The left is all giddy and mocking because Breitbart's Obama Expose dropped no bombshells. I must agree, but two things stood out for me.
Imagine a President with a Neo-Nazi Past...
First, the young Obama belonged to Harvard’s Whitey Haters Club, sponsored by guilty white liberals. That helps put Michelle’s “For the first time in my life I'm proud of my country” comment into context, doesn’t it?
Secondly, The President remained an acolyte of a man who believes in a conspiracy of white people to sell black people into slavery to martians in exchange for space gold which will pay off the national debt. OK, it’s just an allegory, but the neo-Marxist theory it is founded upon is very real, and it ties in nicely with Minister Loogie Farrakhan’s white devil theories.
So yeah, there’s nothing damning in there, and I wish it had come four years ago. I think it is useful for voters to see the Marxist sewer our president has voluntarily marinated himself in. From Harvard to Chicago, it was radical racial resentment politics.
![]() |
Critical Race Cultist |
The question remains, did Barack Hussein Obama really believe all that stuff, or did he just use it to gain street cred? Either way, like sitting in Reverend Wright's Church of God Damn America for 20 years, it doesn't speak well of him.
I was much younger than that when I found myself stationed in Central America, and even at a tender age I knew communism was no good. I also unconsciously realized that although we still have racists among us, we are not a racist country. I looked around and I saw colonels, generals and senior enlisted people of all races and colors in charge of important stuff and issuing orders to white people. I also inherently realized that if "The System" was rigged, the Powers That Be did a piss poor job of keeping the minorities from jumping the turnstiles...
Did BHO and Michelle meet at one of those rallies for Derrick Bell?
About the comment I typed in above...
Link One
Link Two
Possibly of interest
From this source:
Derrick A. Bell, the racist Harvard Law professor and Barack Obama friend and mentor, apparently visited the White House at least twice since Obama has been President.
The name “Derrick A. Bell” shows up on White House visitors’ logs for January 29 and January 31, 2010. Oddly, President Obama was out of the country on both dates....
Is the above just satire? Or was Bell really a guest at the White House?
AOW: The cogent point from the Powerline article is this: "the 2012 election will be, and should be, fought on Obama’s record as president.", which is indefensible.
To get wrapped around the axle about a lot of extraneous crap from twenty odd years ago is just a waste of energy better spent on defeating him on the basis of current issues. We don't need the distraction, we need him retired.
Imagine a President with a Neo-Nazi Past...
Now there's a freaking intelligent analogy.
Okay, let's cut to the chase. Why is the fringe right so virulently anti-Obama? After all there is nothing particularly progressive about his administration, unfortunately.
By electing a black man it has become obvious that the nature of privilege has changed. We see the violent reaction in blatant white supremacists like Freethinker and the idiotic birthers and the clowns who think he's a Muslim.
The Whitey Haters Club. Silver coming out of the closet.
Yeah, Harvard made him white enough, Reverend Wright made him black enough and his whole life has been a cynical grab for politics office. Nothing unusual in the Mandarin class.
A video that had aired years ago. Nothing new, just the vulgar shithead Breitbart doing his famous race baiting. A black Muslim foreign Communist in the White House. You people are as stupid as Victoria Jackson.
Ducky said; "magine a President with a Neo-Nazi Past.."
Marxism is a far more deadly ideology than Nazism.
"Reverend Wright made him black enough..."
That's quite racist of you. All Rev. Wright can turn anyone into is a bestial savage racist who is completely ignorant of history. He doesn't make people 'black'.
"Nothing new, just the vulgar shithead Breitbart doing his famous race baiting"
Name one instance where Brietbart attacked Obama for his skin color. You can't. We will hear crickets. You are making a false accusation.
Yes, that is the thesis statement for that article.
However, there is other material in there, too.
By linking to the article, I was in no way denigrating Silverfiddle's post.
My own position: Go after Obama on several levels. One can reach more people that way.
Why is the fringe right so virulently anti-Obama?
I can't speak for all on the Right. But I categorically state that I do not oppose Obama because of his race.
Nice try on your part, but it won't fly with me.
Remember, I am a Spanish major. That means that I have had lifelong friends of all races.
One of my dearest friends in all the world is Warren, and he is a Native American.
Another of my dearest friends is CPP and her family: they are African Americans, and they voted for Obama. They know that I did not, and they also know that I didn't cast my vote against Obama because he is not white.
"White guilt" doesn't fly with me. Period.
Yeah, Derrick Bell was a Marxist. Freaking bore me later.
Breitbart made his name as a cheap race baiter. His goal was to use A.C.O.R.N, Shirley Sherrod ...
coming up on » Obama Loses Cool At Black Caucus Dinner.
The guy who ran the Little Green Footballs blog did himself proud by dissociating himself from the race baiting clown.
Breitbart tried to carve out a role as the great conservative defender of decent white folk who are falsely accused of racism. A delicate balancing act but given the concern of people like yourself and Silver as they lose their supremacy it is one with a willing constituency.
As Derrick Bell said you don't know what racism is. But poor Andrew Breitbart was there to assure you that the black, foreign born, Muslim, Marxist president deserved your hatred and Andrew was always going to be there to make sure you weren't falsely accused.
The fringe right is a fucking joke. Stupid, too.
Ducky: By electing a black man it has become obvious that the nature of privilege has changed.
The nature of 'privilege' hasn't changed, the notion of 'privilige' is illusory.
Forbes list of the ten richest Americans shows five of them to be "self made" billionaires and the remaining five, the Koch's and Walton's are second generation benificiaries of their fathers industry.
"As Derrick Bell said you don't know what racism is."
That's humorous, coming from a New England blue blood rich white kid who suffers from white guilt and victim brainwashing.
Your ancestors probably owned slaves from Africa.
You cannot possibly even begin to defend leftist racism, Ducky, and your attempts to do so serve to only leave you looking foolish.
twoguys2012 --- I'm Ukrainian, my ancestors were serfs.
"Methinks that thou dost protest too much."
Over the years, I've seen some of your hateful comments about "brown skins," particularly those of Latino descent and those of Native American descent.
Although you have a convert to Islam in your family, you also use the term "ragheads" with some frequency.
I also recall your comments about Condi Rice.
You have absolutely no room to call anyone else a racist!
For all I know, you hate Breitbart because he was of Irish descent. Or maybe because he was adopted by a Jewish family. I full well know what an anti-Semite you are.
Your ancestors may have been serfs.
What else were they?
And you yourself often brag about what a rich man you are.
Ah, well, I don't have time to spout off here for a while. Off to the grocery store right now.
AOW: "By linking to the article, I was in no way denigrating Silverfiddle's post."
Me either, just pointing out that it's easy to fall into the sort of trap that Ducky is baiting already, and lose focus.
Just as his damning with faint praise, "After all there is nothing particularly progressive about his administration, unfortunately." is intended to deceive us into thinking that if he's not far enough left to suit Ducky, he might not be so bad after all.
But one more thing, Duck.
You accused me of being a pedophile back in 2005, when I first started blogging.
Were I you, I'd quit throwing stones at Breitbart.
Must go now -- groceries to get.
Ducky is a typical leftist who enjoys crapping in the punchbowl and causing noisy demonstrations. Anything to distract from the subject at hand.
Viburnum: I agree this is a distraction. I've done very few posts on this topic, and this will most likely be the last. We've already elected him, so this stuff is of very limited value
There is nothing in that video that would cause a democrat to not vote for him.
It is all about the middle of the road people who can vote either way.
As you said the only value of the video is that is puts certain things in context. Especially the DOJ. It is clear to me and anyone that is being intellectually honest that Holder and his top brass believe this theory and are doing what they can to right the wrongs as they see them. Even the ones that don't exist.
"Imagine a President with a Neo-Nazi Past.."
Point taken. Shudder.
So now let's imagine a Presidential candidate who is a practicing Hare Krishna. Or perhaps a Scientologist.
Does that make this person a bad guy? No, not necessarily. But don't religious affiliations speak to a person's overall judgement and core values? Isn't it naive to think that integral personal beliefs won't shape professional decisions?
Now you see why Romney as President makes me very nervous. There's certainly nothing wrong with the Latter-day Saints' emphasis on devout worship, marital fidelity, and community support. But doesn't the adherence to LDS theological tenets cast at least a few legitimate doubts about the soundness of Mitt's overall judgement?
In as much as we would shudder the thought of having a Jehovah's Witness as President (yeah, I know their core beliefs would prohibit this, but bear with me here), how can we be so cavalier about having a "Saint" for President?
And we're not talking about a backrow Baptist here... Romney has lifelong ties to Mormonism. His father was born in a Mormon colony in Mexico and was active in the church. Mitt attended Brigham Young University and worked as a Mormon missionary in France. In the early 1980s, Romney was appointed as bishop of the Mormon congregation in Belmont, MA.
So Breitbart was really an IRISHMAN!
No WONDER he didn't look Jewish! ;-)
I loved his passion, his commitment, his courage and above all his colossal effrontery. Good to learn he came by it honestly. Nothing devious, crafty or disingenuous about THAT man. May God rest his soul in perpetual bliss!
SilverFiddle and Others, it is a BLACK MARK (pun fully intended!) against the intelligence and character of our ELECTORATE that knowledge of the president's VILE background with its myriad anti-American, anti-Caucasian, anti-Capitalist, anti-Christian, anti-Freedom, pro-Statist, pro-Marxist, pro-Islamist elements was NOT enough to secure his resounding DEFEAT at the polls in 2008.
I don't blame Obama --or his putrid friends and allies -- for the evil that has befallen us; I blame US -- The People of the United States of America for our apathy, ignorance, misguided notions of "tolerance," embrace of meretricious objects of veneration and false ideals, and for our sheer STUPIDITY in falling for a would-be African-style tinpot dictator like Obamanoma.
Even MORE do I condemn the REPUBLICAN PARTY for its moronic COMPLACENCY, for its COWARDICE, for FAILING to do its HOMEWORK, for PLAYING FOOTSIE with the ENEMY, and generally FALLING DOWN on the JOB.
We GET the government we DESERVE.
Failure to use ANY means -- fair or foul -- legal or illegal -- to DEFEAT and DESTROY any Enemy of Freedom should be categorized as MORTAL SIN.
"Extremism in defense of Liberty is no vice."
"Moderation in war is imbecility."
~ FreeThinke
Sorry SF. Didn't mean for that to come across as a complaint, just a caution.
If anyone doubts we are in the midst of a war, I suggest he needs to get his head examined.
~ FreeThinke
Viburnum: I'm with you! No offense taken.
I cautioned by fellow Right Blogistanis early and often to run from the birther crap, crypto-Muslim kookery and all the rest of it.
The man has a horrible record as president and that is what we need to focus on.
You mean you're a white guy who DIDN'T own slaves?
Oh, the horror!
Don't let the leftists know, since it is common teaching on their part that ALL white folks were obviously slave-owners back in the day, and must be made to pay in the now for such past racist sins against all African-Americans.
The man has a horrible record as president and that is what we need to focus on.
Of COURSE, but the reason WHY his presidency has resulted in disaster is BECAUSE of his HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE BACKROUND.
You cannot defeat the Left with Pure Reason, SilverFiddle. Leftists have rendered themselves immune to logic, as we see here every day, and I'm sorry to be the one to say it, but "The People" quite frankly have proven themselves to be a bunch of freakin' IMBECILES.
The average person is no more capable of following a logical argument than a TOADSTOOL -- and probably less interested in doing so.
The Founders may have written of "equality," but it stands to reason what they MEANT must have been equality among educated, responsible, property-owning individuals of PROVEN capability. They may have had compassion for the rabble, but at the same time they had a healthy, well=placed contempt and proper disregard for "the whim of the vulgar populace," as Alexander Hamilton eloquently put it.
Given today's warped notions of "egalitarianism" it's a wonder some frenzied leftist fanatic has not yet demanded the president -- and all the other "high mucky-mucks" in government and positions of public trust -- be removed from residency in the White House and other stately mansions and forced to live in a TRAILER PARK cheek by jowl with the poorest of the poor and the lowest of the low.
THAT is the ultimate aim -- and only logical conclusion -- of the type of "thinking" to which we've been subjected and by which we've been allowing ourselves to be led around by the nose since at least the nineteen-thirties.
But, of course, you'd never see one of The Oligarchs disencumber himself of any of the perquisites that go with Magisterial Authority, would you?
~ FreeThinke
The Constitution specifically says that "no religious test" should apply when selecting a president, or has that been changed too?
That said, while I don't in any way share your distrust of Mormonism, being the kind of "By-Their-Fruits-Shall-Ye-Know-Them," anti-Doctrinaire, anti-Literalism guy I am.
BUT at the same time I do wonder what could and should be done if the left succeeds -- as they seem determined to do -- in jockeying us via Supreme Court bullying into forced acceptance of a Legless, Armless, Deaf, Blind, Drug-Addicted, Black Lesbian Satanist Vampire with a Ring in Her Nose who has militantly demanded and TAKEN her "right" to bear Seventeen Illegitimate Babies by Artificial Insemination administered at Public Expense, as the Democrat's candidate for the presidency?
With test case after test case after case after test case brought before a power-mad Supreme Court bound and determined to usurp the constitutionally-mandated right of the people to REPRESENTATIVE government, such a case is hardly beyond the realm of possibility.
Anyway you slice it, WE ZIN TRUBBLE!
~ FreeThinke
You cannot defeat the Left with Pure Reason, SilverFiddle. Leftists have rendered themselves immune to logic, as we see here every day, and I'm sorry to be the one to say it, but "The People" quite frankly have proven themselves to be a bunch of freakin' IMBECILES.
For those reasons, one of my favorite and erudite bloggers gave up blogging and deleted his web site.
A few years before, I had told this blogger that all the logic in the world wasn't going to work this time around. Lefists and the Dumbed Down (A majority now!) are incapable of following a cogent line of reasoning.
The forces are so lined up against "us" that the situation is surreal.
"We" can't make a difference if everything we say and type in falls on soil sown with salt.
There is not a religious test in our Constitution.
However, voters may have a religious test of their own when they enter the voting booth. And rightly so.
Rob: Here's an article that addresses some of your concerns
Personally I don't have a problem with anyone who supports the Constitution as an article of faith. I'll take my allies where I can find them.
SF "We've already elected him, so this stuff is of very limited value"
Yes, the damage is done (tho I doubt if he's done with us yet) but we do have another election ahead and I do think this information should be out there. That's all Breitbart wanted; Vet the LEFT, too.
Every single little WORD the REp Candidates say is pounced on, exaggerated, mischaracterized....we had NONE of that in '08.
Yes, it is important to get Obama's roots out there and to wake Americans up. "Did Obama really believe that stuff..?" Are you kidding? He was at Wright's church only 4 years ago, every Sunday he was in town apparently, and ignored a lot. His biggest mentor was Frank Marshall...
Did he believe that stuff? ? WHAT?
Sorry, the DELETE trash can isn't quite working.
To clarify, "we had none of that to Obama in '08..." (we had PLENTY to the Republican candidates!!!) and, of course, when we heard with our own ears that Obama'd lied about knowing Ayers, people voted for him anyway.
"Harvard made him white enough, Reverend Wright made him black enough and his whole life has been a cynical grab for politics office."
-Wright and Bell made him radically racial.
Note: Black Panthers voter intimidation charges dropped.
-Ayers made him radically progressive.
Note: Side stepping the Constitution by -Individual mandates, Forcing the church to go against it beliefs, No congressional authorization to enter our military in to combat that is not an imminent threat.
And now an Article of Impeachment against him.
Whatever the deal, how the hell did he get to where he got to?? There is much more to this story, and if the nation survives, we may just find out.
I'm still astounded by Breitbart's uncovering of evidence that Obama actually attended Harvard. ;)
I think the meaning of the video in a political vetting context is a bit too nuanced. You have to sit and explain who the heck Derrick Bell is, then explain why Harvard hired him if he's a so-terrible, then explain why Obama is more toxic than any of the other people in the video just standing there listening / clapping....
This video would have been a bombshell in 2008. Now, it's so yawn-inducing I fell asleep consulting a thesaurus for the best way to convey its limited significance.
I wish the Right would argue something of substance for a change. This Marxist, communist, racist, radical, Muslim, Leftist, anti-American, apologist, stupid fuckin' retarded asshole faggot crap is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo old and boring.
"...stupid fuckin' retarded asshole faggot crap..."
Spoken like a true leftist.
I understand, for the most part, your comments. But I must ask:
Have you ever seen anyone give significance to the straw that eventually breaks that camel's back?
These videos might just be that straw, and the camel's back might just be The Obama Myth.
Just an observation, mind you.
I neglected to mention that the majority of those adjectives you used to describe President Obama are not improper. The last few, however...well, they're not for me to determine about him.
This is probably just as good a time as any for sharing this brand new personal experience:
This morning I found a "photoon" called Where Obama's Picture Should be Memorialized. It showed the one dollar, five dollar, ten-dollar, twenty-dollar and fifty dollar bills -- all with portraits of former presidents and illustrious historical figures on them, of course. The last picture showed Obama with a wide grin emblazoned on a mock up of the Food Stamp. I thought it was clever, well-produced, and very funny, so I sent it to a number of good personal friends two of them liberals.
These are the responses (with some redactions, of course) I got from the two liberals:
~ FT
So here's what we have for the last few weeks. Lets look at what really gets the fringe right excited as demonstrated by their greatest media heroes, Rush Limbaugh and Andrew Breitbart.
1. Sexuality - We all know that homos scare the shit out of right wingers and they'll home school their kids rather than risk having them turn queer in a public school but as Rush demonstrates, heterosexual sex must also be sanctioned.
A women using contraception is clearly a whore and a slut. No sir.
Just look at one of the stiffs on their VP short list, Bob McDonnell who just got his face slapped over the ultrasound issue.
This hoser has a terrific past that includes proposing legislature to criminalize cohabation and overturn Griswold vs. Connecticut.
Get on with the important stuff in the culture wars.
more ...
"For shame, forwarding on this tasteless email! What bad judgment! You ought to respect my right to my opinion that Obama has earned my vote in the next election for making progress in his first term on getting us out of Iraq and Afghanistan, moving the Pakistani and Israeli political boundaries to where they belong, keeping the banking system afloat and the UAW alive.
"As the wife of a one-time UAW worker, let me share the following: thousands of workers have neck and back discomfort permanently from long, uncomfortable hours standing in odd positions while working on machines and parts. Their hearing gets damaged. Their body organs get abused since even trips to the Men's room cannot happen when needed. These workers have shorter lives as I'm sure the Chinese are learning.
"The financial melt down occurred on Bush's economic watch but what difference does that make?
"If you want to point fingers, you need to look at the complicated financial arbitrage concepts now used across the globe to balance risk. Even former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan testified under oath that his office ultimately found the concepts incomprehensible. They had hoped they understood them, but were proven wrong. My advice is don't forward this email to anyone else.
"Honor this request not to send me any political email. I know you just thought it was funny but this is 2012 and racist humor ISN'T funny."
"Sad that you fell for this urban myth being used so dishonestly by your side. .... Here, check out the actual facts:
"We asked the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food and Nutrition service for month-by-month figures going back to January 2001. And they show that under President George W. Bush the number of recipients rose by nearly 14.7 million. Nothing before comes close to that.
"And under Obama, the increase so far has been 14.2 million. To be exact, the program has so far grown by 444,574 fewer recipients during Obama's time in office than during Bush's.
"It's possible that when the figures for January 2012 are available they will show that the gain under Obama has matched or exceeded the gain under Bush. But not if the short-term trend continues. The number getting food stamps declined by 43,528 in October. And the economy has improved since then.
"Update, Feb. 5: Revised USDA data released in February showed the downward trend continued for a second straight month in November, when the number of persons getting food stamps was 134,418 fewer than it had been at the peak."
I've known both of these people all my life. One is a man, the other a woman. Can you guess which might be which? Neither are stupid. Both are very sincere and decently educated. Both read a great deal. Yet I checked this source citing Charts from the USDA
After seeing the charts (really worth a look!), I could only draw the conclusion that the second respondent was wrong. I sent a copy of the charts, and was told they were all a lie made up by FOX News.
If we can't even talk rationally with our personal FRIENDS, what hope is there for the nation?
Every liberal I know has told me in effect: If you value our friendship, don't you DARE send me any more of your filthy LIES. The liberal women have all claimed that I have "hurt" them deeply by sharing my "vicious right-wing propaganda."
What's a body to do?
~ FreeThinke
PS: FinnTann, you seem always in full possession of the facts. Could you give us some material that would settle this dispute. Whose "facts" should we accept as true? Google give so much material it's virtually impossible to sort it all out. - FT
Conservatives hating Obama's detrimental anti-American policies is just like liberals who hated Bush's policies. Liberals are the ones who have to make it about race or some collectivist group.
2. Race -- Here's where the despicable Breitbart comes in. He made a name for himself by trying to justify the right's bigotry by trying to shift it left.
A.C.O.R.N, yes sir, the edited video that got all the fringe right short bussers confused about the nature of voter fraud and worked nicely as a voter suppression tool.
Then he slanders Shirley Sherrod and the fringe right still sees nothing wrong with the race baiting.
Big to do about some idiot calling himself the New Black Panther Party and now ...
revelations that Obama was friendly with black people in college and may have even spent time with one who felt the white hierarchy should be challenged. But Breitbart was all about creating noise to cover the nature of the structure and you loved him for the liars.
That's what you are and that's what you are going to go into battle with in November. Look to get your face smacked.
... and the corporatist don't care. They've got both sides covered while we debate race and sexuality for the duration.
A quick comment here before I rush into the kitchen to fix supper.
About your brand new personal experience....
From a liberal friend whom I've known and been best friends with since 1978, I have had a similar reaction to anything negative I say about Obama.
What is amazing me about my friend: He never reacted in such a manner before when I made any of my right-wing political comments. NEVER!
This fellow is approximately 70 years old. Up until Obama's election, this friend of mine never, ever acted in such a manner.
'Homos, queer, faggot, retarded'
Man, I love it when you leftists show us your true colors!
If I said those things, or if Silverfiddle said those things, or if any other rightist said those things...
The worst part is- you two feel you can get away with it because you voted for Obama! Oh, the hypocrisy!
JMJ, Ducky...boys, boys,'re killin' yourselves on this thread today. Apparently you are running out of excuses, so you resort to verbiage better suited for 'the right wing hatemongers', as you leftists would have everyone believe.
Delicious, delicious vindication!
Ducky is a predictable, repetitive Pavlov's dog.
I purposely plastered Andrew's picture up there, Ducky, knowing it would get you slobbering. So predictable...
Ducky: Big to do about some idiot calling himself the New Black Panther Party and now ...
As I recall the big to do was about a voter intimidation suit being dropped by Eric Holder and the DOJ. The original incident happened here in Philly so it probably got bigger play here than elsewhere. But don't let my 'right wing' views influence you. You can read the story from one of the 4 DOJ attorneys who brought the original suit to begin with, and resigned in protest when Holder dropped it.
BTW, that's not a right wing blog that's posted on but the website jointly run by the Philadelphia Inquirer and Daily News both of which IMO are well to the left of center
"Ducky is a predictable, repetitive Pavlov's dog."
You sure got that right.
I've reached the point now where I just SKIP the inevitable fusillade of ferocious fatuity, and ease on down the road.
It makes no sense to swallow a poison pill just because someone laid it in the table.
I lost every shred of respect after the eruptions of verbal vomit we were inundated within the wake of Breitbart's untimely death.
Beyond obscene.
~ FreeThinke
@vibirnum -- As I recall the big to do was about a voter intimidation suit being dropped by Eric Holder and the DOJ.
Well there's a little more to it. Initially the BUSH ADMINISTRATION declined to prosecute. Remember, they had initial jurisdiction.
Let's recall the case, there was a jerk outside a polling place in Philly. He was holding a baton of sorts.
A passerby called the police and told them he was there. Cops came and he moved.
One person --- no can one person constitute conspiracy? No.
Was there ever a complaint of voter intimidation? No, the caller was not voting.
So it was a bullshit case that scared the freak9ng shit out of The Ladies Who Lunch and nothing more.
Holder finally dropped the case completely for lack of any evidence.
Then a pissed of employee from the Bush administration got El Rushbo and the filth Breitbart to push the issue and the douchebag noise machine still pushes it.
My earnest, erudite, well-considered opinion by the way is that Solidad O'Brien is a turd. One of many in the Enemedia Galaxy of Star Race-Baiters, Axe-Grinders, Grievance-Hustlers and Poverty-Pimps.
~ FreeThinke
If you haven't seem Derrick Bell's "White people hate you Movie", you can catch it here.
A premise that holds left-wingers / liberals are actually capable of rational thought will invariably arrive at an absurd conclusion.
The Andrew Breitbart "Obama Harvard Videos" are sure to be awesome, amazing, incredible, spectacular, enlightening and all that other good stuff (yet will be completely ignored by the media (therefor leaving the ABC, NBC, CBS, PMSNBC, CNN viewers further uninformed - just the way liberals like them).
Not only did Obama sit for 20 years in a church vitriolic, racist hate-group whining about Whitey and oppressed he was, he was a radical (SHOCKING!) while attending the elitist Harvard. In my world, "Harvard" and "Oppressed" don't go together. But hey, if ya got the cards, play 'em.
One of his radical professor mentors, Derrick Bell, has acknowledged covering up the tapes during the 2008 election (lots of coverups in this administration, no?). I'm sure he was doing so for the betterment of the country...certainly not just so he could get to see a brother in the White House.
Have you ever seen anyone give significance to the straw that eventually breaks that camel's back?
These videos might just be that straw, and the camel's back might just be The Obama Myth.
We're not going to break "the Obama Myth" with a candidate that believes the purpose of the judicial system is to pave access to abortion clinics for minor-aged children against their parents' wishes. We're not going to break "the Obama Myth" with a candidate that signed executive orders as a governor ordering the issuance of marriage licenses to same-sex couples. We're not going to break "the Obama Myth" with a candidate that test-bedded Obamacare in his own state with disasterous results that he's "proud" of.
No matter how bad you can make Obama look, the Buckley rule - vote for the most electable, most conservative candidate - has me voting for Obama over Romney.
Obama, after all, cut $500 Billion out of Medicare. While it's true he wasted that $500 Billion on a different social program rather than giving Americans an additional tax break, the fact remains that cutting money out of a wasteful entitlement spending program puts Obama slightly to the right of Romney and his fans in the far left totalitarian Tea Party movement.
Its prof Ogletree who admits keeping the tapes of Obama out of the '08 spotlight. As if anybody'd have cared if they were bent to vote for such a loser anyway.
Ducky, you keep saying the Right feels "A women using contraception is clearly a whore and a slut. No sir." Please, if you can't understand the responses to you here trying to help you with the truth, maybe a neighbor or someone can help?
Man, the way you hide truth behind the most ridiculous and obvious wrong conclusions is almost scary! Honestly.
beamish, Congratulations on your new hero. Your last comment here puts you to the right of somewhere I don't want to know! Yes, a "different social program" ...and now he's your hero and you're voting for him? :-)
It's obvious that you didn't read the linked article which clearly states the the initial suit was brought under Bush, there was not one person but two, the second being a Democratic committeeman in Philly, and there was sworn testimony from multiple witnesses to the fact that voters were indeed turned away from the poles, and if it was no big deal why did the DOJ subsequently secure an injunction against the guy ???
I'll double check but my recollection of the incident, and I work in Philadelphia and recall hearing the initial story on the radio on my commute home, is that the police didn't shoo them away, they arrested them. "Move along" is hardly newsworthy.
I stand corrected. He was 'escorted away from the polling place:' by police.
The incident was videoed by a Republican poll watcher which led to the subsequent suit by DOJ
viburnum -- No complaints were ever filed by potential voters. How can you have voter intimidation if no complaints were filed.
The second panther, unarmed, was authorized to be at the poll.
This came down to a potential misdemeanor against the Shabazz idiot and was no considered worth pursuing by either administration.
It was a big nothing that was played up by rabies media to forment racial fear.
AOW, that second link about Obama's admiration for a great admirer of a vicious Black Muslim Genocide advocate OUGHT to stop Obama's kareer dead in its tracks, but it won't.
WHY won't it?
Because The Oligarch's don't WANT it to.
Obama is far too useful to The Oligarchs.
Thanks for the three links.
The very fact that ALL this evidence has done NOHING to make the slightest dent in Obama is all the proof I need that a HIDDEN HAND is in firmly in CONTROL and the populace has been subject to MASS HYPNOSIS.
If the enemedia doesn't push it, it simply does NOT exist -- in the mind of John Q. Publick.
I mourn for our moribund nation. We already are as good as dead.
~ FreeThinke
@Ducky From the article, written by one of the DOJ attorneys who filed the original suit
...As we know, the Justice Department brought a voter-intimidation lawsuit against the Panthers in the final days of the Bush administration. ...
...Perhaps it is a good time to debunk a few of the myths surrounding the dismissal of the Panther case - especially because we now have facts from internal Department of Justice reports and sworn testimony. ...
... First, there was sworn testimony from eyewitnesses that voters indeed turned away at the sight of the club-wielding Black Panthers. A favorite canard of Holder's defenders has been that no voters were affected.
... Those who support the dismissal of the case mock those who believe intimidation occurred, accusing them of being afraid "of scary black men." Yet those hurling such racialist taunts overlook an important fact - even Holder's Justice Department disagrees with them. After all, it pursued an injunction, albeit a paltry one, against Shabazz.
...the internal ethics investigation of the dismissal revealed hostility toward using civil rights laws against minority wrongdoers. This testimony was given under penalty of perjury. Multiple lawyers stated that it is a common view inside this Justice Department that black wrongdoers should not be defendants in civil rights cases. The attorneys providing this testimony were longtime department employees, and liberals. ...
You're entitled to your own opinion Ducky, but not your own facts
Guess what C-Span just presented?
Another retrospective hit piece on "the criminal presidency of RICHARD M. NIXON!
Now isn't THAT timely?
JUST what America needs to mull over again in this crucial election year.
And some people still doubt that everything is being MANIPULATED to serve a not-so-hidden agenda!
~ FT
Unfortunately, Silverfiddle this post is utter garbage. Complete filth.
First off, your equating Professor Bell with Neo-Nazism.
Breitbart as was his wont exactly turned around Professor Bell's remarkable and laudable career into something the opposite of what it was. It's Shirley Sherrod all over again.
Professor Bell and President Obama are far nobler than any Right-Winger living.
Someone ought to tell Taunterino that doing the direct opposite is just another form of IMITATION -- and WITLESS to boot.
Disagreeing is not a sin. Boring people half to death is worse than sin. It shuld be declared a capital Offense. Was it Oscar Wilde who said it was the ONLY sin?
Probably! Worthy of Oscar in any case.
~ FreeThinke
Ducky, do YOURSELF a favor and watch the video, okay? Man, what's it take?
“We will be at the polls in the cities and counties in many states to ensure that the enemy does not sabotage the black vote, which was won through the blood of the martyrs of our people,” said Shakur...from the NBPP.
Everyone there said they 'blocked the door'...
If people are afraid to make complaints, I can't blame them.
@Ducky FYI
And in case you don't recognize the name, or in case you do, this is the former publisher of that famous right wing rag, The Village Voice
GEG says:
"Professor Bell and President Obama are far nobler than any Right-Winger living."
LOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOL!! You cannot be serious!
See here:
Here's your nobility, GEG. Right there, in full glory. LOL!
z, if nobody files a charge how can the Fed prosecute?
Bush dropped the conspiracy charges.
Holder had nothing of substance to charge the guy with.
However, while I'm pretty free with my insults I'm not "afraid of the dark" like you and others here. Insulting a butt nugget like Auntie Condo is not equivalent to your fear that blacks and immigrants are getting frisky and don't know their place.
I don't know why I would have called AOW a pedophile. She must have missed some sarcasm hen she was going on in her enlightened fashion about Muhammad's 6th century child bride.
Anyway, where are the New Black Panthers now? It was NOTHING and continuing to harp on it as NotsoBreitbart would have you do is race baiting. Which is what his whole schtick was about.
beamish, Congratulations on your new hero. Your last comment here puts you to the right of somewhere I don't want to know! Yes, a "different social program" ...and now he's your hero and you're voting for him? :-)
I intend to vote for the more right-wing of the two major candidates. If my choices are Obama or Romney, I'll choose Obama.
Obama, after all, hasn't jammed abortion access for underage girls and gay marriage down my throat, nor does he characterize cutting $500 Billion out of Medicare as a bad thing.
Does that make Obama a conservative, or even right-wing? No, of course not.
But if Mitt Romney is "conservative" then Obama is definitely "reactionary."
Y'all can race further to the left if you want, without me.
Your ancestors may have been serfs.
What else were they?
My maternal grandfather worked in the shoe factories in Lowell and died in an influenza attack.
My paternal grandfather was a blacksmith for the Boston&Maine.
My father was a union rigger at the Lynn GE jet engine plant.
My mother died when I was quite young.
I remember that even in the 60's my maternal aunt didn't have indoor plumbing. Lived in Merrimac and made the trips in the snow even in old age. Tough old woman.
I studied art and made money young collecting in the 70's. I've lived frugally and invested wisely.
I mention that I have wealth primarily because fringe right schmucks are prone to view leftists as welfare recipients who don't pay taxes. I pay more in taxes than you make.
"Anyway, where are the New Black Panthers now? It was NOTHING and continuing to harp on it as NotsoBreitbart would have you do is race baiting. Which is what his whole schtick was about."
Well, where's the KKK, now? You and I both know if the KKK would have pulled a stunt like this, it would have been a leftist media shitstorm, and Jackson/Sharpton would have probably passed out with glee.
The New Black Panthers are right where they want to be. They are hiding behind the protection you just gave them with your comments.
;) Keep pitchin', Ducky. Eventually you'll strike us out.
By the way, your latest comment at my blog actually made sense. Imagine that. Perhaps we rightists are rubbing off on you?
"I pay more in taxes than you make."
Congratulations! You are indeed The 99%!
Oh, the irony!
Raising the issue is not 'race baiting' and I would be just as incensed at a failure to prosecute as clear a case going the other way.
Neither the 14th Amendment nor the 1965 Voting Act draws any distinctions along racial lines. We're all supposed to be entitled to the equal protection of the law.
If we're ever going to create a color blind society, we damn well ought to start by acting color blind.
Duck said:
<< No complaints were ever filed by potential voters. How can you have voter intimidation if no complaints were filed. >>
Because a man or woman is abused by a spouse without charges filed doesn't mean they were not abused.
Because most male or female rape victims don't report rape doesn't mean they weren't raped.
Because kids get bullied and never report bullying doesn't mean they were not bullied.
But in all those cases we should seek to prevent the action. I am sure we all agree on that. Think how small the percentage of woman are that might be denied contraception. Still, there is an enormous dialogue going on about preventing that from happening. This stuff should be common sense.
Seriously interesting family tree, Ducky. You ought to maintain an art oriented website. Many of us are sorely lacking in education in the arts. That might be a valuable public service.
Silver, I can see why you'd waste your time as the blogger equivalent of paparazzi on Breitbart. He threw bombs. Big stupid bombs. And sure enough, to this day, those old erstwhile duds still go off. It's like those land mines we planted all over the place during the Cold War. Still going off. Still just as pointless and stupid as ever.
But it gets hits! It gets people commenting!
But it's all old, stupid land mines. Pointless ends to important matters.
I'm sure Silverfiddle is happy he suckered you in, even if he was well aware you wouldn't say anything intelligible regardless of what he posted.
I mention that I have wealth primarily because fringe right schmucks are prone to view leftists as welfare recipients who don't pay taxes. I pay more in taxes than you make.
Yeah, you're highest paid community college teacher in the world.
::rolls eyes::
JMJ: "Still just as pointless and stupid as ever."
Malfeasance, misfeasance, and dereliction in the Attorney General's office is pointless and stupid? Particularly when it affects one of the most fundamental rights we have?
Despite Ducky's protestations that "no charges were brought", suit had indeed been filed, and summary judgement handed down, when on orders from above the Civil Rights division of the DOJ was compelled to drop the case.
Pointless? Stupid?
I pay more in taxes than you make.
"It is easier for a rich man to go through the eye of a needle than to see the kingdom of God."
In My Lord's Service,
JMJ: Andrew stole the left's tactics and used it against you.
See, the left and their willing handmaidens in the press did this to the right all the time.
Someone starts doing it to you and you squeal like little girls who've seen a spider.
Heh heh heh...
The liberal hypocrisy continues on the Rush Limbaugh story.
This movement of angry Democrats is trying to get Rush Limbaugh off the air because he is partisan and demeaning to our president. I never thought I would see the day when so many Americans would so aggressively throw away their freedom of speech. It seems blatantly obvious that if Rush Limbaugh can be silenced for offending people who love Obama, then just maybe we could do the same to all the people on CNBC, NBC,MSNBC, and HBO...
And now that Feminazis Jane Fonda lover Gloria All-Red gets into the act, the same Gloria All-Red that called Sarah Palin is a dumb twat on the Bill Maher show!
How's that for hypocrisy?
Gloria Allred
Castigating vixen on the prowl
Under no constraints of good decorum
Never missing chances to cry foul
This dominatrix seizes every forum.
Overbearing, shrieking old virago,
Nasty as three-day-old garlic breath,
This baggage must have studied in Chicago.
Her nature like the lady named Macbeth
Eerily erupts in ersatz rage
Prompted by the lust to castrate men.
Roaring like a mad beast in a cage
Our All Red Gloria befouls her den.
With extravagant dishonesty she’ll claim
Love for Justice, but her claim is lame.
~ FreeThinke
FT.. me, I wouldn't be pointing to Bush and using him as an example of good government.
So their argument is what? Bush jumped off a bridge (+14M) so they're going to jump off a bridge (+14M) too?
The question isn't about Bush, it's about Obama, and are you better off now than before.
Hope and Change baby, Hope and Change.
I just ran through the thread again very quicky, and nowhere could I find a place where I mentioned Bush, so what did you mean?
I admit to having VOTED for GWB, but only because the alternatives appeared worse. It is my contention that there is no appreciable difference between the two parties. They have effectively merged, so all this nattering on about a "contest" is a waste of time.
Romney won't govern very differently from Obama, if he wins. The Powers That Be -- or whatever you want to call the bastards -- don't WAN'T a free and honest discussion of differing viewpoints. Whenever such a possibility threatens to emerge The Powers close ranks and go into a full court press to dismiss, defame, discredit, derail, stifle and stamp out the possibility that anyone will take such candidate seriously.
So who is in control?
It's tempting to say "the Media," of course, but in truth we are controlled by the OWNERS of the media who give the media minions their marching orders.
I can't see any other possible explanation for why things are the way they are.
John Q. Publick only "knows" what he is TOLD.
There are very very few like you who think and do research. Most people today don't even know whose portrait is on the dollar bill.
But again I have to say I have NEVER been an admirer and unqualified supporter of G.W. Bush -- OR -- his father, whom I grew to despise.
~ FreeThinke
I, too, twice voted for GWB. I surely couldn't cast my ballot for Gore or Kerry.
But I've never given GWB a pass -- much to the irritation and ire of some staunchly Republican bloggers. I know that I permanently alienated a few of those GOP bloggers. Oh, well.
Listen, AOW, if our friends cannot tolerate differences of opinion or conflicting philosophical viewpoints, they aren't really friends.
I have found much to my sorrow that many on the right are just as bigoted as most in the left.
As you know, I'm frankly opinionated, and not afraid to tell "everyone" what I think. There are some members of the "opposition" I don't believe are worthy of our attention. Arguing with them is pointless, because it never gets anywhere.
Calling them names just makes "us" look childish and mean-spirited.
But in the main we ought to maintain a healthy curiosity about other people's ideas, and look for merit, or new insights. We know who the trolls are. They're best ignored, I think, but I don't like internecine warfare and "food fights." I have to admit I've participated in my share, but the futility of it all become more apparent with each passing day.
Oh well ... None of us has the power to change the world. We can only work to try to improve ourselves, right?
~ FreeThinke
"We asked the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food and Nutrition service for month-by-month figures going back to January 2001. And they show that under President George W. Bush the number of recipients rose by nearly 14.7 million. Nothing before comes close to that.
"And under Obama, the increase so far has been 14.2 million. To be exact, the program has so far grown by 444,574 fewer recipients during Obama's time in office than during Bush's."
"PS: FinnTann, you seem always in full possession of the facts. Could you give us some material that would settle this dispute. Whose "facts" should we accept as true? Google give so much material it's virtually impossible to sort it all out. - FT"
I thought you were talking about the Bush/Obama food stamp numbers.
I'm not a Bush fan either, and it always entertains me that the first things liberals do is point to Bush, as if that somehow makes it okay to conservatives.
"Don’t blame them, they are just following Commandante O’s exhortation..."
And it's such a slavish, craven and sometimes groveling following of his orders isn't it. As if they don't have an individualist bone between the lot of them.
Thank you, Finntann:
I had run across that very data, myself, however, and one of my liberal friends insisted it proved the assertions against Obama were false, and that food stamp usage had in fact DCREAD under Obama's administration.
I have also read -- and seen several charts -- indicating an enormous spike in Food Stamp usage since the beginning of the Bush-Obama years.
Various entries also purporting to be from the USDA claim that as many as 42-48-million American are now on Food Stamps.
Obviously that does not reconcile with the much lower figures given in the statistics you cited.
Facts may be facts, but it's very difficult to know WHICH facts are true, and which twisted, skewed or invented out of while cloth for propaganda purposes.
How could we trust the USDA by the way, since it is an arm of the government, which does almost-nothing-but prevaricate?
My liberal friends claim Newt Gingrich is a liar, and that Food Stamp Usage has in truth receded in recent months.
As Pilate asked, "What is Truth?"
I don't believe there is a simple answer, since it appears to mean different things to different people.
~ FreeThinke
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