Wall Street gambling and corporate tax avoidance are direct results of government policy passed and signed into law by Democrats and Republicans. You can't leave the silo door open and then blame the rats for eating the grain.
Wall Street seems synonymous with capitalism, but few there espouse market principles. Likewise, Big Business rarely eschews state intervention, instead playing willing harlots for Washington’s wiles. The further Leviathan reaches, the more special interests latch to its tentacles. Restricting the state is essential to curtailing corruption and ensuring earnings come honestly. Smaller government affords less power for those with clout to co-opt.The Crux:
A widening rift between political ideals rends America’s social tapestry. The Right, as embodied by the Tea Party, seeks individual liberty and equality before the law where each may earn as merit warrants. The Left, as evidenced by OWS, demands that government level results regardless of merit. Personal identity yields to collectivized class or demographic consciousness. (Bill Flax – Obama Tears Down his own Wall Street)Michael Needham and Tim Chapman bring a big, nebulous problem into sharp focus...
The Bigs – Big Wall Street, Big Government, Big Labor, and Big Business – are all protected classes in the American political system.
The tax code, regulatory regime, and campaign finance laws are all written by those powerful enough to hire an army of lobbyists to descend on Washington. Labor unions pushed their way ahead of bond holders when the Establishment bailed out Chrysler. Solyndra got venture funding from the middle class taxpayer after spending $1.9 million lobbying the Establishment.
This corrupt nexus is at the heart of the dissatisfaction across the country towards Washington. (The Washington Establishment’s Big Problem)