just makes no sense at all. The crime simply is not worth it, and it accomplishes nothing. You'd have to believe undocumented aliens are insane to believe they'd do that.
Now, maybe, you could investigate whether they are being personally bribed to vote, but who would take that chance? It would take bribing at least dozens of fraudulent voters to effect any even small local election. Again; MAKES. NO. SENSE.
So why the fuss from the right over this? Who does this hurt? What's the problem here?
I ask you.
Ducky: "The president may grant reprieves and pardons, except in cases of impeachment ..."
Reprieves and pardons come after the fact, and individually. I seriously doubt that any blanket pardon for any group would be held to be Constitutional. Not to mention that the ramifications of that power would be chilling.
On the other hand, having Obama sign 800,000 or so pardons would go a long way towards keeping him out of mischief for the remainder of his term.
"I would say, 'That's just fuckin' stupid,' and then I'd laugh at them."
So in other words, you admit to being vulgar, profane, and small. Hard to imagine anyone would take pride in that, or model it to their own family. It is no wonder this country is in such a crisis. This probably explains why Obama appeals to people like Jersey.
I respond to vulgarity with what it deserves. I'm lucky enough to be strong, intelligent, and charismatic enough to get away with it. I find the argument that somehow "illegal immigrants" are voting in any substantial way anywhere utterly ridiculous and so I can't help but wonder why anyone would argue it in the first place. I can't help but think the worst of that argument. And THAT is FAR more vulgar than a little saucy language.
And let me say this too: the way you guys are diverting this discussion to my personal disposition is quite telling of the weakness of your position.
Finally, get off it man. I'm a modern American man. What are you? Some British royal debutante?
Get the fuck off it. We're all grown-up Americans here. Let's write as we would talk. It's honest and refreshing. Hell, it's one of my favorite things about Silver's blog! We write as we would speak (though Silver and Ducky just love their amazing linguistics when they writes - my God, if they did that extemporaneously in front of me, I'd think the men were geniuses!). ;)
"First of all, it makes no sense for an undocumented alien to take the chance to vote. It just makes no sense at all. The crime simply is not worth it, and it accomplishes nothing. You'd have to believe undocumented aliens are insane to believe they'd do that."
With so many states having no requirement to present photo ID, how do you know what the scope of voter fraud is?
Also, there have been cases where immigrants did not know they could not vote, and the liberals who signed them up simply didn't ask their status. Talk about Don't Ask, Don't tell!
And there is voter fraud out there, documented cases. The liberals come back with "oh yeah, but it's so few cases that it's insignificant!"
So, if I only stole a little money from you that would be OK?
What's F'n stupid is not requiring someone to establish his or her identity before casting a vote. We have the stupidest voting laws in the world.
I understand very well the objection to Government by Presidential Fiat, and agree that either it is –– or it OUGHT to be –– unconstitutional. And I don't really disagree.
However, two things occurred to me;
1. When faced with an objectionable fait accompli, it's best to try to see the silver lining in the cloud, rather than beat your head against a stone wailing wall. You know -- "When life hands you a lemon, make lemonade, " and all that. I see it as the only thing to do.
2. When you know and like actual individuals whose lives would effectively be ruined by the enforcement of existing Immigration Law –– as I do –– it's impossible to contemplate the hideousness of their fate without terrible sadness and a great deal of anger.
As Kurt and others have acknowledged, it may be regrettable, but Government by Imperial Edict, either from The Supreme Court or the president, has been a de facto form of governance in these United States for a very long time.
We have to face it. The Barn door was left ajar for probably two-hundred years, and all those horses have long departed. We have NEVER sealed our borders, and never made any serious attempt to stem the tide of illegal immigration from South of the Border since we first became a nation.
It's OUR fault–– and especially the fault of the congress –– for not taking decisive action on this isue while it was still a relatively small problem.
NOW, we're stuck with a frankly untenable situation. Whatever we do, it will be WRONG. We're damned if we do, and we're damned if we don't.
I literally cry when I think of all the very nice, decent, hard-working people who live in our midst and contribute a great deal to our well being who may wind being shafted for POLITICAL or even legalistic reasons.
We have ignored, circumvented and abused the Constitution for SO long, I seriously wonder if it really DOES still exist other than in name only -- and the realm of high-minded theory we long go abandoned in favor of political expediency?
My words are no just WORDS, SilverFiddle, they are carefully considered thoughts worked out over many hours of agonized contemplation.
It just seems wrong to blame the illegals when in fact it is OUR fault for not preventing this hideous mess from developing in the first place. Also, s we've said before several times, it has been the DEMOCRATS who have LURED most of the useless, trashy, troublesome types to come here to take advantage of all the FREEBIES D'Rats have designed to ensure their permanent incumbency.
Lay blame where blame belongs. DON'T PUNISH the well-established, decent, hard working, property-owning ILLEGALS. They are innocent victims of OUR stupidity, short-sightedness and apathy.
~ FreeThinke
Yeah, yeah, yeah 'freethinker. You posted the same crap in other blogs along with your shameless self promotion of your looney blog.
Obama has Romney and the GOP by the short hairs with this issue just has he did with the 'war on women.'
Liberalmann: Obama lost the war on women. They retreated with their tails between their legs and Romney gained in the polls among women.
OH NO! Too much fodder, too few cannon!
@As for this myth of a democratic republic (LMFAO) I had hoped you'd learned it is incompatible with the needs of state capitalism.
If you hadn't figured it out yet Ducky, we're not Corporatists here.
@Talking about, "LMFAO" that's what everyone does when they read your posts!
I'd like to stop and thank Deb for contributing to our rational discussion with his piercing intellect. Thanks!
@Considering the enormous amount of virtually unchallenged precedent...
so if I rob a bank and get away with it, you get to rob one too? You have a very weak grasp of the concept of precedent.
@The Constitution gives the president this power. I guess that makes you unamerican and anti-constitution.
See... I told you there would be repercussions in eliminating Civics from the school curricula.
@ "The left has lost faith in government, it has failed miserably in the last 30 years.
Markets have also failed..."
Hmmm... no possibility that markets have failed because government has failed, is there?
@There is NO evidence undocumented aliens vote. This is a NON-ISSUE. Total BULLSHIT. ONLY a moron would worry about this.
There is no evidence that they don't... since every time someone proposes a law to prove that voters are citizens you crap your diaper.
I was reading an article the other day about how 48% of Americans don't use their turn signals. I don't recall the exact location but they stated that no one had been cited for failure to signal a lane change for five years in a major American city (call it Denver).
Does that mean everyone in that city signals lane changes?
By your reasoning if we made it illegal to wear green underwear but didn't allow the police to check. Then the statistics would support the statement that no one wears green underwear, because no one has been cited for it.
Your logic is impeccable.
@The president may grant reprieves and pardons, except in cases of impeachment ...
Yeah, and if he wants to do that case by case, have at it... I don't think he has the authority to grant blanket reprieves and pardons.
@you are falling for the unrealistic and paranoid aspects of this argument.
So you can card someone for a beer, but not a vote... makes sense! Or in otherwords, you can check to see if someone has a license to drive a car, but not our democracy.
@It just seems wrong to blame the illegals when in fact it is OUR fault for not preventing this hideous mess from developing in the first place
So...if I leave my front door unlocked you shouldn't be able to be convicted of burglary if you come in and take my TV?
@Obama has Romney and the GOP by the short hairs with this issue just has he did with the 'war on women.'
ROFLMAO, dude, you bring tears to my eyes.
Hmmm... no possibility that markets have failed because government has failed, is there?
Or vice versa.
More importantly, this is ill-considered given the rampant documentation fraud.
Facts not in evidence.
Gives me a kick that whenever you question the omnipotence of the markets out come the Libertarian freaks.
Thy are so indoctrinated their whole world view is shattered.
... the Ladies Who Lunch clutch their pearls and the gentleman resort to dog whistles like Constitutionally ignorant or activist judges .
"... if I leave my front door unlocked ..."
That makes you a fool, who richly deserves whatever he gets.
The realms of law and good, practical common sense don't seem to have a whole lot to do with each other, which is why my respect for the law diminishes every day.
~ FT
Come to MY blog where sneering and vituperation tend to be overwhelmed by a super abundance of Sweetness and Light. ;-)
In other words start acting snotty at my place and you'll get flushed down the potty.
~ FreeThinke
Hey, Debonair Dude,
Aren't YOU sick and tired of CONGRESS failing to do their duty.
Congress has created a vacuum that positively BEGS Obama to charge in and fill it.
For this he is apt to be looked upon as A Great Hero by the moron who comprise at least 50% of the electorate.
The blame belongs to CONGRESS. It's CONGRESS who is responsible for most of our woes. CONGRESS holds the purse strings.
This Grand Gesture we're ll railing away at is probably just another piece of Political Theater.
Like all the other Empty Rhetoric polluting the air in D.C., NOTHING will come of it.
~ FT
You are going to be watching The Black Messiah use every trick in the book to put Romney on the ropes. He will succeed...
Maybe so.
I put in that stuff along the lines of Democratic Socialism to illustrate the slippery slope we are on with regard to "morally right."
I guess that it all comes back to this with regard to "morally right"....
Pontius Pilate said: "What is truth?"
Now it seems that we are asking "What is morally right?"
Getting ready to sign off for the night.
But before I do, I want to point out that The Beak has posted something quite interesting on the topic at hand.
Good night.
"In other words start acting snotty at my place and you'll get flushed down the potty."
Hmmm....Power Corrupts?
"That makes you a fool, who richly deserves whatever he gets."
I may deserve what I get, but if you come in and walk out with my stuff you are still guilty of burglary ;)
I was amazed visiting an Amish Farmer's Market with my brother in Pennsylvania. We drove up, there were tables full of produce, and a money box, not a living soul in sight. Got some corn, some tomatoes, left the money. It was... refreshing!
@Gives me a kick that whenever you question the omnipotence of the markets out come the Libertarian freaks.
Well, I am a Libertarian and don't believe in the omnipotence of the market.
I am not so naive as to believe that Amish Farmer's Market would survive at 8th and Chestnut just some eighty miles to the east of its present location.
The minimum of simple, equally applied regulations should do the trick... the index of the US Code from the US Government Printing Office alone is 6850 pages in six volumes. The Code itself runs some 50,000 pages and the CFR another 20,000. This is good? rationale? effective? Simple and equally applied?
I deal with this crap on perhaps a bi-weekly basis, and I'm not even a lawyer.
Ducky the myna bird keeps quacking that the markets have failed.
No they haven't. They've performed just as expected when pointy-headed progressives mask market signals and incentivize greed and stupidity.
Hand out free money to everybody, including those who can't pay it back, and you will drive up the prices to irrationally exuberant levels.
Promise wall street banksters that you'll shake down the taxpayers for them when they crap their pants, and guess what they'll go and do? They'll do stupid things with their money!
No, the markets have not failed. They are perfectly rational.
The failure is that adults like you can't understand that.
<< Hand out free money to everybody, including those who can't pay it back, and you will drive up the prices to irrationally exuberant levels.
Promise wall street banksters that you'll shake down the taxpayers for them when they crap their pants, and guess what they'll go and do? They'll do stupid things with their money! >>
Is there some way to send all voters this quote?
Spam? Like penis enlargement ads? I haven't seen any of that on your blog.
My guess, you don't want to try and justify voting for a guy who won't take a stand on the issues, or tell Americans what he is going to do.
I've already given you my reasons for voting for Romney, Steve. If you don't like them, too bad. Last time I checked, I don't need to run my decisions past you.
The spam is in my e-mail box, and I'm tired of sorting through comments to make sure a legitimate comment didn't get put in spam or vice versa.
"In other words start acting snotty at my place and you'll get flushed down the potty."
Hmmm....Power Corrupts?
A Mighty Fortress Is Our Blog!
~ FT
"I was amazed visiting an Amish Farmer's Market with my brother in Pennsylvania. We drove up, there were tables full of produce, and a money box, not a living soul in sight. Got some corn, some tomatoes, left the money. It was... refreshing! ..."
Life was just like that in Sussex County, Delaware when I first arrived there in the mid-Seventies. I was charmed by a little old farm lady with a face like a walnut shell who put baskets full of her fresh, homegrown produce on a picnic table under an umbrella at the front of her property right the crook of an elbow bend in the road.
She was rarely present. Instead, she left a two big Mason jars on the table -- one loaded with coins, the other with dollar bills. A little hand-lettered sign said "We use THE HONESTY SYSTEM"
I doubt very much if anyone would ever have dreamed of cheating her -- and even back then there were plenty of weekend visitors from Washington, Philadelphia and Baltimore.
"I am not so naive as to believe that [the] Amish Farmer's Market would survive at 8th and Chestnut just some eighty miles to the east of its present location."
DEMOGRAPHICS has everything to do with it, I think. Some "Demographs" are thugs, some scholars, some aristocrats, some just meat and potatoes types.
I don't care what the Declaration of Independence says, all people are NOT equal by a long shot.
~ FreeThinke
A Mighty Fortress Is Our Blog!
I live in an area in which in all probability, I could leave my doors unlocked without any problems.
Problem is... I can't leave my doors unlocked. I grew up just outside Philly, and can remember when very young going to bed with the front door open and nothing but a screen between us and the outside world. By the time I left you double locked the door, set the chains, closed and locked the windows on the first floor, including the porch, and woke up if you heard a noise. After I left, it only got worse.
Sad really.
Now, I live in a rural area, lock my doors (out of habit), we leave the windows open knowing full well no one around here would be stupid enough to climb in one. Were anyone to do so, they would in all likelihood get shot, I give it about an 85% chance... the other 15% being transplants from California and other 'civilized' areas.
"I've already given you my reasons for voting for Romney, Steve. If you don't like them, too bad. Last time I checked, I don't need to run my decisions past you"
If you have a public blog, you should expect opposition, or just stop blogging. If you blog for a candidate, you should expect to define why you do. Supporting a candidate that refuses to tell what he will do, is a dead voter habit, and IMO a stupid voter.
...and none of what you say applies to me.
I am not "blogging for" Rommey. I liked the speech so I excerpted it.
And as you can see, I generate plenty of opposition.
And if you believe that a president will actually do what he says he will on on the stump, you are a stupid voter. Just look at the recent presidents' speeches and what they actually did.
You quote Romney. You support Romney. You are going to vote for Romney. Yet you say you don't have to defend your support for Romney. Like I said, stop blogging, or be prepared to defend your support for any candidate. You can't defend what you don't know (Romney won't say what he will do) yet you do. Typical Republican hypocrisy.
FT, you can boldface your text as much as you like but it is not definitive that Obama has done something illegal.
It is a decree that he has the legal right to do so, as far as White House council has advised.
If anything it is a loophole that the system has allowed or in fact created.
Rather than claim ilegality and impeachment, try shouting "close the loophole".
Complaining gets you nothing, fixing the system gets you everything.
Damien Charles
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