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Barring a big gaffe, I predict nothing earth-shattering out of this evening's debate.
Obama's winged monkeys in the press echoed the campaign propaganda blaming The Messiah's dismal performance in the last debate on Romney's myriad lies.
That's right. Mitt Romney is not satisfied with firing men and killing their wives, this evil millionaire performed a nefarious denial of service attack on the President's brain, causing the Smartest President Ever to literally lock up. But not to worry, he had some snappy comebacks... The next day!
I hope the supposed lying comes up this evening, because El Presidente has some problems of his own in that department...
The Roof is caving in on Obama's house of lies...
... And with spin like this, they are panicking
* AARP has issued at least two requests for the Obama campaign to stop invoking its name in its campaign propaganda.
* Coal Miners ask Obama to Stop 'Absolute Lies'
* Sesame Street has asked the Obama campaign to cease and desist the use of its characters
* The Princeton economist who published a detailed study of Romney’s tax plan has stated that the Obama Campaign is misrepresenting his work when they make the tendentious claim that Romney wants to take $5 trillion from the middle class and give it to rich people:
* Erstwhile news organization AP has taken to ambush photography in service to their messiah
* Obama supporters were caught using dirty tricks to get the Catholic vote
* The latest cheap lie: Blaming the GOP for the Benghazi terrorist attack
Soledad O'Brien, perhaps the dumbest woman on tv, most definitely the dullest knife in CNN's drawer, opened a partisan attack on Utah congressman Jason Chaffetz:
So there were no cuts, and the blame is right back in Obama's lap, where it should be.
Obama and his minions are getting desperate, folks. The rotten edifice they've built is collapsing on them. The next three weeks will see a frenzy of mudball fusillades and character smears from the O-bots. It's going to be a slugfest.
But Princeton economist Harvey Rosen told The Huffington Post in an interview on Tuesday that there is no way that this claim is accurate. "My paper doesn't say it, doesn't imply it," Rosen said.
He said that, if anything, his paper reached the opposite conclusion about Romney's tax plan. "The paper shows that if you look at individual taxpayers with incomes of $200,000 or more, there is sufficient revenue from base broadening and growth to make up for the revenue lost from lower tax rates. Therefore, there is no need to make up revenue from groups with below $200,000." (HuffPo)* NBC has asked the Obama Campaign to stop using its news personalities as campaign ad props
* Erstwhile news organization AP has taken to ambush photography in service to their messiah
* Obama supporters were caught using dirty tricks to get the Catholic vote
* The latest cheap lie: Blaming the GOP for the Benghazi terrorist attack
Soledad O'Brien, perhaps the dumbest woman on tv, most definitely the dullest knife in CNN's drawer, opened a partisan attack on Utah congressman Jason Chaffetz:
While speaking to CNN, Chaffetz was asked if he had "voted to cut the funding for embassy security."
"Absolutely," he replied. "Look we have to make priorities and choices in this country. We have…15,000 contractors in Iraq. We have more than 6,000 contractors, a private army there, for President Obama, in Baghdad. And we’re talking about can we get two dozen or so people into Libya to help protect our forces. When you’re in tough economic times, you have to make difficult choices. You have to prioritize things."Poor Soledad thought she had an opening, so she pressed her attack, suggesting that his cuts could be tied directly to the Benghazi deaths. That's when Chaffetz lowered the boom, showing her for the mental midget that she is, informing this supposed news person that there were no cuts because the Senate hasn't passed a budget in four years, they've been running on continuing resolutions.
So there were no cuts, and the blame is right back in Obama's lap, where it should be.
Obama and his minions are getting desperate, folks. The rotten edifice they've built is collapsing on them. The next three weeks will see a frenzy of mudball fusillades and character smears from the O-bots. It's going to be a slugfest.
Not to worry. The leader From Behind has more cards up his sleeve. Another unofficial official leak was made yesterday that El prresidente is thinking about sending his drone to kill those bastards who killed four brave Americans or, at least some poor bastards, just in time for an election bumb, which is so badly needed. I'm sure the real killers won't go into hiding.
The media as Obama's winged monkeys in the press? Good turn of phrase!
Requests not to be used by the Obama campaign = rats leaving the sinking ship.
"Look we have to make priorities and choices in this country. We have…15,000 contractors in Iraq. We have more than 6,000 contractors, a private army there, for President Obama, in Baghdad.
This jerkoff is trying to pin Iraq on Obama instead of the right wing diaper pissers.
I guess your idea of an intelligent woman is (m)Ann Coulter (you like the anorexic look?) or maybe Michelle Malkin. Next to those two (or any other rethug talking head) Soledad O'Brian comes off looking like freaking Hannah Arendt.
According to Smith's group, "Faithful Citizenship meetings were organized by the Diocese of Cleveland with the goal of aiding Catholics in preparing themselves to vote this November. The forums, led in part by open Obama-supporter Karen Leith, downplay abortion and religious freedom, issues of irreducible importance to Catholic voters."
So this fringe right clown speaks for all Catholic voters?
Stop whining. This is as ridiculous as most of your other points.
"This jerkoff is trying to pin Iraq on Obama instead of the right wing diaper pissers."
To be fair, Obama is trying to take credit for our withdrawal from Iraq, when the framework was in place during the previous Administration.
... and Mrs. Greenspan his a beef with Obama. Color me shocked !!!!
Mrs. Greenspan, member of the "liberal" (LMFAO) media.
@Insurgent -- To be fair, Obama is trying to take credit for our withdrawal from Iraq, when the framework was in place during the previous Administration.
Agreed, I'd be the last to say The Black Bush is in a hurry to leave the mid East but you'd be hard pressed to find any mainstream politicians who don't favor maintaining a presence.
Ducky: I feel sorry for Soledad. She gets caught flat-footed so often. She obviously was not hired for her brains.
But it's campaign season
Let's not overlook Eddie Munster pretending he's rubbing shoulders with poor folk.
You know, Ducky, you'd be more credible if you took the same dim view of all sides.
Silver, I don't believe this is a subject that allows you to be objective.
She did a good job making Giuliani (R - Keep the fringe right safe from squeegee men) look stupid he other day.
I have seen her schooled repeatedly in ways I have not seen it happen to other news personalities.
That liberation theology piece was devastating. She wades into the issues after reading Wikipedia and then gets her ass handed to her when she goes up against somebody who knows what they are doing. I've also seen her reading DNC talking point as she attempts to interrogate members of the enemy camp, which to her is anyone not a liberal democrat.
And why did Obama Fly off to Vegas for a "Fund-raiser" the night of the Benghazi attack?
Shouldn’t he (Obama) have been meeting with his National Security Staff before flying off to his Las Vegas fund-raiser? How soon after the attack did he meet with the people from State Department, or the Director of National Intelligence, or anyone else to try to sort out what happened in Benghazi? Or was he too busy talking to Hillary making up stories like blaming it all on a little bitty “Film” maker to cover this thing up and then they threw him in Jail. !
And while I’m on the subject of Madam Hillary, where the hell is she and where the hell has she been all this time? And why did she send in that Twerp Charlene Lamb to take the heat and to testify instead of herself? Like sending a Lamb to Slaughter! It
You should put up the clip of her absolutely punching Sununu's lights out.
They'll SAY "The Comeback Kid" came back, OF COURSE, even if he falls on his rear end -- just the way they fell all over themselves touting Mitt Romney with excessive praise after the first debate.
Why would the enemedia overpraise Romney, you ask?
Simple: So he will have a much greater height to fall from when they revert to slinging their stones and shooting their arrows and then doing their usual hatchet job on anyone who smacks, however faintly, of conservatism.
It's all been CHOREOGRAPHED well in advance.
I'll be very surprised if there are any surprises. No matter how well it goes one way or another, Mitt Romney has been scheduled well in advance to LOSE this debate, even if he wins it.
Mark my words, but please pray I will soon be forced to eat them.
~ FreeThinke
If the atmosphere in here has become so malodorous as to be reminiscent of a poorly tended outhouse, it must be because entirely too many assholes have stopped by making copious deposits of the waste product they were specifically designed to emit.
Ducky: I've seen the video, and you are delusional, an condition not uncommon among hopium smokers.
You're offering weak tea today. Feeling under the weather?
I'll take it easy on you. You're attempting to defend the indefensible. I look for you to become more unstable as election day draws nearer and if the polls stay tight.
Also Ducky, I gotta hand it to you, no one diverts attention from the topic at hand better than you.
Regardless of Soledad's intellect, her point fell flat in the face of the facts. Look at the video embedded in the linked article.
And, as always, the other facts I presented, that you characteristically ignored, still stand.
One great snarky rant! Thanks, I needed it!
Excuse me Silver but one possibly bad segment to "dumbest woman on TV" is such blatant hyperbole that you are open to ridicule and counter examples.
By your reason her rag dolling the idiot Sununu makes her , what? The smartest woman on TV. No, something in between.
If she is the dumbest woman on TV, what does that make Sununu, the dumbest man? Well, you may have something.
John Sununu??? Mr. 176 IQ?
"informing this supposed news person that there were no cuts because the Senate hasn't passed a budget in four years"
SF, I think you are the first ones, outside of Chaffetz, to make this point, that the Dems think we have forgotten.
What about your house of lies, Silver?
"AARP has issued at least two requests for the Obama campaign to stop invoking its name in its campaign propaganda."
Obama did not lie about what he cited from the AARP. The AARP is simply a non-partisan organization that would prefer to never be used in any campaign by any party.
"Coal Miners ask Obama to Stop 'Absolute Lies'"
They're the ones lying. There is no war on coal, for one, and secondly, the story about the mandatory, unpaid participation in the Romney rally is true.
"Sesame Street has asked the Obama campaign to cease and desist the use of its characters"
Because they do not want to get dragged into the election, not because what Obama is saying is untrue. The sleazy anti-American cons, as usual, are attacking PBS, which, given the sleazy anti-American cons wishes, would be taken away from small poor and rural markets around the country. Only a sleazy anti-American con would want that.
"The Princeton economist who published a detailed study of Romney’s tax plan has stated that the Obama Campaign is misrepresenting his work when they make the tendentious claim that Romney wants to take $5 trillion from the middle class and give it to rich people"
Whether that economist believes it or not, many others do. And the studies Romney cites, even according to Fox New's Chris Wallace are conflicted.
"NBC has asked the Obama Campaign to stop using its news personalities as campaign ad props"
Silver, I have to ask you, how is Obama using these groups who would prefer to stay out of the election "lies?"
"Erstwhile news organization AP has taken to ambush photography in service to their messiah"
"Obama supporters were caught using dirty tricks to get the Catholic vote"
The only "dirty trick" there would be the anti-Mormon stuff - if that's true. Certainly the Obama campaign would never endorse that, so you are lying about Obama here.
"The latest cheap lie: Blaming the GOP for the Benghazi terrorist attack"
Obama lied here??? What are you talking about???
You got NOTHING, Silver.
"Ducky's here said...
"You should put up the clip of her absolutely punching Sununu's lights out."
Don't know which one you are talking about but all I saw her do is have that shi_ smile, maybe Obiden learned from her, and no defense of any argument.
She works for the Obama team but the good thing is no one watches her. She has lower ratings than Wolf Blister and that is practically zero.
"John Sununu??? Mr. 176 IQ?"
The fact the Ducky thought Soledad did good against Sununu explains why he's voting for Obama.
OK, Jersey, perhaps not lies, but certainly dishonesty and trickery, most evident in the blatant dishonesty about the analysis of Romney's plan.
The man who did the mathematical analysis says Obama is wrong. How much more proof do you need?
Have you read the man's study? Or did you just ingest the propaganda fed to you by the Ministry of Truth.
You Obamabots need a new theme song. How about Jackson Brown's "Running on Empty..."
But getting back to lying, we were told he was so damn smart. So far, he hasn't shown it.
Silver, it's not that Romney's plan doesn't cut 5 trillion in revenue (and adds another 2 tril in military spending), but just where those lost revenues go (not just solely to the very rich). But that's just parsing. It's still yet another selfish, irresponsible, sleazy con scheme.
Sure Jersey, I guess capping deductions for the rich really ISN'T a part of Romney's plan to keep the rich from sucking up all the Middle class tax breaks...
Oh wait, but it is, but no reporters ever mention the fact...
If a tree falls in the forest, and no one hears it, did it really exist....?
Dishonest by ommission, THAT is the MSm's game now...
The fact the Ducky thought Soledad did good against Sununu explains why he's voting for Obama.
Let's get it straigh, I'm voting Green and I believe I have made my attitude toward Obama quite clear.
Now run along back to watching Honey Boo Boo.
I wonder who the Obama campaign will use next? Maybe Sleestaks from Land of the Lost.
They are getting desperate and they should be, the lies are catching up with this administration and no one wants to be associated with them.
I can't blame them.
What is Honey Boo Boo?
@The sleazy anti-American cons, as usual, are attacking PBS, which, given the sleazy anti-American cons wishes, would be taken away from small poor and rural markets around the country. Only a sleazy anti-American con would want that.
Okay Jersey, Out of the cabbage truck... I'd say you just fell off the back of one, but obviously you're buried so far under cabbage you haven't a clue.
First, I'm in a small rural market, in fact, you can't even get broadcast TV "over the air". Wake up and smell the airwaves... the entire nation is blanketed with satellite coverage. Drive around my neighborhood and every house from million dollar log mansions to 1960 single-wides are equipped with the ubiquitous satellite dish or cable junction box.
So, exactly what need is PBS fulfilling? To imply that rural markets wouldn't have access to PBS or television is dishonest and disingenuous. Government funding of PBS is an anachronism that should have went the way of the rural electrification program when widespread satellite and cable coverage became the norm.
I have access to two PBS stations as part of my basic satellite package, for another $2.50 a month I can have access to the PBS national feed.
A common misconception is that federal funding goes to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting it does not. Go to their website:
The Corporation for Public Broadcasting is only a middle-man,
"distributes critical funding to 1300 locally owned and operated TV and radio stations". and only provides on average 15% of their funding.
Why? In 2006 the FCC stated that only 14% of homes receive their programming over the air. By 2008 that number had fallen to 10% (Neilson/Television Bureau of Advertising).
PBS reaches 96% of households. NBC, CBS and ABC and Fox reach 97%. So we certainly aren't paying to provide access to rural markets. PBS market share peaked in 1987 with 3 million viewers and seldom breaks 1 million today according to the Nielson ratings.
So exactly what are we paying for?
Jill Stein, WOW! One of the few people Gary Johnson actually stands a chance of beating.
P.S. She just called and needs someone to make bail.
Dr. Stein and Ms. Honkala then turned and began walking onto the debate grounds, at which point the rank of police officers physically stopped them and pushed them back. The two women sat down and the police arrested them, saying that Stein and Honkala would be charged with "obstructing traffic,"
I feel for you though brother... Gary is excluded too.
And Marco Rubio and Chris Wallace are calling Rmoney out for his lies.
@Insurgent -- To be fair, Obama is trying to take credit for our withdrawal from Iraq, when the framework was in place during the previous Administration.
Plans are made all the time during administrations. Obama was the President, he called the order. He got it done.
Wow, just in time for the debate, Rmoney reveals his tax plan!
"What is Honey Boo Boo?"
Lady Ga Ga's indigent sister who turns tricks for crusts of stale bread on the streets of San Francisco. You mean you didn't KNOW?
She used to be great friends with Obama's aged illegal-immigrant aunt, Odingal Berri who lives on welfare in Boston.
I have to admit I went to your link to find Romney's tax plan because no one, not even Romney and Ryan themselves, seem to know what it is.
I expected to get a 404 Page Not Found error. LOL!
"Obama was the President, he called the order. He got it done."
Well said! Applies equally to the murder of our ambassador in Benghazi, as well as the doubling of gas prices, the spike in grocery prices and the shrunken job market.
Thanks for providing the clarity!
Damn, just had a 5.0 earthquake. Must be global warming.
Maybe it was Al Gore releasing his Chakras...
Lib-Mann hoist with his own petard again LOL
My buddy Rich at Mullings.com says "Anything short of actually snoring while waiting his (Obama's) turn will be proclaimed, by the comedy team of Cutter & Axelrod, "a victory of historic proportions."
Loved that!
Ducky's serious DF. Felt as far away as Albany
Nonsense. It's Romney, not the "MSM," that has refused to define exactly what deductions and loopholes he would change.
This is how I know you are a pseudo-intellectual. PBS offers LOCAL programming. Try watching it. Maybe you'd actually learn something.
And then you sleazily, as all coins do, use averages, ignoring the amount spent and raised in big markets.
Nice try, but I actually understand math.
"So exactly what are we paying for?"
Quality programming for people with better developed frontal lobes as opposed to just lowest-common-denominator commercial programming for the common slobbola.
A cap on deductions closes ALL the loopholes for those making millions.
Jersey, first of all, those over developed appendages you are referring to as frontal lobes are actually your gluteus maximus...were you to pull your head out, you might discover that.
@"And then you sleazily, as all coins do, use averages, ignoring the amount spent and raised in big markets."
Really? I thought you were talking about "small poor and rural markets around the country."
Exactly what is your position? I've rebutted your poor and rural market position so now it's big markets?
Local news? As I said... I live in a rural area without broadcast coverage and have a choice of not one but five channels that offer local news. None of them are PBS which doesn't air local news, and I have access to TWO PBS stations.
Finally, you pretentious ass, I do watch PBS. It is, usually, quality programming but it does not need to be underwritten by the American taxpayer. Believe me, WGBH and the majority of the PBS 'quality' producers aren't going to go out of business if the goverment feeding trough is taken away. Although I might add that creating "quality programming" is not a legitimate function of government.
So Chicken Little, keep running around screaming "The sky is falling, the sky is falling".
I see Ducky's delusional fantasies have entered the comments.
You can't be a true, faithful Catholic and vote for a Democrat.
Obama and Biden support five intrinsic evils. Ryan does NOT support any intrinsic evils. Only a cafeteria Catholic "social justice Catholic" would even think about supporting someone who votes to leave babies to die.
Although I might add that creating "quality programming" is not a legitimate function of government.
So what is a legitimate function of government? What you decide it is?
How do we decide?
And please DO NOT tell me that the constitution definitively answers the question. Don't embarrass yourself.
But if the constitution does not, what does Ducky?
And don't embarrass yourself...
FT, please tell me that you understand the point I made about the mathematical use of averages to prove my point. Otherwise, try reading it a few more times.
If you use national average to show the percentage of federal spending on PBS you neglect the fact that in the major commercial centers, PBS needs far less of that funding than the majority of the countryside. You'd be stripping PBS from many, many local markets where it provides high quality, productive local programming.
Get it?
IOW: Don't let idiots, who've apparently never in their entire life watched a local public broadcasting station, make any national spending decisions whatsoever. Bad. Idea.
The Constitutional does not define all the responsibilities of government. It allows for the People to decide other Constitutional responsibilities to take on.
Why you guys don't understand the "living document" concept (let alone the concept of a republic) is beyond me. It is the very beauty of the Constitution. I guess you guys just prefer lists of rules. Nice and simple.
Constitution aside for the moment...
We are spending roughly half a billion dollars a year to support 1300 locally owned television stations for no reason other than inertia.
Welcome to the 21st century, the telecommunications dilema has been solved.
We killed the rural electrification program in 94, how is that any different from PBS other than you may like their programming? We do not need goverment subsidies to provide television access to consumers any more, so now it all comes down to programming, doesn't it?
Cable video penetration of homes is 43.7%
Digital penetration is 81.3%
Satellite penetration is >99% with the only hindrance being impossible look angles due to terrain and other obscura.
Me, I'm in one of the 6% of US households that can't buy 4Mbps access (1.5 is all I get), do you hear me whining for government subsidies?
But no! Once the goverment trough goes out we can never let it go empty, can we?
You sound like one of those evangelicals who think the constitution is enjoined with scripture, Silver.
It has the finality of revealed truth? Come on, cut the crap.
Proponents of the "living document" theory of the Constitution would prefer to be ruled by expedience rather than principal. On that path lies danger.
No it isn't revealed truth, it's truth deduced by some very astute students of history, politics, and human nature. Times change, people not so much. All the dangers they foresaw are present now, and always.
I've always thought the Founders left us, in Herman Wouk's words "... a system designed by geniuses for execution by idiots." If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
First, let me apologize to the rest of you for this post:
@This is how I know you are a pseudo-intellectual. PBS offers LOCAL programming.
Jersey you smug self-righteous prick, pull your head out for a second so I can shove the Rocky Mountain PBS programming schedule for 17 October up your ass:
12:00am Tavis Smily episode #2712
12:30am Travelscope: Crossing the Swiss Alps
1:00am Burt Wolf: Travels and Traditions: San Francisco
1:30am Rick Steves Europe: Norway's West
2:00am Richard Bangs Adventures with Purpose: Greece
3:00am Globe Trekker: London City Guide 1
4:00am America's Heartland episode #613
4:30am Body Electric
5:00am Jerry Yarnell School of Fine Arts
5:30am Classical Stretch, Core and Hips
6:00am Priscilla's Yoga Episode #13
6:15am Priscilla's Yoga Episode #14
6:30am Curious George
7:00am The Cat in the Hat Knows A Lot About That
7:30am Super Why!: The cookbook
8:00am Dinosaur Train: The Good Mom/Hornucopia
8:30am Clifford the Big Red Dog
9:00am Sesame Street
1000:am Barney & Friends
10:30am Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood
11:00am Arthur: All about D.W
11:30am Martha Speaks: Martha in the Whitehouse
12:00pm Curious George
12:30pm WordWorld: Bit by Bit
1:00pm Sid the Science Kid
1:30pm Pati's Mexican Table
2:00pm Mexico - One Plate at a Time
2:30pm America's Test Kitchen
3:00pm World Girl: Victor Victoria
4:00pm Cyberchase: The Eye of Rom
4:30pm Arthur: All about DW
5:00pm BBC World News America
5:30pm Nightly Business Report
6:00pm PBS Newshour
7:00pm Nature: Wolverine
8:00pm Nova: Forensics on Trial
9:00pm Nova: ScienceNOW
10:00pm Keeping Up Appearances
10:30pm BBC World News
11:00pm Charlie Rose
Care to point out some local programming for me?
And before you accuse me of making it up, here's the frigging link so you can check it yourself:
Three news programs, none of them local, in fact... none of the programming is local.
AND I get BBC World News America on BBC America to boot.
Three satellite elliptical dish - hundreds of channels, 130 in HD... what the hell do we need PBS for again?
Want to talk percentages? PBS claims 96% household penetration. What percentage of that leverages existing commercial satellite and cable penetration. I looked and could not find an over the air broadcast penetration for PBS.
So tell me Einstein... what percentage of American households would receive no TV without PBS? No local coverage?
Who would go without access to quality programming? Which I might add is an entirely subjective opinion...Mexico one plate at a time anyone?
There is no legitimate reason for the US Government to subsidize PBS.
Sorry viburnum but the government is the people who control it, no?
If we have no idea how we can gain control of our representation then how satisfactory is the government?
Or we can go back to living in the 18th century with no central banking and an agricultural economy and assume one size government fits all.
Sorry viburnum but the government is the people who control it, no?
So... government is mob rule... slavery is okay, so long as the majority votes for it.
We need no defined principles in a binding document.
I don't know about the Rockies, Finntann but WGBH has an hour of local news and discussion each day.
Local NPR has considerably more.
I assume you're arguing for an oligarchy, Finntann?
"Mob rule" generally is used by someone who's afraid the poor might have a voice and don't deserve one.
Yeah, the founding mediocrities were right up front about ending slavery. Are you insane?
Or perhaps the rest of us should just shut up and do whatever you folks in the top ten metropolitan areas tell us to do, worked for ancient Greece didn't it? Who needs a Republic?
Got news for you...
@Bad at math --- Sure Jersey, I guess capping deductions for the rich really ISN'T a part of Romney's plan to keep the rich from sucking up all the Middle class tax breaks...
Yeah, he gives the rich a 20% marginal rate cut. Then he eliminates earned income credit, child care deductions and mortgage interest deductions. Of course the elimination of deductions makes almost no difference to the very high income earners and they com out still way ahead while BadAtMath along with the other suckers get a plank shoved up their collective arse.
Damn you right wingers are out of it. Simple arithmetic eludes you, it's not tensor analysis Farmer.
Are you insane?
No, are you an idiot and actually advocating direct representative democracy in a nation of 311 million people?
Do you think those of us in the 'fly-over' states are going to sit back and let you dictate terms to us? There is a reason we are a federal republic after all. You do realize that 9 states constitutes a majority, don't you? What are those of us in the other 41 supposed to do? Submit?
As to WGBH, I am very familiar with it, I lived there for 9 years. You do realize it is also one of the major television production studios in the country, right?
While on the subject of taxation... and I'll be fair and won't even provide a figure.
What percentage of Americans paying no taxes is acceptable?
What percentage of voters should get to vote for largesse, while having no stake in paying for largess?
5%? 10%? 20%? 40%? 50%?
At what point does the system break down and leave us with nothing more than bread and circuses?
I've said it before I'll say it again: I would advocate raising the federal minumum wage to 8.25 if we raised the minimum tax rate to 10%.
10% of 8.25 is 82.5 cents, a net increase in income of 17.5 cents.
But then at least... after that, all people would have a stake in what government spent and what government taxed.
re the constitution: It has the finality of revealed truth? Come on, cut the crap.
It does not have the finality of truth, but rather the finality of being an amendable ruling document.
See, you did make a fool of yourself, and Jersey's "Living Document" crap added to the foolishness.
Jersey: Let's you and I play poker, and I'll spring some "living rules" on you depending on how it goes for me, OK?
Didn't Romney want to eliminate deductions only for Obama's most hated group, the rich small business owner.
Obama nor his lemmings address the 47% who pay no income tax. Shouldn't they pay some even if it is 5%. Romney stated several times that the top 5% will stay pay 60% of all income taxes and that won't change.
BTW, Don't know if you missed it last night but Obama killed bin Laden.
I'm sorry, FT, that you don't appreciate any of the programming on your local public stations, but just because you find all that silly and pointless doesn't mean other people wouldn't be all the better for hearing it. I'm sorry that you think so small.
I hope that rotten heap of sh!t they created comes down squarely on the lot of them. They sure deserve it.
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