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... And Obama’s flying monkeys in the press went ape, spinning a Carteresque Obama failure into a Romney “gaff.” This collective rabble that calls itself the news media can’t even get basic facts straight, first reporting US Marines were killed. Perhaps they are spending too much time drafting propaganda broadsides against Dear Leader’s enemies.
Obama's Ministry of Propaganda
A recent “open mic” moment between an Obama fanboy from NPR and a Girl Reporter for Obama from CBS is revealing, as they discuss how to attack Romney during his press conference…
Foreign Policy is a Legitimate Campaign Topic
The minions of Obama’s Ministry of Truth also forget that John Kerry excoriated George Bush daily on foreign policy during the 2004 campaign. Besides lamenting how our soldiers were terrorizing people, Mr Teresa Heinz also used such phrases as “Quagmire” and “Phoniest thing I’ve ever heard.” (WaPo). Candidate Obama also made political hay out of troop deaths in 2008.
Obama's Ministry of Propaganda
A recent “open mic” moment between an Obama fanboy from NPR and a Girl Reporter for Obama from CBS is revealing, as they discuss how to attack Romney during his press conference…
Crawford: Yeah that’s the question. I would just say do you regret your question.Source: Mediaite – Open Mic
Shapiro: Your question? Your statement?
Crawford: I mean your statement. Not even the tone, because then he can go off on…
Shapiro: And then if he does, if we can just follow up and say ‘but this morning your answer is continuing to sound…’ – *becomes unintelligble*
Crawford: You can’t say that..
Crawford: I’m just trying to make sure that we’re just talking about, no matter who he calls on we’re covered on the one question.
Shapiro: Do you stand by your statement or regret your statement?
Foreign Policy is a Legitimate Campaign Topic
The minions of Obama’s Ministry of Truth also forget that John Kerry excoriated George Bush daily on foreign policy during the 2004 campaign. Besides lamenting how our soldiers were terrorizing people, Mr Teresa Heinz also used such phrases as “Quagmire” and “Phoniest thing I’ve ever heard.” (WaPo). Candidate Obama also made political hay out of troop deaths in 2008.
Rich Lowry puts it in perspective:
No one should get the vapors over Romney’s critique. Matters of war and peace are inherently political and should always be fodder for political campaigns.
Does anyone remember the Vietnam War? I’m sure Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard M. Nixon would have loved a rule that put debating it off limits. Instead, the protesters and politicians who opposed the war have been lionized for four straight decades.
In 1980, the foreign-policy debate didn’t stop because Americans were held hostage in Tehran. Nor did it stop in 2004 because Americans were fighting and dying in Iraq. Sen. John Kerry used the occasion of the 1,000th death in Iraq to attack everything about the war. One of his ads included the graphic: “2 Americans beheaded just this week.” (Politico-Lowry)
Mitt’s wooden personality and inability to cause worshipers to swoon at campaign events are not his biggest liabilities. Having the hostile news media arrayed against him and actively propagandizing the masses in the cause of Obama is.
Related: Inside the PR Disaster
The media is more excited that there is dissension within the political ranks regarding Romney's statements.
While bias occurs in the media [toward both parties] their support lies firmly in the paradigm of sensationalism and profit.
...although most of the gasoline they pour seems to end up on the "right" side of the political spectrum since entry into the society of "professional" journalism is generally restricted by the "liberal gatekeepers" of academia. To join, one must run the gauntlet of liberal arts propaganda re-education camps... and the only way that THAT can happen is to follow in the trail of a David Brooks and strive to become the "token" voice of far-left conservatism that regularly bashes everything to the right of left of center...
Here's a good article that discusses the Obama frenzy the news media threw themselves into after Romney's criticisms:
In the Long Run...
Cry, cry, cry nobody likes Romney
Everyone is against him
You idiots are going to lose so bad
To bad you don't have the character, or the intelligence to support a good candidate
I do not believe Barack Obama is incompetent. I do think he is neurotic, deeply angry at white society, and the epitome of narcissistic. I believe he has an agenda that is extraordinarily dangerous to the United States and innocent persons living abroad, who are about to be caught up into raging violence. I believe this is, on Obama’s part, intentional —a fire in the lake, so to speak.
This is possible, of course, because we have a press that hides the real Obama from the American people, and because at least one-third of the American people are as delusional as Ruth Marcus is. It is hard to imagine the American people have fallen so far down the ladder of rationality … but after listening to Hillary Rotten Clinton ramble on incessantly yesterday, apologizing ad nauseam about the alleged video, I am convinced that we deserve no better. After all, Obama appointed Clinton, and we the idiots overwhelmingly elected Obama in 2008.
Sheldon Adleson has pledged $100,000 to Rmoney and they stand to recoup $2-6 billion with legislation and deregulation they will have Rmoney pass though. They will own him...and us. He's also Jewish and has indicated he wants a war in Iran. So, he will sacrifice American Lives.
Wake up people.
You title today is perfect, Kurt. The is in fact an effective Super PAC for Obama. Instead of covering the breaking news in Egypt and Libya and Yemen and instead of asking the tough question of this administration about the effect of their past and present policies, they instesd spent their time try to vonvince the voters that Romney is not ready for prime time when it comes to foreign affairs and that Romne's commenys were terrible gaffs. Americans know better.
All Sheldon Adelson wants from Romney is for DOJ to drop their investigation into his hiring of Chinese "officials" to legally represent his Macao casino interests...
...Perhaps if Obama hadn't pushed Adelson into the RNC's pockets, their SuperPacs would be flush with cash instead of the GOP's this election cycle.
But then, I suppose "examples" need to be made and "token" scapegoats found.... ;)
...Else everyone would think that George Soros and HIS donor group weren't being "kept honest".
Thersites, you REALLY get it, don't you?
A man after my own mind!
Of course, Kurt is right about the Enemedia functioning a Obama's Super Pac -- Ca va sans dire, as the French would say, but it goes deeper than that.
The Enemedia may effectively control our elections, but the REAL villains in the piece are THOSE who OWN and OPERATE the ENEMEDIA.
THOSE are the guys who forever play ALL ends against the MIDDLE.
They'll SCREW then SNUFF anyone and everyone who gets in the way of their overweening ambition.
The Enemedia, of course, keeps us from ever knowing who are TRUEST enemies are.
HINT: It AIN'T Al Kyda, and it AIN'T the Commies. Those fatuous elements have been USED as PAWNS just like everyone else.
~ FT
Soros, eh?
You're very warm, Thersites, but Soros is just the most visible tip of an ENORMOUS iceberg.
~ FT
Oh yeah! The Plutocracy has it's Conservative Slaves and Right-Wing Shills all in. "For the first time since Jimmy Carter, we’ve had an American ambassador assassinated.”...
And on September 11, 2001 it was the first time a building burned down from a foreign attack since the War of 1812....
If only The Marines stationed at the Embassy in Benghazi had been given live ammo and... Let's see what else I can make up... If only
What an A - Hole this jerk is!
Mittens put his foot in the poo.
Let's not report it.
It's been reported quite extensively, Ducky. Right up there in importance with Obummer's ME policy unraveling and embassy personnel being murdered.
Obama's hallelujah choir in the press has to keep the priorities straight for us proles.
Oh, does the nasty George Soros scare Farmer?
Well Silverfiddle look at it this way, Governor Olympics (he made the bobsleds run on time) screwed the pooch so badly that even David the Bouffe Gregory spoke harshly.
Not nearly as much as Sheldon Adelson appears to scare Liberalman.
Koch Bros... say no more....
Or as featured in "The Campaign"...
...the nefarious "Moch Bros"
Pretty scary stuff, eh Count Floyd?
If Romney hadn't said anything, then that would have been the issue. simple enough, Obama wins, Romney loses.
We need to give Obama a break on this one. Asking him to show leadership is like asking him to create private sector jobs. He has never been a leader or held a job in the private sector so how is he suppose to know how to act.
Ask him to buy a union or increase government dependence and he will be all over it.
Obama's doing fine. By stating that "Egypt is not an ally" he brought them up short and let them know to crack down. Simple, effective, no missiles.
Now we have the out of control "news" outlets going all hyper because some thugs smashed the window of a KFC in Lebanon. A massive protest, please.
If they were protesting anything it was probably gay marriage and they want a Chic-fil-a.
If we look at this calmly (big if) I think it will come out that most all of this was unemployed adolescents who are frustrated and want to blow off a lot of steam.
The most troubling is Libya which is pretty certainly an Islamist operation but that's a far cry from the kind of power they used to have.
Now we have the out of control "news" outlets going all hyper because some thugs smashed the window of a KFC in Lebanon.
But I heard they got Colonel Sanders out of the country safely...
Thersites said...
...Else everyone would think that George Soros and HIS donor group weren't being "kept honest".
Lol, I knew some mooron would bring up Soros. The Koch Brothers and Adleson can buy and sell Soros a hundred times over.
If you're happy with the GOP selling YOUR Democracy to the highest bidders. Vote for RMoney. But get ready to spread 'em!
Not an ally?
That holds almost as much "sting" as every recently praised small nation in Europe holds "esteem" by being told by Obama that they"punch above their weight."
The entire world knows that Obama is ALL rhetoric, devoid of substance, an empty suit sitting on an empty chair. Thats why they all ignore him and do precisely what they were going to do before they heard any faint echoes from the void on the Potomac.
@ duckman...ps - I told ya... "scary stuff"!
Actually, the Koch Brothers have an estimated $17 billion in wealth; Soros has $14 billion. Lets see: dividing Koch wealth between two persons, then it looks as if they each have $8.5 billion.
Who is richer, Liberalman?
Maybe George should invest in Bain Capital?
Forbes has the Koch's at 25 billion each Soros at 22, and Adelson at 21.5. So a hundred times over is Lib-mann's usual hyperbole.
The MSM will do anything to take the heat of off their beloved potentate. And so of course, they will attack a real leader.
This is my thought and my sole opinion, it's time to pull out our troops and all Americans and allies, CUT all funding to Islamic nations and then well, one of my favorite phrases from Transformers, "SEND THE RAIN."
Egypt was an ally when Mubarak was in power and when did that change? 2011. On whose watch? Barak Oamateurs. What could Oamatuer have done to either support Mubarak or ensure that whoever seized power remained an ally? Oamatuer has offended or abandoned longtime allies like Egypt, England and Israel for no apparent gain.
And as for our rear Sec. of State, with all the speculation regarding when the U.S. received warning about the upcoming attacks on our embassy, it has to be noted that for the first time in years Hillary was all done up pretty! Her hair was freshly washed and had an artful wave. She wore make up. She has looked like a hag with dark circles under her eyes and straight stringy hair or hair pulled back tight for the entire time she has been traveling as SOS. So I suspect that she had significant warning that she would be in the international spotlight, and all over the media. .. But no matter how much she tries to spin it, she won't get won't get Zippy out of this mess..His policies are getting Americans killed. It's unimaginable that anyone can vote for the re-election of this POS
Send the rain, Leticia?
Don't be an ass. Then gas goes to $8.00 a gallon and you're on the curb with a begging bowl.
Not worth it.
Bullshit Ducky!
We have oil here if King Obama would just let us extract it.
I kept seeing the open mic stuff and the montage of Romney being asked the questions, cutting out his answers and I wondered what his answers were.
They were great!
I put the youtube at my blog or you can look it up.
Here it is:
I was wondering when the ass-kissers in the media will shrug off the veneer of being balanced and just come out with their i-love-obama t shirts.
Glad they did, let more people see them for the sycophantic whores they really are.
Hey Shaw... Talk about shooting first! Obama shot first with the white Cambridge cop. He shot first with Tayvon Martin. I'd say that Incompetent comes to mind......or rather, dereliction of duty.....put that into your bias blog.. Obama has been and does remain an embarrassment as a man and president...
Bottom line: Obama is a wimp Carter was a wimp and Regan was not... Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Sorry, Ducky your worthless and pitiful insults won't work. We have the natural resources, but your precious messiah refuses to use them.
And I stand by my opinion. Deal with it.
We may have the potential to develop our own supply of energy, but with the amount of time -- and MONEY -- it would take to tap into them, and get the pipelines flowing, Ducky is probably right about the escalated cost of fuel.
Unfortunately, there is no quick or easy "fix" for this problem. It's not as simple as some seem to believe.
Also, do we really want to lop the tops off many of our beautiful mountains and pollute our groundwater and all that just to be able to continue what for many is an insane, stress-laden lifestyle?
Of course there can be no going back to "the halcyon days of yore," but remaining static in our current condition of wasteful agony and ever-rising costs is untenable. Though the word is soiled because of the political corruption attached to it, either we make PROGRESS or we DIE.
Harming or destroying the environment -- IF that would be the inevitable result of further domestic drilling -- is as foolish and even more feckless than the hasty establishment of Lyndon Johnson's Great Society has proved itself to be.
As the noted American humorist James Thurber once said:
~ FreeThinke
FT: You posit a false dichotomy. We can extract energy without harming the environment, and it all doesn't have to come from the US. It just doesn't have to come from the world's nuthouse known as the Middle East.
I said "IF exploiting our own potential WOULD harm the environment," Silver -- a big IF.
My secondary point about the wastefulness and fundamental insanity of our current lifestyle is well taken, however.
Our priorities frankly STINK.
There's far too much of Moochella Gorilla, our First Party Doll, in too many of us. (See the two-part post on that sorry subject at Freethinke's Blog).
~ FT
One man's "wastefulness and fundamental insanity" is another man's tasteful living.
Sounds like you've fallen for the Malthusian left's propaganda.
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