Sunday, October 18, 2015

We have met the enemy and he is us!

In one of the final questions of the Democratic debate Anderson Cooper asked each candidate which enemy he was most proud of making.  

Hillary Clinton responded "Republicans"
Bernie Sanders answered "Wall Street"
Lincoln Chafee said "The Coal Industry"
Martin O'Malley replied "The NRA"

Senator Jim Webb is a decorated Marine combat veteran, recipient of the Navy Cross, Silver Star, two Bronze Stars, and two Purple Hearts.  He received the Navy Cross for shielding a fellow marine from a grenade blast with his own body and taking out the bunker the grenade came from. The enemy Jim Webb was most proud of making... the Viet Cong.

Of the five Democratic Party candidates four of them cited their fellow Americans as the enemies they were most proud of making.

The left calls him crazy, creepy, sneers at him, and demeans him.

Disturbing, isn't it.

Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Lincoln Chafee, and Martin O'Malley aren't worthy of wiping Jim Webb's ass. 

We have met the enemy and he is us.

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